24 July 2024


Chris_Needham, cpn, cwilso, fantasai, florian, JennieM, TallTed
cpn, fantasai

Meeting minutes

Pull Requests to Review

Adjusting AC Appeal vote thresholds based on participation

<fantasai> github: w3c/process#886

<fantasai> PR: w3c/process#901

florian: Currently, an AC appeal has a 5% threshold to decide whether to have a vote or not
… The actual vote has no quorum, so we thought it was good to borrow from the bylaws, which has majority threshold dependent on participation
… The AB approves to do this
… fantasai commented about the boundary thresholds, but this is consistent with the bylaws

cwilso: +1, looks good

cpn: I had the same question about the thresholds

florian: they were drafted by lawyers for the bylaws


Add appendix cataloguing old terminology

<fantasai> PR: https://github.com/w3c/process/pull/898#pullrequestreview-2193057084

florian: This came up in discussion of retiring PR. Have text in the Process to define what PR was, once it's removed
… so I've added an appendix, terms that have been retired, or changed terminology
… This includes links to where those terms are defined
… Ted commented it might be easier to find things if they're not separated. Happy to tweak how we link to things, but terms often aren't linkable

TallTed: I think it would be better to have one list, ordered by term, rather than anything that assumes knowledge
… Regarding linking, there are ways to link to phrases in pages that we could use

florian: We could list in alphabetical rather than chronological order. Or we could merge into one list, which would make the list easier to scan
… Any thoughts on these?

fantasai: We should definitely order alphabetically

RESOLUTION: Order alphabetically

cpn: So single list annotated whether renamed or removed

RESOLUTION: single list, annotated whether renamed or removed

florian: When there's no term we can link to, is it good enough to link to the section, or use web annotations to link to the phrase?

fantasai: Is there a dfn to link to?

florian: In older processes, there sometimes isn't



florian: Some terms were used but never defined, so link to the whole Process in that case


florian: Would you like to see an updated PR before merging? I'll make the links as specific as I can


TallTed: I think it would be easier to hash this out in this PR, then discuss in a future call, there may be some back and forth

RESOLUTION: Adopt appendix retired terms, pending some tweaking

Charter Refinement Phase

PR: w3c/process#851

github: w3c/process#580

florian: This has been presented to the AB. They liked it in principle, leaving the detail to the CG
… We have a phase with a facilitator to decide if ready for AC review. FOs are not processed immediately, they're tabled to be included with any others from the AC review
… The AB want to shift the emphasis, that this isn't a good time to raise an FO, and to try to seek consensus. Better to file the FO at the end
… We can try to add this in editorially
… Another open question is that during the chartering phase, the chair is supposed to make decisions, but based on whose consensus? Any AC who particpates, anyone from the public?

fantasai: If just AC reps, not helpful as they're not always involved. If only W3C members, it excludes participants of CGs who aren't members
… So really is does need to be anyone from the public, but the chair will need to decide consensus

florian: Chairs can make decisions in absence of consensus, but suspect you're right

RESOLUTION: Consensus is based on anyone participating

florian: Another question, from Tess, is that the team MAY announce when starting to think about a charter, and why not MUST?
… Sometimes we may be renewing a non-controversial group, or there may only be a short time to the announcement of the formal phase
… Don't want too many announcements

cwilso: Not against MUST here. In cases where there's only a short time to the formal announcement, the problem today is the charter is pushed to the formal process without enough review
… I think SHOULD, as MUST may be too strong a requirement as will need to be announced anyway

TallTed: MUST does seem too strong. You'll tell the AC when there's a draft worth reviewing anyway

cwilso: Any announcement should be filterable. The team could write a charter, that's missing some context from an interested community - e.g., if we have multiple CGs interested in a topic
… There, an early announcement would help bring people together

florian: it could be a way to get very early feedback on an idea for a charter. Should they announce everything?

TallTed: It seems more a concern when it's not the team drafting the charter, and someone in the community

cwilso: The sustyweb charter is a good example. Nobody was against the idea, but pushback. Could have been an email before the formal review...
… Not a requirement, so don't want to say MUST, but if it's MAY we need to include guidance on when to do it

fantasai: I'd go with MAY for now and add to the Guide

cpn: I would support that. I think it's worth going into more depth in which circumstances do we want to do that.

cpn: What I observed on sustainable web, the charter is what prompted everyone to look at it.

cpn: I was looking at it quite early in the w3c/strategy repo

cpn: But what focused everyone's attention was the AC Review

PROPOSED: Advance notice stays as MAY, add guidance to /Guide.

