19:02:41 RRSAgent has joined #aria-at 19:02:45 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/07/25-aria-at-irc 19:02:48 rrsagent, make log public 19:02:54 Zakim, start the meeting 19:02:54 RRSAgent, make logs Public 19:02:56 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jugglinmike 19:03:03 present+ jugglinmike 19:03:05 scribe+ jugglinmike 19:03:25 meeting: ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group Weekly Teleconference 19:03:53 howard-e has joined #aria-at 19:04:20 present+ 19:05:13 present+ 19:05:20 Joe_Humbert has joined #aria-at 19:05:28 Matt_King has joined #aria-at 19:05:40 present+ Matt_King 19:06:01 present+ Joe_Humbert 19:07:11 Topic: Review agenda and next meeting dates 19:07:18 Matt_King: Next community group meeting: Wednesday, July 31 19:07:24 Matt_King: Next AT Driver Subgroup meeting: Monday August 8 19:07:34 Matt_King: Requests for changes to agenda? 19:07:41 present+ Boaz_Sender 19:07:54 Boaz_Sender: I'd like to add to the agenda 19:08:03 present+ Lola_Odelola 19:08:19 Lola_Odelola: I'd like to add to the agenda, too 19:09:57 Boaz_Sender: I'd like to talk about advanced conflict view (issue #975 in ARIA-AT App) and also about the verdict API design (issue #1084 in ARIA-AT) 19:12:16 Lola_Odelola: I'd like to talk about what's next based on feedback that was given as part of the MDN survey, "State of HTML 2023" (we're going through the responses in the Web DX community group) 19:13:21 Matt_King: Okay, I've added those items to the agenda 19:14:24 s/August 8/August 12/ 19:14:58 Topic: Current status 19:15:14 Matt_King: There's probably going to be some changes to this pretty soon, based on yesterday's meeting with Vispero 19:15:24 Matt_King: Currently, we have three plans approved by Vispero 19:15:39 Matt_King: We're hoping to have maybe five or six plans approved, soon 19:16:16 Matt_King: The "slider" test plan is in review, now 19:16:36 Matt_King: Next up, we have "disclosure navigation menu" and "action menu button" 19:17:41 Topic: Testing of Color Viewer Slider 19:18:01 Matt_King: Okay, it looks like #1087 is closed https://github.com/w3c/aria-at/issues/1087 19:18:12 Matt_King: Same goes for #1088 https://github.com/w3c/aria-at/issues/1088 19:18:18 present+ IsaDC 19:18:51 IsaDC: There's also a conflict between my results and Joe_Humbert's results. That's tracked in issue 1091 https://github.com/w3c/aria-at/issues/1091 19:20:38 Joe_Humbert: I agree with IsaDC; I think we need a third person to confirm the output they get when running this specific test--the one for the "End" key 19:21:04 Joe_Humbert: I had one unexpected checked 19:21:16 IsaDC: I had two checked 19:21:40 Joe_Humbert: I see two different visual indications of where the reading cursor could be 19:22:06 Joe_Humbert: It reads the current value of the color RGB field that holds the data for the slider. What I'm seeing visually is that there are two VoiceOver cursors 19:23:07 Matt_King: Is it the case that one of those indicators is focus? 19:23:32 Joe_Humbert: I don't know; I would have to double-check. But the confusing part to me is that VoiceOver is outputting the contents of something that it is apparently not focused on 19:23:45 Joe_Humbert: Is that excessive verbosity? Or did the position of the reading cursor change? 19:24:04 Joe_Humbert: And also, it's not reading the value of the slider 19:24:59 Matt_King: There are two ways to test where the VoiceOver cursor is. One: "Ctrl + Option + F3". The other is to press "Ctrl + Option + arrow" and just observe where it moves 19:25:56 Joe_Humbert: If we find that the focus is still on the slider and it reports information on a different control, how should we report that? 19:26:06 Matt_King: That would be "excess verbosity" 19:27:30 mmoss: I'll add a comment with my findings so you folks get a notification and can decide how to modify your results 19:41:46 Topic: Disclosure plan draft 19:42:00 Matt_King: We kind of already talked about disclosure, so I think we'll skip this 19:42:07 Topic: Improving conflict resolution experience 19:42:37 Boaz_Sender: We're coming up on being able to have the app re-run test plans in automation with new AT versions come out (or for other reasons) 19:43:26 Boaz_Sender: So there may be conflicts with automated test plan results 19:43:35 github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-at-app/issues/975 19:44:48 Boaz_Sender: the changes being proposed here are a new "/conflicts" route on the app and also changes to the test queue to add an indication that there are conflicts 19:47:28 Matt_King: There's a heading here: "Create a new test-conflicts UI" and under it, there are two items 19:48:04 Matt_King: Is a path to this, then, from the test plan or from the report? 