13:52:43 RRSAgent has joined #wcag2ict 13:52:47 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/07/18-wcag2ict-irc 13:52:47 agenda? 13:52:47 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:52:48 Meeting: WCAG2ICT Task Force Teleconference 13:52:53 chair: Mary Jo Mueller 13:53:01 Agenda+ Announcements 13:53:07 Agenda+ Public comments 13:53:12 Agenda+ Other open issues 13:53:20 regrets: Mitchell Evan, Gregg Vanderheiden, Phil Day 13:53:35 present+ 13:56:22 bruce_bailey has joined #wcag2ict 13:56:40 present+ 14:00:32 Chuck has joined #wcag2ict 14:00:37 olivia has joined #wcag2ict 14:00:39 present+ 14:00:46 loicmn has joined #wcag2ict 14:01:12 present+ 14:01:30 present+ 14:01:40 present+ 14:01:41 ShawnT has joined #wcag2ict 14:02:39 FernandaBonnin has joined #WCAG2ICT 14:02:48 present+ 14:02:52 present+ 14:03:30 scribe: ChrisLoiselle 14:03:48 zakim , take up next 14:03:51 zakim, agenda? 14:03:51 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda: 14:03:52 1. Announcements [from maryjom] 14:03:52 2. Public comments [from maryjom] 14:03:52 3. Other open issues [from maryjom] 14:03:57 zakim, take up next 14:03:57 agendum 1 -- Announcements -- taken up [from maryjom] 14:04:09 Bryan_Trogdon has joined #WCAG2ICT 14:04:19 present+ 14:04:48 MaryJo: PRs are incorporated. Looking for volunteers on open issues and making PRs or proposals for answers to issues. 14:05:40 MaryJo: Notes help when reviewing. There are a number of open issues. 14:05:44 q+ to double check that mitch's items up for grab? 14:06:03 MaryJo: August 1st will not be meeting as MaryJo is out. 14:06:20 No meeting that week as she is traveling. 14:06:49 Document for proposals is in Google Docs 14:07:10 Here’s the link to the Google doc where you can propose substantive changes and issue responses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o6ruxbOKxAU6aWWz9Ac7P8DMi7lrIwXCy5DgvRzQZA4/edit?usp=sharing 14:07:37 Headings for issue number is the logic I've been following. 14:07:59 Github is also an avenue, thanks Bruce. 14:08:27 My attempt blew up https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/issues/437 14:08:47 Sam has joined #wcag2ict 14:08:52 present+ 14:09:07 BruceB: I wanted to double check on Mitch's work. Are those still up for grabs? 14:09:14 MaryJo: Yes, they are. 14:09:43 MaryJo: Proposals are welcome. 14:09:59 thanks to mitch, nice and granular 14:09:59 BruceB: Thanks to Mitch. 14:10:22 BruceB: I would like us to meet on 1st of August if we could to talk through items if possible. 14:10:43 MaryJo: That is fine, however facilitation needs to be done by someone else than MaryJo. 14:11:06 DanielM: I can help. Chuck also states the same. 14:11:27 ack me 14:11:27 bruce_bailey, you wanted to double check that mitch's items up for grab? 14:11:43 MaryJo: We may have extra meetings depending on remaining open issues . 14:11:59 zakim, take up next 14:11:59 agendum 2 -- Public comments -- taken up [from maryjom] 14:12:21 Issue 437 , page title 14:12:30 Issue 437 on SC 2.4.2 Page Titled. Link: https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/issues/437 14:12:55 my draft proposed response 14:12:56 https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/issues/437#issuecomment-2223210866 14:13:16 Thank you @stevefaulkner for the feedback. The TF discussed and we have consensus that 2013 approach is appropriate and sufficient. Please see 2.4.2 Page Titled in the editor's draft. 14:13:39 MaryJo: Pretty active discussion. Wasn't clear that we applying to only software application as a whole and not to individual views. 14:14:51 MaryJo: I shared my thoughts on thread. Steve brought up original question on it not being clear. I started something on Google Doc on best practice. 