<TallTed> +1

<JennieM> +1

<cpn> +1

RESOLUTION: Advance notice stays as MAY, add guidance to /Guide.

florian: Next, are there cases where the charter needs not to be public?

fantasai: May want input from plh on this

florian: Can we send a non-public charter to the AC review, and can the charter development phase also be non-public?

RESOLUTION: Defer to plh

florian: Is the chartering facilitator the chair of the proposed WG, team contact

TallTed: There may not be a team contact at this early phase. They get assign as groups get rolling

<florian> +1 to fantasai

cpn: I'd like to see some sort of independence with this

cpn: E.g. the Team Contact has a particular interest, and that's why they're involved in charter development

cpn: idk what this would look like, but some level of impartiality

cpn: because we're talking about a chairing role

florian: Agree, something different between leading something and chairing it

florian: we'll need to gain experience, and premature to describe precisely who will be chairing it

florian: how to pick is probably /Guide material

florian: sometimes may be Team Contact, sometimes may be Wg Chair, sometimes someone else

<cpn> +1

florian: I'd leave open-ended for now

RESOLUTION: Don't define who is the Chairing Facilitator, leave open-ended for now

florian: Next, Tess asks how to become a participant. It's intentionally open-ended. Seems good to me

fantasai: Seems fine, unless there's specific wording that can clarify

fantasai: Dom mentions this allows anyone in the public to raise FOs
… I don't think we can restrict FOs to AC reps, and not sure that's a good idea. Batching them up the at end seems reasonable

TallTed: Is the decision to draft a charter a decision in this sense?

florian: Yes. If someone requests the team drafts a charter and it doesn't happen, you can object. But the other way round, it wouldn't be processed until the AC review. You can't prevent discussion of a charter by filing an FO

fantasai: Do we want to land this PR as is or keep discussing?

cpn: I have a concern that we're making changes to Process for something that needs experimentation.

cpn: If it works, great. But if we find that we put in place this new process and it needs adjustment...

cpn: is there a way to experiment with it, and once we're settled use that as the basis to update the Process?

florian: In a way I agree with you, but I also don't want to be blocked

florian: plh said they would experiment half a year ago, but haven't seen it...

TallTed: Call for implementations and set a timeframe for it

TallTed: We don't really have that CR phase for Process

florian: Team is currently doing chartering in open fashion right now

florian: but what we can't be open-ended about is the FO handling

florian: Team hasn't been quite as strict as this process, but largely like this

florian: How long would we need the experiment to be to be useful?

florian: How different from the current practice?

florian: Would rather not delay this by years.

cpn: Need defined procedures. Question is whether we do it in the Process, or elsewhere for awhile

cpn: I think we're close to what we can work with.

cpn: But if comfortable with iterating in Process document as we experiment

cpn: Then that's OK

fantasia: The Process is still a draft

cpn: By putting it into the Process at this stage, feels less experimental

TallTed: Could add it in with an issue note?

fantasai: I think we should fold this as is, and file issues about FOs or other concerns.

florian: The team doesn't use the editors draft of the process

RESOLUTION: Adopt PR 851 Introduce formal Charter Refinement phase

Meeting closed.

Summary of resolutions

  1. Adopt PR #901
  2. Order alphabetically
  3. single list, annotated whether renamed or removed
  4. Adopt appendix retired terms, pending some tweaking
  5. Consensus is based on anyone participating
  6. Advance notice stays as MAY, add guidance to /Guide.
  7. Defer to plh
  8. Don't define who is the Chairing Facilitator, leave open-ended for now
  9. Adopt PR 851 Introduce formal Charter Refinement phase
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 227 (Fri Jul 19 09:58:06 2024 UTC).


Maybe present: fantasia, PR

All speakers: cpn, cwilso, fantasai, fantasia, florian, PR, TallTed

Active on IRC: cpn, cwilso, fantasai, florian, JennieM, TallTed