XForms Group Weekly Teleconference

19 July 2024


Alain, Erik, Steven

Meeting minutes

Prague report [No link]

Steven: I gave the advanced XForms tutorial there.
… only 90 mins
… I'm rewriting it now based on the experience.

Croatia report [No link]

Steven: I talked at the web summer camp
… talked about XForms amongst other things, I opened the conference

Coming meetings [No link; regrets from Steven for 25th]

Steven: I'm not here next week.

Alain: I away until mid-August

Erik: I am around from now on

Alain: 23rd I'll be back

Steven: I'm not sure of availability in September - I'm giving the usual XForms course in Oxford

Erik: I won't be coming to Oxford

ACTION Steven MIPs on controls


Erik: My expectation is that it only impacts the control

Alain: I agree

Steven: I'm glad, because that's what I want, but I needed to be sure we all agreed!

ACTION Steven MIPs and trigger


Steven: My original question - https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xformsusers/2024Jun/0001.html

Steven: I need to know what "not activatable" means.

Erik: There is no default handler for a trigger.

Steven: So a listener has to take account of readonly itself.

Alain: I'd prefer for a trigger not to respond to a DOMActivate automatically

Erik: It's more than ignore, a trigger doesn't do anything.

Erik: It will receive the event, and it would have to ignore it

Alain: Yes cancel it


Erik: Not cancel but propagate="stop"

Alain: Why just triggers? readonly on any control.

Erik: I'm not sure about what should happen in general
… I see how it could be handled for trigger in particular.
… It makes event handling aware of controls.

... I'm not sold on the need

Steven: I know enough for now to work on it further.


Steven: Next meeting 23rd August


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/revious/Previous/

Succeeded: s/Septembe/September

Succeeded: s/Eri:/Erik:/

Succeeded: s/ohter/other

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Steven

All speakers: Alain, Erik, Steven

Active on IRC: Steven