14:15:26 MaryJo: Reviewed Mac and applications and window titles on overlay or other like type examples. 14:15:29 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o6ruxbOKxAU6aWWz9Ac7P8DMi7lrIwXCy5DgvRzQZA4/edit#heading=h.4h2q2jf1kbio 14:15:41 Here's Google doc that talks to this topic. 14:16:09 If you scroll up, you'll see notes we already have. 14:16:29 Proposal is to add something about best practice. 14:16:30 present+ Daniel 14:17:53 MaryJo: Referenced window being Firefox Browser being the window title and the fact that doesn't clarify what page means. 14:17:58 q? 14:18:03 +1 for note 14:18:32 BruceB: two options labeled as 1. 14:18:52 MaryJo: One would go into issue and one would be response. 14:18:55 q? 14:19:07 +1 for note 14:19:19 MaryJo: Mobile task force is looking at this regarding views within mobile app. 14:20:01 q? 14:20:01 i concur that raising to requirement is a risk 14:20:14 Proposal 1: Note indicating “best practice” 14:20:14 One possible addition could be a note that is similar to what is added to “sets of” criteria: Although not required by this success criterion, ensuring that individual windows or screens have a title that describes the topic or purpose addresses the user needs identified in the Intent section for this success criterion, and is generally considered best practice. 14:20:35 q+ 14:20:47 ack bruce_bailey 14:20:48 MaryJo: We may add a note. I added a comment in the issue. 14:20:49 q? 14:21:09 BruceB: Will you point Steve to Google Doc? Or GitHub issue? 14:21:19 MaryJo: Do you think we need to work on it a bit longer? 14:21:40 BruceB: Ok to copy into issue. 14:21:56 MaryJo: to post into issue the proposal she had in Google Doc. 14:22:05 olivia has joined #wcag2ict 14:22:13 zakim, take up next 14:22:13 agendum 3 -- Other open issues -- taken up [from maryjom] 14:22:15 q? 14:22:15 present+ 14:22:34 https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+-label%3Aeditorial+-label%3A%22Public+Comment%22+-label%3A%22Project+task%22 14:22:50 TOPIC: Issue 408 - Typo in 3.3.8 Accessible Authentication, Note 4 14:23:03 https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/issues/408 14:23:16 PR: https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/pull/442/files 14:23:37 MaryJo: I made PR on what I thought problem was, https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/pull/442/files 14:24:17 ... instead of when , use or was also something I wanted to review. 14:25:15 MaryJo: Shares screen talks to line 1041 on pull 442 and phrasing of terms. 14:25:39 q+ 14:25:40 MaryJo: I believe we meant when and not or per what we covered originally. 14:25:41 q? 14:25:47 q- 14:25:56 POLL: Which verbiage should we use instead of “on when”? 1) Replace with “or” or 2) remove “or” to read “when”? 14:25:59 q? 14:26:24 POLL: Which verbiage should we use instead of “on when”? 1) Replace with “or” or 2) remove “on” to read “when”? 14:26:30 2 14:26:31 2 14:26:33 2 14:26:34 2 14:26:35 2 14:26:35 2 14:26:38 2 14:26:48 2 14:27:11 shadi has joined #wcag2ict 14:27:16 maryjom has joined #wcag2ict 14:27:20 present+ 14:27:29 q? 14:27:56 RESOLUTION: Incorporate PR 442 as-is to remove “on”. 14:28:38 q? 14:29:04 MaryJo: talks to issues opened by Mitch on 3.2.6 , issue 428 14:29:28 TOPIC: Issue 428 - 3.2.6 Consistent Help: does it need to be added in 'problematic for closed'? 14:29:33 https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/issues/428 14:30:34 MaryJo: Reads through Mitch's comments on issue 428. 14:31:12 q? 14:31:22 Poll: Should we add 3.2.6 Consistent Help verbiage similar to other "sets of software" to SC Problematic for Closed 1) Yes or 2) No 14:31:25 1 14:31:27 1 14:31:42 1 14:31:46 1 14:31:48 1 14:31:59 1 14:32:10 q+ for input on 397 14:32:39 1 14:33:03 MaryJo: references how we did so for Bypass blocks. 