19:48:35 Matt_King: It reads, "Click on each test plan to open a disclosure [...]" 19:48:57 Boaz_Sender: In the test queue, there are test plans with test plan reports in them? 19:48:59 Matt_King: Right 19:49:33 Boaz_Sender: the proposal is to be able to click on the words that appear in the "status" column of the table (e.g. "one conflict") 19:49:41 Matt_King: So this would turn that into a link which goes where? 19:49:53 Boaz_Sender: To the new "/conflicts" page 19:50:03 Matt_King: And that would list all the tests in the test plan that have a conflict? 19:50:07 Boaz_Sender: Yes 19:50:24 Matt_King: Okay, so that's point #2 19:50:43 Matt_King: And the next heading reads "When a test-plan-report has conflict(s)" 19:50:59 Boaz_Sender: this would let you see who the conflicts are between 19:51:36 Matt_King: Right now, we have the situation where we have "report runs", but we don't surface each Tester's version of the data 19:51:47 Matt_King: We don't currently have a "report view" for each Tester's report 19:51:53 Matt_King: We present them in the test runner 19:52:05 Boaz_Sender: I don't think we necessarily need a "diff" view 19:52:19 Matt_King: We already have the summaries which are kind of like "micro-diffs" 19:52:36 Matt_King: I'm trying to think of the experience, though. 19:52:50 Matt_King: It says "add label to the test plan report", but right now, we don't have a report anywhere 19:53:08 Boaz_Sender: Let me change that to read, "Add label to the 'status' column of the test queue" 19:53:22 Matt_King: We already have a label there... Oh, but it doesn't say who the conflict is between 19:54:06 howard-e: I think we're trying to cover the situation where three Testers are assigned and there is a conflict between two of them 19:54:33 Matt_King: I don't know if this information is useful in the test queue 19:55:00 Matt_King: The conflicts could be between different groups of people 19:55:08 Boaz_Sender: Okay, I'll take that part out 19:55:22 Matt_King: When we're counting conflicts, can one test have multiple conflicts? 19:55:36 Matt_King: If one test can have more than one conflict, then we might want to say the number of tests in addition to the number of conflicts 19:56:06 howard-e: Yes, one test can have multiple conflicts. There could be conflicts between two different commands within a single test, for instance 19:56:31 Boaz_Sender: then there's "Add a link from the test-plan-report to the test-plan-report version history for that test plan in the data management section" 19:56:57 Matt_King: Right now, we have the "report status" dialog. Doesn't that always show up in data management? 19:57:51 howard-e: Oh, the link is already there. I think I misinterpreted the UI. We can remove this 19:58:05 Boaz_Sender: The last thing is, "When a test-plan-report surfaces a conflict for an already recommend report, add it to the test que, and show that it has conflicts" 19:59:21 IsaDC: I definitely could use a better way to get to the conflicts 19:59:37 IsaDC: My workflow involves searching for the word "conflict". It isn't great 19:59:40 Matt_King: I do the same thing! 20:01:04 Matt_King: One thing that would be awesome: if someone raises an issue, and it's tied to a conflict, it'd be great for that issue to be surfaced in this new "conflicts" page 20:02:08 Matt_King: The design of that "conflicts" page could probably use a wireframe. 20:02:32 Boaz_Sender: Would it be okay if we just implemented it and used that prototype as a basis for discussion? 20:02:35 Matt_King: Sure 20:03:25 Zakim, end the meeting 20:03:25 As of this point the attendees have been jugglinmike, howard-e, mmoss, Matt_King, Joe_Humbert, Boaz_Sender, Lola_Odelola, IsaDC 20:03:28 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 20:03:29 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/25-aria-at-minutes.html Zakim 20:03:36 I am happy to have been of service, jugglinmike; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 20:03:36 Zakim has left #aria-at 20:03:45 RRSAgent, leave 20:03:45 I see no action items