WoT-WG - TD-TF - Slot 1

17 July 2024


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, Jan_Romann, Kaz_Ashimura, Luca_Barbato, Mahda_Noura, Tomoaki_Mizushima
Ege, Koster

Meeting minutes


Mahda: Agenda mostly about tooling

Minutes Review

Mahda: Wednesday meeting, https://www.w3.org/2024/07/10-wot-td-minutes.html
… Kaz applied some changes already
… I spotted "@@@"

Kaz: We need Cristiano's clarification for his words
… maybe we can simply remove "@@@" also given there are some more words after that

(just removed)

Mahda: meeting, https://www.w3.org/2024/07/11-wot-td-minutes.html
… any objections approving the minutes
… none -> minutes are approved


Toolchain Discussion

<kaz> Mahda shows the WoT Thing Description 1.1 spec

Mahda: Current process is to finally generate HTML document
… some parts are manually written
… some tables, images etc are automatically generated from resources like ontology et cetera
… current process requires to setup ontology
… it is tedious
… SHACL/SHAPE difficult to construct
… JSON schema validation file is different again
… we require template files based on STTL
… difficult to maintain ... not a huge community
… that's why we look for a better solution

<mahda> SPARQL Template

Mahda: Is motivation clear?

Daniel: new tooling for new documents only, right?

Mahda: Yes
… new resources in similar shape

<mahda> w3c/wot-thing-description-toolchain-tmp

Mahda: <opens repo>
… that is the current project with the new toolchain
… there is a diagram about main idea
… we agreed to use LinkML
… LinkML based on object-oriented programming concept
… easier for most people
… single source of truth in LinkML
… output resources are generated like JSON Schema, SHACL, ...
… 2nd step if for generating HTML
… currently we use the template mechanism which we would like to replace
… static file index.template.html uses the placeholder which we fill in
… the 2nd step would use the generated resources and the html file to generate final TD HTML file
… the repo can be used already
… there is a quickstarter in the readme

Mahda: <showing the process>

Kaz: readme page summarizes whole mechanism. That is great

Mahda: back to process
… main.py is starting point
… script to generate
… so far we need to bring concepts to LinkML
… repo has "resources" directory with LinkML schemas
… we can define own types
… first draft ready for our schemas is available
… besides that we have index.template.html
… with placeholders
… there also test files in "test" directory

Mahda: The process generated merged LinkML file which could be hosted later somewhere
… now we are in the test phase
… basic tests pass... for example w.r.t. the JSON schema
… more complicated ones pass also
… but there is still a lot to do
… we have lots of test-cases

Daniel: Part of a CI test pipeline in the end?

Mahda: Yes
… generation, testing etc

Jan: For the document generation. DO we still use index.html or bikeshed ?

Mahda: No plan yet ... still working on JSON schema generation
… LinkML is work in progress also
… parts we need are worked on
… anyway, later we can look at bikeshed also

<kaz> Bikeshed Documentation

Cristiano: Congrats. I like it
… about testing
… we used to have validation folder in old repo
… can you make use of it?

Mahda: I considered valid vs. invalid TDs ... but testing pipeline is not in place yet
… we can use the "old" script in the future ...

Cristiano: Let's see how it goes

Cristiano: Bikeshed is python-based ... maybe we go along that
… what is the advantage of bikeshed?

Luca: Question: What is the alternative ?

Cristiano: Staying with ReSpec ?

Luca: Bikeshed takes in extended markdown and produces HTML (or PDF)
… can be still annotated with ReSpec
… but we can use Markdown

Mahda: we use mkdocs already

Luca: LinkML can produce Markdown
… we can convert index.html to Ginger and LinkML can fill in what we want
… OR LinkML is producing Markdown, which we can fill in later
… several possible steps

Mahda: Luca, maybe you can draft your proposal
… I have still concerns w.r.t. the placeholders and how to replace them

Luca: Are we okay with converting everything to Markdown?
… this is the first step

Luca: I can try to look at how we can integrate
… Markdown seems better to me

Mahda: Maybe we can convert HTML to Markdown also?
… but let's wait for Luca

Kaz: Given that we don't have both the main editors ... we don't need to make conclusion
… we need to think about compatibility
… not everyone is used to it and we should be careful

Mahda: agree, no resolutions today

Cristiano: If we have HTML already .. it is an effort to move it to Markdown
… there are templating mechanisms

Luca: Markdown is easier to handle ..
… LinkML has Markdown generator
… have PR ready

Luca: <sharing screen>
… at the moment mermaid rendering is not working correctly
… could write python to fill in placeholders
… OR use Markdown output so that it fits our needs

Mahda: Would be good test it

Daniel: Somewhat similar comment to Cristianos ... would stick to HTML for now.. look at it step by step

Kaz: Agree with Daniel
… would ask opinions from Koster and Ege too
… then if we as the whole TD TF would like to go for using Bikeshed, we can ask other groups who are already using Bikeshed about their tooling and know-how.

Issue 29

<mahda> LinkML JSON Schema Generator

Mahda: Issue 29 in tmp repo

Mahda: in LinkML composition can be used like anyOf etc
… I modeled security field
… LinkML adds type:string also ion JSON schema
… composition term is the issue
… it is of type object
… in the case of composition ... convert to object
… maybe propose fix to LinkML
… I wanted to discuss how we can proceed

Issue 28

<mahda> Issue 28 - Model JSON Schema keyword additionalProperties in LinkML

Mahda: Issue 28 is similar.. w.r.t. additionalProperties
… shall we do post processing ..or fixing LinkML

Cristiano: w.r.t. issue 29 ...
… can we define security is undefined

Mahda: can use range: any ... forces it to be object
… in some case it works fine
… in the forms cases it does not work

Cristiano: I am surprised that JSON schema is valid in first place

Mahda: Yes, not valid

Cristiano: Workaround possible ... with post processing.. if no fix on LinkML side

Daniel: should fix LinkML in the ideal case :-)
… at least try to open issues
… w.r.t. forms .. we should not use the same type

Mahda: Yes fixed that
… with title ... sometimes mandatory ..sometimes not
… ontology should have just one concept of title .. not several ones

Mahda: anything urgent?
… closing -> out of time


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).