11:01:27 RRSAgent has joined #wot-uc 11:01:32 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/07/17-wot-uc-irc 11:01:32 regret+ ege 11:01:37 meeting: WoT Use Cases 11:01:49 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Luca_Barbato 11:01:55 s/ege/Ege/ 11:02:01 rrsagent, make log public 11:02:10 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:02:11 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/17-wot-uc-minutes.html kaz 11:05:51 present+ Michael_McCool 11:06:34 McCool has joined #wot-uc 11:06:54 scribenick: McCool 11:07:15 agenda: https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/blob/main/TODO/20240717.md 11:07:45 q+ 11:07:54 q- 11:08:56 topic: Logistics 11:09:08 mz: no cancellations planned for July 11:09:33 ... however, cancellations Aug 21 and 28 11:10:48 q+ 11:10:53 mz: updates to meeting plan; July 17 and 24, adding github issue template 11:11:11 s/template/template, internal trial and refactoring/ 11:11:52 ack k 11:11:52 topic: Minutes 11:12:09 mz: last meeting was July 10 11:12:35 mz: https://www.w3.org/2024/07/10-wot-uc-minutes.html 11:12:56 i/Minutes/kaz: no objections, but you might want to quickly go through all the logistics information including both the cancellation and meeting plan rather than having two separate sections within the agenda MD./ 11:13:03 i/no ob/scribenick: kaz/ 11:13:13 i/last meeting/scribenick: McCool/ 11:13:20 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:13:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/17-wot-uc-minutes.html kaz 11:13:27 mz: main discussion points: WoT-JP reuse of template, translation to/from Japanese 11:13:40 mz: closed some issues and PRs related to template 11:13:58 ... then discussed issue of real names and emails 11:14:16 q+ 11:16:11 ack k 11:16:23 ... and proposal that we should have a policy to delete UC (proposals) if we can't contact the submitters 11:17:02 mm: suggest delete "proposals" in summary 11:17:10 kaz: in minutes should be accurate 11:17:43 mm: and we really should officially discuss the policy at the WG level at some point 11:18:16 kaz: @@@ 11:18:25 mz: any objections to approving minutes? 11:18:29 ... none, approved 11:18:48 topic: Fix the YAML-based Use Case template 11:19:05 mz: have several issues and PRs... 11:19:35 s/@@@/right. so it would be better to quickly review the important points based on the minutes themselves rather than re-generating "summaries" on the agenda. Then we should confirm the potential policy today based on the discussion last week./ 11:19:40 mz: https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/pull/293 11:19:45 i/so it would/scribenick: kaz/ 11:20:03 mz: this PR changes the order of "What to be done?" 11:20:05 i/any objections/scribenick: McCool/ 11:20:12 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:20:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/17-wot-uc-minutes.html kaz 11:20:54 ... however, Ege created another PR to remove some of the similar/duplicate template to remove them 11:21:03 mz: https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/pull/294 11:21:47 q+ 11:22:42 ... and PR 293 is against an old file; will close MZ's PR against old file (without merging), will merge Ege's, and then create a new PR 11:24:13 kaz: suggest we just look at the PRs in order 11:24:36 q+ 11:24:45 mm: if we merge the change and then delete the file it will have the same result in the end; we'll still need to create a new PR to implement the fix 11:25:24 mz: propose merging #294 - Ege's PR to delete files 11:26:11 q+ 11:26:35 mm: suggest close #293 without merging otherwise history will be confused 11:27:12 subtopic: PR 293 11:27:17 JKRhb has joined #wot-uc 11:27:29 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/pull/293 PR 293 - Change the order of items of sample-usecase-template.yml based Issue … 11:27:34 present+ Luca_Barbato 11:27:35 mz: (closes 293 without merging) 11:28:40 q+ 11:28:44 ack k 11:29:02 ack m 11:29:13 subtopic: PR 294 11:29:19 mz: next, let's discuss #294 11:29:29 i|next|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/pull/294 PR 294 - Delete old issue templates| 11:29:40 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:29:41 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/17-wot-uc-minutes.html kaz 11:29:48 ... this PR deletes some old templates 11:29:54 q+ 11:31:10 q- 11:31:12 q+ 11:31:30 mm: agree with merging #294 and deleting these files 11:31:31 q- 11:31:41 kaz: are we sure these are the right files? 