14:53:33 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 14:53:37 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/07/18-hcls-irc 14:53:37 rrsagent, make logs public 14:53:45 Meeting: FHIR RDF 14:53:48 Chair: David Booth 15:02:56 Topic: DICOM 15:09:36 DBooth: Could have optional VR for all elements, but require the VR if needed to disambiguous. 15:10:25 ericP: Could push the private stuff off into another bit of graph, saying that the value of the prop is a tuple, that is the type and the list of values (w/o standoffs). That would factor out the types. 15:10:42 ... But can only do that w homogeneous lists. 15:12:49 ... or go directly into the list from the prop, but also saying which elements are which types. Stating that as a separate statement about the property. 15:13:02 ... That would assume homogeneity thruoughout the doc. 15:13:39 detlef: I think items in a list must have the same VR. 15:13:56 erich: In DICOM lists they are homogeneous. 15:14:24 detlef: There's a different construct for sequences, that can be heterogeneous. 15:15:08 detlef: Property range cannot change within a document. 15:15:39 ericP: Goal of factoring is to make the queries easier. 15:20:08 dbooth: Should we make VRs optional for properties that can be uniquely determined from the schema, and required for those that need disambiguation? 15:22:19 erich: one of the first things I need was to move everything to native xsd types. 15:23:44 dbooth: For transport, if the VRs are kept, but then discarded locally when used (if not needed), would that be a good approach? 15:23:52 detlef: That's what's normally done. 15:25:07 ericP: If you have the optional VR triples in a separate file, then you can just concatenate files if you want them. 15:27:45 dbooth: How would someone partition their triples that way? 15:32:01 ericP: They'd already have to know which private data elements they're using. 15:36:53 erich: DICOM versions change. Need to retain the version in RDF. 15:37:25 dbooth: What about including all the VRs in the transport format RDF, but local users can toss out VRs they don't need. 15:41:45 ericP: Beginning of the instance data could say what schema instance (with version) they are using. 15:46:40 dbooth: But what about having the instance data (for transport) include all the VR codes, with a standoff, and then local user could discard the VR codes they don't need? 15:49:18 erich: Would be a simple sparql query to strip off the VR code and extra standoff. 15:57:37 https://github.com/w3c/hcls-fhir-rdf/issues/145 16:05:58 ACTION: EricP to create a top level issue for current DICOM proposals 16:06:05 ADJOURNED 16:06:26 Present: David Booth, Detlef Grittner, Gaurav Vaidya, EricP, Erich Bremer 16:06:32 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:06:33 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/18-hcls-minutes.html dbooth