14:33:07 q? 14:33:21 BruceB: Defer to when you are done with 428 14:33:26 ack bruce_bailey 14:33:26 bruce_bailey, you wanted to discuss input on 397 14:34:10 3.2.6 Consistent Help — The WCAG2ICT interpretation of this success criterion replaces "sets of Web pages" with "sets of software programs" which are extremely rare - especially for closed functionality software. However, providing consistent access to help is generally considered best practice. 14:34:49 MaryJo: We will work from Google Doc to make adjustments on language. Agree we should add something in 14:34:51 q? 14:35:08 q+ 14:35:26 q? 14:35:33 ack sam 14:35:43 Sam: didn't we remove parsing? Why do we need to address? 14:35:54 https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/issues/427 14:36:24 MaryJo: We had parsing back in to main for 2.0. For 2.2 parsing is removed. For 2.0 and 2.1 it was left in , otherwise we were changing standard in stating it doesn't apply. 14:36:25 q? 14:36:26 4.1.1 Parsing: does it need to be added in 'problematic for closed'? 14:37:35 q+ 14:38:21 MaryJo: For WCAG 2.0 and 2.1 , shares appendix A. 14:38:37 +1! 14:38:44 Sam: If it was removed, is it for record keeping? What is need for this to be back in? Seems to be confusing by adding it back in. 14:39:18 MaryJo: talks to general guidance and reference notes 14:40:00 FernandaBonnin has joined #WCAG2ICT 14:40:02 q+ to agree present treatment of 4.1.1 is ugly 14:40:17 MaryJo: general guidance was what satisfies AGWG's comments on where to capture it. 14:40:19 q? 14:40:23 ack sam 14:40:31 q+ 14:40:32 Sam: Is his proposal to add it back in to problematic? 14:40:34 q? 14:40:49 ack bruce_bailey 14:40:49 bruce_bailey, you wanted to agree present treatment of 4.1.1 is ugly 14:40:49 Sam: Seems to be same thing we are already saying and just adding more content in to say same. 14:40:50 q? 14:41:32 BruceB: I think 2.1 errata and 2.2 are equivalent. 2023 publication uses a lot more words. 14:41:33 q? 14:42:45 ack Chuck 14:42:46 MaryJo: We can't definitely say as errata talks to HTML . Mary Jo references Assistive Technologies and parsing examples. 14:42:49 q? 14:43:13 Chuck: Is the ask to add something in WCAG 2.2 specifically? Or to reference what we already have but just in another place in doc? 14:44:08 MaryJo: General guidance is what it is. Problematic for closed doesn't capture parsing at all. 14:44:10 I don't think we should 14:44:15 q+ to ask why mention 2.1 at all ? 14:44:32 Original guidance has something in there. 14:44:33 q? 14:44:51 q+ 14:44:56 q? 14:45:05 q+ 14:45:09 MaryJo: We could point them to notes on general guidance. 14:45:21 q? 14:45:33 ack bruce_bailey 14:45:33 bruce_bailey, you wanted to ask why mention 2.1 at all ? 14:46:06 +1 to Bruce comment 14:46:13 q- 14:46:16 BruceB: the 2013 wcag2ict will be available, so 2.0 shouldn't be address. For 2.1 and 2.2 , our note would stand. Why do we need to do this with 2024 version of this note? 14:46:17 q? 14:46:18 ack Chuck 14:46:30 +1 to Chuck , Sam and Bruce 14:46:51 ack Chuck 14:46:52 Chuck: I am not in favor of placing this in problematic sections. 14:46:52 can we poll to just keep as is? 14:46:53 q? 14:46:54 q? 14:46:58 +1 not to add anything about 4.1.1 in the "problematic for closed". 14:47:16 +1 leave as is 14:47:26 we already have a decision. need not relitigate 14:47:39 q? 14:48:02 MaryJo: Different jurisdictions are on different versions of WCAG. 14:48:04 q? 14:48:58 q+ 14:49:04 q+ to ask what AG said ? 14:49:05 MaryJo: AGWG did consult on how this is currently written. 14:49:06 ack daniel-montalvo 14:49:06 q? 14:49:12 ack dmontalvo 14:49:23 https://w3c.github.io/wcag2ict/#abstract 14:49:36 Daniel: Mitch's comment in his own issue mentions he wants to make sur this is just covered. 14:49:46 Daniel: I believe we have confirmed what he raised. 