WAI Coordination Call Teleconference

29 Jul 2024


Shawn, janina, kevin, James, Valerie


<shawn> agenda order 1,5,2,4,3


hard stops or can go past top of hour, agenda triage

TPAC breakouts and CSUN submissions https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/Main_Page#Planning


janina: now that we have a github repo

<shawn> https://github.com/w3c/ai-accessibility

janina: lets do something with a messaging subdirectory with the various kinds of messaging media that we want to message for

shawn: sounds good

<janina> https://github.io/w3c/ai-accessibility/

shawn: but what is the scope of this work? lets be very respectful of what else is going on in the field, lets not reinvent the wheel, make sure we have the right people involved
... once we getting everything figured out, lets figure out how to message it

janina: lets figure out how to message as contributors not competitors
... we are still discuss what the scope of the work is
... there is a draft from Scott Hollier about the scope
... it is not an AUR

AUR: accessibility user requirements

<shawn> https://www.w3.org/WAI/research/user-requirements/

shawn: I have a page to describe those, the link ^

<jamesn> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/ai-accessibility/main/index.html

shawn: what are we doing to define the requirements?
... can we have a page that contains this info?

janina: the wiki that started this contains that, and we will move it over. WE need to create a larger frame work to define the scope, that is the next step

shawn: do you have a link to the wiki?

<shawn> @@wiki with some AI

shawn: what are you thinking on timing?

janina: FPWD nextyear
... I'll raise it on wednesday

shawn: we want to control the messaging around this, so we should get the news out before people get the news out

jamesn: this is a note track document, no spec stuff?

janina: right

jamesn: one there is more to review, I'll review, I'll track here for now

shawn: I'll keep it in agenda tracking

jamesn: our group sits in an AI ethics group

shawn: we need to be aware of that activity too

jamesn: in my corporate structure, I mean

janina: for example, we should contact jutta

Maturity Model(s) Coordination

janina: so I think we need a chat at TPAC, rather than people talking to me.. we should have a coordination convo
... and lets figure that agenda out before TPAC
... we have to groups working on maturity models. the APA work is close to finished, the remaining github issues are around 30.
... the model has been run in a couple of work environments, for example VMWare and intel. And Benetech spent a year on the maturity model, found it very useful
... we want to get it out there so people can start using it. Useful work is also happening in the community group, but it's less mature
... the community group is focused on a maturity model focused on equity, and interest in a sustainability model
... we think the APA model is also extendable to these things, so we should stay coordinated

shawn: are the key players going to be at TPAC?

janina: yes

shawn: thanks for the update, anything for us to do specifically?

janina: another wide review of the maturity model would be good
... (lists lots of questions about the maturity model)

shawn: we shouldn't have maturity models that have a lot of duplication

janina: for example, the goals and how you achieve an aspect of the goal, that is different between accessibility/equity/sustainability

shawn: you have the base recourse, and you can specify those specific things

kevin: I have nothing to add

jamesn: I see a lot of overlap on equity side, maybe not on sustainability

janina: I haven't talk to anyone about sustainability, I think it is tzyvia
... Sherry hasn't been around a lot, she is the main go between
... she will be on the call coming up

jamesn: I'm just thinking in the abstract, I don't see the relationship. it's very different people who would be assessing whether you would meet them in the same company
... if so, should we have the same maturity model for all of the W3c?

janina: we shouldn't hold up what is a useful maturity model for accessibility, lets not hold it up, lets publish it

<kevin> +1 for over widening scope

jamesn: I hesitate about making things too wide in scope. in large organizations, the more you put in it, the less likely it is to get uptake

<shawn> [ Shawn nodding in agreement ]

janina: it is a lot of work to implement the accessibility maturity model

APA+Epub Agenda at TPAC

janina: we are talking in APA what we should do about this
... I can't define the agenda at the moment
... what do we expect the document about accessibility to contain?
... it lays out the challenges and doesn't layout out solutions/best practices
... this is an interesting time, they are not working on any new versions. lets layout expectations.
... what are the drivers for epub 4
... we have some thoughts from APA, applying some existing visualization technologies, might support fixed layout, and could help low vision usecases that the existing epub 3

jamesn: we see there is an APA cross meeting, we'd like to know what topics you wanted to cover

janina: that was out of a request last year from matt king, specifically, the APG
... he wanted to coordinate with whether the APA practice guidelines should be combined with the APG
... I need to get the list together of possible overlap

shawn: there is a lot of support for moving things out of TR into a more usable format, lets be cautious about merging it with APG

janina: I agree

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2024/07/29 17:03:17 $

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Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/??/Scott Hollier/
Succeeded: s/jamesn:/janina:/
Succeeded: s/FPW next /FPWD next/
Succeeded: s/out group/our group/
Succeeded: s/???/jutta/
Succeeded: s/TPAX/TPAC/
Succeeded: s/janina: thanks/shawn: thanks/
Succeeded: s/existing epub 4/existing epub 3/
Default Present: Shawn, janina, kevin, James, Valerie
Present: Shawn, janina, kevin, James, Valerie
Regrets: Matthew_Atkinson
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<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

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