11:32:02 mm: even if we delete the wrong file, still in github history, so no problem 11:32:20 mz: (merges #294) 11:32:33 subtopic: PR #295 11:32:47 mz: https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/pull/295 11:33:17 ... this is applying some fixes to the correct template file 11:33:17 s|mz: https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/pull/295|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/pull/295 PR 295 - Template Updates| 11:33:54 mz: also renames filename 11:34:48 [ WoT-UseCases-Template-20240710.yml => WoT-UseCases-Template.yml ] 11:35:07 mm: agree with merging this PR; seems to also fix a cut-and-paste error 11:35:23 mz: (merges #295) 11:36:36 topic: Discussion 11:37:19 subtopic: Real Names and emails 11:37:33 mz: have summarized previous discussion in agenda 11:37:52 q+ 11:38:59 q+ 11:39:10 mm: my main point last time was that if we can't contact submitters in the future (somehow - may or may not be email) then we reserve the right to delete a use case 11:39:21 q+ 11:39:29 ack mc k 11:39:46 ack mc 11:39:48 ack 11:40:24 q+ 11:41:10 mm: think we should propose a resolution here 11:41:26 q- 11:41:26 ... also, Ege is not here but he had a slightly different opinion 11:41:58 mm: I think though personally that we should have clear "authorship" for uses cases, an not allow anonymous use cases 11:42:23 s/an not/and not/ 11:42:33 luca: if we don't have enough information provided, someone could also "take over" a use cases 11:42:37 q+ 11:43:19 i/if we don't/kaz: agree. let's see if people here can make a basic resolution for today./ 11:43:30 i/kaz:/scribenick: kaz/ 11:43:46 i/if we don't/scribenick: McCool/ 11:44:11 s/a use cases/a use case/ 11:44:23 mm: so that is an alternative approach, letting the UC TF modify use cases, taking over authorship 11:44:49 ... but I personally think UC are a way for stakeholders to request support, so it would be odd to modify them 11:44:55 present+ Jan_Romann 11:45:03 mz: Ege, do you agree? 11:45:22 s/Ege/Jan/ 11:45:40 jan: no strong opinion 11:45:43 q+ 11:46:00 q+ 11:47:02 mm: how should we proceed? Should we have a resolution now, or write up a policy proposal? 11:47:18 q+ 11:47:55 mm: my opinion is we need a policy proposal; a bit too much to fit into a single resolution 11:49:21 ack m 11:49:28 mz: would like to get started with accepting use cases 11:50:04 mm: I think the policy relates to publication; but we can still start accepting submissions - we should clarify the policy before publication. 11:50:11 q+ 11:50:13 ack k 11:51:12 q+ 11:51:13 mm: I did say that I wanted to write up a proposal; I had not gotten to it, but can do so by next week. suggest we move on 11:52:07 mm: my intention is to the follow the "authorship" and "right to delete" path 11:52:19 s/the follow/follow/ 11:52:32 mz: agree with that direction 11:52:45 topic: Internal Trial 11:53:10 s/Internal Trial/Security and Privacy Categories/ 11:53:23 q+ 11:53:26 mz: PR #290 11:53:36 mz: https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/issues/290 11:53:46 kaz: issue may be too big for the time 11:53:57 mm: sure, let's discuss next time 11:54:01 s/issue/issue 290/ 11:54:37 https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/issues/289 11:54:52 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:54:53 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/17-wot-uc-minutes.html kaz 11:55:12 topic: Stakeholders 11:55:27 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/issues/289 Issue 289 - [UC Template] Stakeholders 11:56:52 q+ 11:56:56 ack m 11:57:48 https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/pull/297 11:57:50 mm: problem is we have three different lists of stakeholders. Only S&PG has definitions. Propose we consolidate, add any missing definitions to S&PG list, and use that as the master. 11:58:47 kaz: before that, there is an other problem, the YAML is broken 11:59:00 ... added PR #297 to fix a missing field 11:59:57 ... let's continue the discussion next time 12:00:00 [adjourned] 12:00:15 i/let's/scribenick: kaz 12:00:19 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:00:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/17-wot-uc-minutes.html kaz 12:01:00 mahda has joined #wot-uc 12:10:15 dape has joined #wot-uc 13:54:53 mahda has joined #wot-uc 14:02:09 Zakim has left #wot-uc