WoT Plugfest

24 July 2024


David_Ezell, Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Mahda_Noura, Michael_Koster, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima

Meeting minutes

Plugfest Planning

Sebastian: this is a non-recurring meeting for now
… we would like to discuss the Slugfest that we wish to do in November
… we would like to discuss the organisation of it, what kind of features do we want to show, hardware
… I would like to open the following Web page for the organization

<kaz> WoT Week wiki

<kaz> WoT Week at Munich (on GitHub)

Sebastian: could you please explain this Readme page?

Ege: Sebastian has already created the Wiki page, for the technical things I created this Readme, all instructions for interacting with devices, the diagrams
… the idea is to do the same here
… with this PF we want to do the same thing, in the open day people should see some working WoT systems, at the same time we should use those 2 days to test the features of our spec
… there are two categories: user scenario

and the second is the existing and new features of TD
… some of the existing TD spec features have not been tested like additional responses, linking between IDs and so on
… on the other hand, there are also some new features like initial connections, data mappings, interoperability test suite and so on
… below in this document, there is the setup, what kind of setup do people want to bring. I think people who can join on Wednesday can also show up on Monday and Tuesday if they want to do technical checks
… the setups section will be heavily influenced by the user scenarios

Sebastian: thanks for the insight
… for smart city it is always hard to bring this on a small place, and to showcase a smart city. If we want to go through this path we need to clarify this
… I also shared a Pull Request, to bring in another scenario, called a Plug & Play scenario
… to bring in a new device in a manufacturing environment, this is a big problem, and would love to see this topic here
… the OPCUA Binding Group will start next week, I think we can test a first version, and also invite people from this working group

Kaz: I am happy to see smart city topics here, but we should be careful on which part of smart city do we want to test, for instance we can focus on data accessibility, governance and so on. Regarding OPCUA and NGSI-LD we should think about collaboration with them and inviting their representatives, and providing them IDs and their own descriptions

and test interoperability.

Sebastian: Do you think in the smart city context, we can bring NGSI-LD?

Kaz: We should be more specific, as part of smart city we could bring NGSI-LD, we should continue further discussion on what kind of system and collaboration to be tested

Sebastian: is there any objection to merge this PR proposal?

wot-testing PR 587 - Add Plug & Play scenario + UA Binding as feature

Sebastian: I would then add the draft in the Readme file that Ege created

Sebastian: Adds a comment too on the Smart City section : maybe a topic which can be discussed with the NGSI-LD

Sebastian: regarding WoT for cloud systems, as Microsoft would be there, I would be pretty sure that they would like to show something there
… We should maybe also contact Michael Legally

Sebastian: I think Siemens would showcase something in the point regarding Plug & Play in industry scenarios

WIP - TD Topics

Sebastian: error handling

Ege: we don't have enough experience how consumer applications really use this, it seems like that its fine to put this in the TD, but all the responses are not clear, that's why we thought of throughly testing this

Sebastian: here it would be nice to have a real world examples

Ege: yes, for now we didn't put this into a real world, but we need to do this

Sebastian: regarding multiple queryable actions, I would expect an implementation

Ege: not only, it can be even for a normal REST API this would be the case
… e.g., the discovery API has this feature and we don't know how to really use it in the scripting API level

Sebastian: what is the default behaviour?

Ege: there is the case where you don't have an additional response, there is a normal response and an additional one, how do you make a difference between them
… we have to discuss this is in the TD call, would be good to see how wants to bring setups
… if there are other TFs that want to bring hardware for tests, those are some open points

Sebastian: do we have a hardware section here?

Ege: yes, it's the setup sections

Sebastian: What is the WoT WG?

Ege: it's the setups from our side

Sebastian: We can start from Siemens, because we have in house solutions, we have different hardware like the Sentrum PAC, Industrial Edge, some actuators should be defined

Sebastian: Someone else in the round who already knows what they want to bring?


<Ege> https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/blob/main/events/plugfest/2019-tpac-fukuoka/README.md we can work on this

Ege: In the previous we used to do this, where we would provide the TD, what devices are available, a diagram of the devices. Ideally would be good to have such a thing, we could give it also to the visitors.

Sebastian: I like this and think we should follow this pattern

Kaz: probably we should clarify the need for VPN for remote connection for Plugfest too. We used to use AWS for that purpose, and Toumura-san helped us set it up.

Ege: for other who can join in presence, can join still in a remote fashion

Sebastian: it is definitely alright to provide your equipment in a remote manner

Sebastian: It would be nice to have again Panasonic with their Smart Lab,

Kaz: we should try actual business level and service level implementations
… we need to clarify the scenarios and the context
… examples like OPC UA, Cloud, ECHONET, Smart City, and so on

Sebastian: the question is whether we record this in the table of the document already

Ege: I would do in such that the table links to devices, and I would write the user scenarios in the top of the file

David: I have for your consideration for a future meeting, we have a member who would potentially participate in the Plugfest, is there a for dummies page so I can figure out how they would fit. We are coming from a new area retail, we are also interested in the DTDL

Sebastian: there is maybe not a obvious connection possible with such a scenario, but in the past we always found a connection and that it's possible to interact with a device, e.g., door status, which we can display in the dashboard. My previous experience was that we always made it to interact with the information we provide from the device

David: is this connection happens in the Plugfest itself

Sebastian: we also came up with a lot of new ideas in the meeting, and ideas which were not planned

Sebastian: regarding DTDL that you mentioned, Microsoft will also be their, but we are currently moving a bit away from that, and there are also tools provided by Microsoft that you can translate DTDL to TD and vice versa

David: I am pretty excited

Ege: thinking about the retail space, when we have an energy meter, if conneXtion would bring a fridge, and we Siemens bring the Sentron Pack, we observe the energy and illustrate in the dashboard

David: these cash management people, its more a complex system, we can still do a dashboard, what are the bills captured, e.g., there is a lot we can do there, will go back to them and come up with a description

Sebastian: if you want I can also mention the retail scenario in the list

David: it wouldn't hurt to mention it, we just need to find the right people to participate

Kaz: I was actually mentioning that we should think about external organisation regarding new scenarios, if we could get people from Connxtion for the Plugfest that would be great

David: Michael Mccool did a Plugfest for us, the problem was that the equipment was external

Kaz: Even though suggesting concrete manuals and guidelines is good, it is quite tough to generate manuals, we would like to generate this Readme to get participation from member companies, it would be great if you could participate in this discussion and the people from your organisation.

Ege: I think participants should write their TD, and do technical instructions, do you mean that?

Kaz: it would be nice to have a consolidated guideline as a starting point, like getting the participant list then identifying potential scenarios, and then coming up with the hardware setup...

Ege: you mean something that is generic to all plug fest

Kaz: yes, something that is more generic and not only target for experts

Kaz: we need to also mention that SDOs would also be welcome to participate

Sebastian: something else for discussing? I think we made good starting point

Sebastian: Hitachi maybe would like to show something with Node-RED again, Luca would also be great to have you in here again

Koster: I was also looking into semantic integration, is that a BRICK annotation integrated in the TD?

Sebastian: discuss with your companies so we can get precise in the preparation

Next call?

Kaz: when do we want to have the next call?

Sebastian: maybe in two weeks again, currently it is not blocking the profile call. Luca would be ok to have this time slot in two weeks?

Luca: yes, the plan was to have it in a bi-weekly fashion

Sebastian: ok then let's do this

<kaz> [adjourned]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 227 (Fri Jul 19 09:58:06 2024 UTC).