WoT-WG - TD-TF - Slot 1

24 July 2024


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Mahda_Noura, Michael_Kosteer, Tomoaki_Mizushima
Ege, Koster
luca_barbato, kaz

Meeting minutes


<kaz> July-17

Ege: I did glance over the minutes, they seem fine. Any remarks?

<no remarks, and approved>


Ege: The half slot for the Toolchain call is now unavailable, I sent an email to the people interested. Please provide a preference for the next slot.

Initial Connection

Planning Document

<kaz> wot PR 1200 - Planning Document: Initial Connection Topic's Basic Issue Analysis

Ege: I identified an issue as umbrella and then then described the sub-issues

<kaz> 1. Having a place to put common connection information

<kaz> 2. Linking to a common connection information.

<kaz> 3. Signaling that a form in an affordance can reuse the connection established before so that the Consumer does not open a new connection per operation execution

Ege: we have 2 related subissues, where to place the common connection information and how to refer to it
… we discussed mainly on the the other sub-issue that is related to the form using the information

Cristiano: +1 on the summary, but I have a question regarding the UC for the first point, but I recall WebThings is a complete UC covering the 3 points

Ege: WebThings covers all but we need to start from one place

Luca: We should clarify what's different between point 2 and point 3

<cris> +1 for re-ordering

Luca: point 2 feels a detail of point 3

Kaz: I'm OK with merging this PR itself as a starting point, but we need to think about the details based on some concrete use case and device/network setting.

<PR merged>

Node-red connection reusage

Ege: Koster mentioned that Node-red has some way to reuse MQTT connections

<visual demo of Node-red connection setup and usage>

Luca: MQTT relies on a broker so it is the best example of common connection, I assume implementations are already trying to deal with it internally

Ege: Node-red is also doing that for websocket


<kaz> wot PR 1201 - Initial Connection Figures

<kaz> Preview

Ege: I edited the diagrams and prepared a PR

Ege: I made a single multipage draw.io of all the diagrams

<Ege> https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/ege-initial-connection/planning/ThingDescription/td-next-work-items/usability-and-design.md

Ege: so far I exported the single images as PNG

Ege: Does everybody find them explanatory enough?

Luca: We should have a palette that is shared across all our documents, I'm very against change the line style since they have a meaning

Kaz: Accessibility is getting more important regarding the W3C specification, we can think about a possible style for WoT diagrams in general in addition to the color highlight.

Ege: Do we have other opinions?

Ege: Another topic is the connection lifecycle

Luca: before I forget, if we have the diagrams in SVG we can use CSS to solve the accessibility problem so the reader can override the colors as needed.

<Ege> https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/ege-initial-connection/planning/ThingDescription/td-next-work-items/images/initial-connection-HTTP-lifecycle.png

Ege: Back to the Lifecycle of a Connection diagram

Cristiano: Do we have a Close state?

Ege: Yes we can rename the two states

Ege: For the case of MQTT we have two state diagram

Ege: One for the Broker connection and the other for the actual Subscription

Kaz: We should add a text description for each diagram, specifically for the state transition diagrams

Cristiano: for OAuth we have situation comparable to MQTT

Cristiano: Sometimes you may have to contact back the Authorization Server depending on the OAuth dialect/flow

Cristiano: Here what we are sharing is not the connection, but the Token

Ege: We can call it lifecycle of the token

Cristiano: We could call it Session as well

Umbrella issue

<kaz> wot-thing-description Issue 1248 - Reduce intrinsic protocol level redundancy

Ege: I started analyzing the issues, please do not add comment about solutions in the umbrella issue

Kaz: we prefer working on smaller sub issues rather than directly put "possible solutions" to this "umbrella issue 1248". right?

Ege: right. this issue 1248 is a summary

Luca: so the first point in the "summary" saying "We want a global media type..." should be also a separate issue

Ege: good point
… talk to you all tomorrow then!


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 227 (Fri Jul 19 09:58:06 2024 UTC).