13:08:59 RRSAgent has joined #wot-profile 13:09:03 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/07/17-wot-profile-irc 13:09:08 ktoumura has joined #wot-profile 13:09:15 JKRhb has joined #wot-profile 13:09:24 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Luca_Barbato, Daniel_Peintner, Jan_Romann 13:09:38 regrets+ Ege 13:09:42 regrets+ Koster 13:10:15 scribenick: kaz 13:10:21 regrets+ Ben 13:11:27 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima 13:12:11 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Profile_WebConf#Profile_-_Jul_17th%2C_2024 13:12:17 q+ 13:13:10 q- 13:13:10 topic: Minutes 13:13:22 -> https://www.w3.org/2024/06/11-wot-profile-minutes.html June-11 13:13:37 lb: (goes through the minutes) 13:14:20 approved 13:14:33 -> https://www.w3.org/2024/07/09-wot-profile-minutes.html July-9 13:15:21 present+ Ben_Francis 13:16:26 rrsagent, make log public 13:16:31 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:16:33 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/17-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 13:16:40 approved 13:17:45 topic: Out of box clarification 13:18:15 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/415 PR 415 - Out of the box clarification 13:18:39 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/415/files changes 13:19:39 merged 13:20:00 topic: Profiles for ecosystems 13:21:40 q+ 13:21:57 q- 13:21:58 q+ 13:22:17 kaz: any issues and/or documents? 13:22:33 lb: this is an open discussion for today 13:23:29 lb: (shows his diagram about profiles vs ecosystems) 13:24:37 ... Protocol: HTTP, MQTT, WebTransport, WebSocket 13:24:50 .... Data Serialization: JSON, CBOR, BSON, ProtoBuf 13:25:08 ... Data Structure: DataSchema, DataMapping 13:25:16 ... Meaning of Data: SAREF, SSN 13:25:30 ... Behavior: Async Action, Affordance Relationship 13:25:45 ... System Architecture: Security, Disovery, Onboarding 13:26:20 ... examples of ecosystems: OPC-UA, MATTER 13:28:18 ... initial work on OPC-UA example done 13:28:23 ... would work on MATTER too 13:29:41 q? 13:29:42 q+ 13:30:05 https://w3c.github.io/wot-binding-templates/#platform-bindings 13:30:13 bf: sounds to me platform design 13:30:22 ... protocol binding and payload binding 13:30:45 ... think it's opposite to what we've been doing for Profile 13:31:28 ... and don't see any benefit to think about a "MATTER Profile" because MATTER itself already works for its interoperability 13:31:47 ... also whey do we need to think about OPC-UA Profile? 13:32:10 ... Binding Template should describe the interface for Brown-field devices 13:32:29 lb: ecosystems do have out-of-box interoperability issues 13:32:44 ... more about describing something 13:32:57 ... Binding doesn't handle restriction 13:33:11 ... Profile would be better fit for that purpose 13:33:42 ... if the Consumer is implementing some specific Profile, you can't handle that using Binding 13:34:05 q? 13:34:07 ack b 13:34:47 ... if we have a Profile exposing a Thing, you for sure know about eveything that exposes the Thing 13:34:53 s/evey/every/ 13:35:14 ... my Thing supports this, and OPC-UA Thing supports that 13:35:46 ... you can use WoT as the bridge for something outside WoT 13:35:55 q? 13:35:59 qq+ Ben 13:36:29 bf: that's not we've been handling for Profile... 13:36:47 ... there are two possible ways Binding and Profile 13:37:16 ... this discussion today is rather opposite to what Profile should do for "interoperability" 13:38:00 lb: sort of feedback we got was we should handle brown-field devices too 13:38:16 ... they can be easily considered as "Vendor Profiles" 13:38:59 ... we want to focus more on the interoperability part 13:39:25 ... we use Profile to provide a good way to cover everything 13:39:33 ... provide a bridge for WoT 13:39:53 ... we need something that is a way forward for the bridge 13:40:22 ... I can see your point but we need to see a good balance 13:41:14 bf: don't think it would be helpful to just thinking about supporting subset of WoT 13:42:30 lb: nothing prevents you to have partial way 13:42:35 q? 13:44:13 bf: all MATTER devices are already interoperable themselves 13:44:33 lb: within one specific ecosystem all the devices are interoperable 13:45:07 ... but if we want to involve devices from another ecosystem, we need to support interoperability 13:45:22 ... WoT is a solution for that purpose 13:45:30 ack b 13:45:30 Ben, you wanted to react to benfrancis 13:45:47 q? 13:46:48 q+ 13:47:19 kaz: clarification on what Profile does is good 13:47:40 q- 13:47:45 ... but we should clarify what Profile does and Binding does based on some specific use case and component setting 13:47:47 ack k 13:48:11 q+ 13:48:20 lb: agree most parts can be handled by Binding Template 13:49:07 ... on the other hand, we have to make sure what to be done for ecosystems 13:49:29 ... regarding the part about MATTER 13:49:42 ... Koster mentioned that 13:49:59 ... regarding OPC UA, they're ready for discussion 13:50:10 bf: but can be handled by Binding Templates 13:50:15 lb: right 13:50:31 ... but Binding Templates can't handle everything 13:50:33 q? 13:50:35 q+ 13:51:09 bf: let's describe based on a concrete use case 13:51:36 lb: can't say much about OPC UA itself since I'm not an expert of OPC UA 13:52:36 s/component setting/component setting. For that purpose, probably we should start with our experienced examples./ 13:52:41 miz: agree with Kaz 13:53:12 ... what is the purpose of standardization for Profile here? 13:53:17 s/what/but what/ 13:53:54 lb: expected it would good to think about mapping between Profile and Ecosystem 13:54:04 ... but it seems that's not a good idea 13:54:52 mahda has joined #wot-profile 13:54:53 ... if we can find a good reason for this direction, we can get a good starting point 13:54:57 q+ 13:55:11 ... need out of box compatibility 13:55:48 q+ 13:56:03 q- 13:56:04 qq+ 13:57:10 q- 13:57:30 kaz: we need to clarify the pain points for interoperability with external ecosystems a bit more 13:57:30 q- 13:57:58 bf: can see the argument for OPC UA Profile 13:58:12 +1 for kaz 13:58:57 ... maybe OPCF might want to use a WoT Profile but don't see benefit for a possible MATTER Profile 14:00:06 q? 14:00:12 ack b 14:00:40 lb: wanted to see what can and can't be done for MATTER too based on Koster's feedback 14:00:54 q+ 14:01:12 ack k 14:01:53 ... during the next meeting, we can concentrate on the OPC UA part 14:02:22 [adjourned] 14:02:28 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:02:29 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/17-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 14:03:00 s/[adjourned]// 14:03:11 ... next call will be held in 2 weeks 14:03:11 [adjourned] 14:03:12 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:03:13 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/17-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 14:06:24 s/we need to clarify/Basically, interoperability with other ecosystems can be handled by Binding Templates, but if there are any pain points with that, we need to clarify/ 14:06:27 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:06:29 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/17-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 16:02:22 Zakim has left #wot-profile