Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

18 July 2024


Andreas, Atsushi, Ewan, Gary, Matt, Nigel
Chris_Needham, Cyril
Gary, Nigel

Meeting minutes

This Meeting

Nigel: Today, we have DAPT and TPAC
… Any other business, or points to make sure we cover?

no other business


Add section about mapping from TTML to the DAPT data model w3c/dapt#216

github: w3c/dapt#216

Nigel: I had a useful discussion with Cyril about this, and I think all his feedback has been resolved.
… I also asked some individuals who have contributed in the discussions if they had any more feedback.
… Pierre had some comments by email too, which I think are mostly resolved.
… I will mention some additional work I haven't pushed yet, but any other comments on this right now?

Andreas: I have not had time to review it properly yet, but I intend to - however do not wait for me.

Nigel: I have begun to draft a further update that clarifies that a DAPT document is a
… TTML timed text content document instance, which is a specific term in TTML2 that clarifies which
… kind of document instance it is.
… The other addition, which is a response to Pierre's feedback, is to state in the DAPT data model, explicitly,
… that there may be intermediate div elements between the body and the div representing a script event,
… and that script event divs must not contain any child div elements.
… I think that sort of closes the loop a bit better than it is now.
… Andreas, do you remember making that point?

Andreas: Yes, I remember making that point. I think it is better to avoid misinterpretation and unpredicted parsing of the document.
… To be more restrictive.

Nigel: OK, I'll try to finish that and get it pushed.
… I can't merge this until I have at least one approval, so this is going to drag on until someone else
… says they're happy with it!

SUMMARY: Updates and review continue

Consider additional use case - live audio description w3c/dapt#236

github: w3c/dapt#236

Ewan: Proposing a potential use case that I don't think had been considered earlier.
… If you are generating live audio description, ideally you would be creating a DAPT document
… for which there is no text but there are references to audio snippets.
… I wondered if that might break the design, or need any metadata changes.
… At the surface level I don't think there would be any need for accommodations for that kind of
… workflow but I thought it would be worth bouncing off others in the group.

Nigel: I think this needs some investigation to understand how it should best be represented,
… I can see it would be a legitimate use case but I suspect it might have a different process step at the beginning,
… in other words it wouldn't straightforwardly meet the currently described workflows.
… But it should work, I agree.
… Live AD is a new-ish thing, so we had not necessarily considered it.

SUMMARY: Issue brought to group's attention during regular call 2024-07-18

TPAC 2024

Nigel: Due to unwanted clashes in the schedule, Ian has proposed:
… 1. Dropping the APA/TTWG meeting on the Monday morning 9-10:30
… 2. Dropping the APA/MEIG meeting on the Thursday 16:30-18:00
… 3. Adding a 3-way joint meeting APA/MEIG/TTWG meeting on the Friday morning 11:00-12:30
… 4. Moving the ADCG/TTWG joint meeting on Friday 11:00-12:30 to Thursday 09:00-10:30, replacing the existing ADCG slot
… Hopefully that makes things a bit less intense for attendees of TTWG in terms of beginning and end of week.
… Any comments or thoughts about that proposal?

Andreas: I do not plan to attend

Gary: Seems reasonable to me

Matt: I also can't travel at the moment

Gary: I will be remote, but it will work out, being west coast US

Nigel: Great, I will respond to Ian and say it's all good then, in that case.
… Also, if people want to remotely join the Thursday ADCG/TTWG meeting it will be a little later than this
… regular call time but maybe still achievable for people in Europe.

Nigel: Any other TPAC points?

no other points

Upcoming meetings

Gary: We said we would cancel the meeting in 2 weeks

Nigel: So we did, if there are no objections let us do that.

github: w3c/ttwg#287

SUMMARY: Cancel this meeting 2024-08-01

Meeting close

Nigel: Thanks everyone, we have completed our agenda, let's adjourn. See you in 4 weeks, hopefully!
… [adjourns meeting]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).