14:49:51 This document, “Guidance on Applying WCAG 2 to Non-Web Information and Communications Technologies (WCAG2ICT)” describes how the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) versions 2.0 [WCAG20], 2.1 [WCAG21], and 2.2 [WCAG22] principles, guidelines, and success criteria... 14:50:00 ....can be applied to non-web Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), specifically to non-web documents and software. It provides informative guidance (guidance that is not normative and does not set requirements). 14:50:45 MaryJo: I believe notes suffice. 14:50:46 q? 14:50:52 ack bruce_bailey 14:50:52 bruce_bailey, you wanted to ask what AG said ? 14:51:29 BruceB: On AGWG, all I know is what is abstract. I don't think that precludes an approach to 4.1.1 14:51:32 q? 14:51:38 q+ 14:51:41 q? 14:51:52 https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/issues/364 14:52:05 q- 14:52:20 MaryJo: references meeting between Wilco and others on guidance originally. 14:52:21 q? 14:53:00 MaryJo: We also reviewed in a Google Doc and made a decision on it too. 14:53:10 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cZela8mnYW4wuQofaaBMRt9B-oCIODBwBMIda6Np0bE/edit#heading=h.b6764em31de2 14:53:29 Google Doc reference for parsing as listed in MaryJo's comment. 14:53:47 Q+ poll to move on? 14:53:58 not poll on queue 14:54:01 q? 14:54:03 q- 14:54:06 q? 14:54:08 ack poll 14:54:08 ugh. 14:54:09 poll, you wanted to move on? 14:54:20 yes please move on poll . go away 14:54:42 q? 14:54:49 POLL: Should we add SC 4.1.1 to SC Problematic for Closed Functionality section? 1) Yes or 2) No 14:54:54 2 14:54:55 2 14:54:55 -infinity 14:54:55 2 14:54:57 2 14:54:58 2 14:54:59 1 , sorry 14:55:05 2 14:55:05 2 14:55:51 BruceB: I think what is currently in old document is in need of updating. 14:56:16 MaryJo: In new, we don't have anything. 14:56:32 BruceB: It is problematic for closed if you don't ignore it. 14:56:49 MaryJo: Please work on proposal if you'd like and we can bring it back to group. 14:57:24 https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/issues/397 14:57:31 BruceB: I wanted to talk to 397 issue 14:57:33 TOPIC: Issue 397 - Definition of virtual keyboard: Rework the Note for Types of Input 14:57:57 Problem is around readability. 14:58:02 Definition of virtual keyboard: Rework the Note for Types of Input #397 14:58:36 BruceB: Agrees with observation that LOakely says it reads backwards. 14:58:50 Gregg's suggested edits: Some of the many ways to generate keystroke input include speech, eye-gaze, sip-and-puff (and other kinds of switches), sounds, morse code, and, of course, keyboards (small, large, physical, on-screen, floating in the air, etc.) 14:59:04 i proposed something and Gregg proposed something better 14:59:26 q+ 14:59:31 ack Sam 14:59:32 q? 14:59:53 Sam: Hesitant to change regarding scoping and virtual keyboards. 15:00:10 ... survey is beneficial. 15:00:11 q? 15:00:19 rssagent, make minutes 15:00:33 zakim, make minutes 15:00:33 I don't understand 'make minutes', ChrisLoiselle 15:01:00 rrsagent, make minutes 15:01:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/18-wcag2ict-minutes.html ChrisLoiselle 15:01:08 present+ 15:02:19 loicmn has left #wcag2ict 15:02:32 zakim, end meeting 15:02:32 As of this point the attendees have been maryjom, bruce_bailey, Chuck, olivia, ChrisLoiselle, loicmn, ShawnT, FernandaBonnin, Bryan_Trogdon, Sam, Daniel, shadi 15:02:35 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 15:02:36 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/18-wcag2ict-minutes.html Zakim 15:02:41 I am happy to have been of service, maryjom; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:02:42 Zakim has left #wcag2ict 15:02:48 rrsagent, bye 15:02:48 I see no action items