12:01:35 RRSAgent has joined #wot 12:01:39 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/07/17-wot-irc 12:01:42 meeting: WoT-WG/IG 12:01:43 Tomo has joined #wot 12:01:59 dezell has joined #wot 12:02:08 McCool0 has joined #wot 12:02:13 present+ Mahda_Noura 12:02:13 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Luca_Barbato Charith_Perela_(Guest), Kunihiko_Toumura, Mahda_Noura 12:02:17 present+ David_Ezell 12:03:21 https://www.w3.org/2024/07/webtransport-wg-charter.html 12:04:05 s|https://www.w3.org/2024/07/webtransport-wg-charter.html|| 12:04:28 matsuda has joined #wot 12:04:33 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#17_July_2024 12:04:39 rrsagent, make log public 12:04:44 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:04:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/17-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:05:02 https://www.w3.org/2003/12/22-pp-faq.html#non-participants 12:05:25 present+ Jan_Romann, Tetsushi_Matsuda, Tomoaki_Mizushima 12:05:31 regrets+ Koster, Ege 12:05:46 present+ Sebastian_Kaebisch 12:05:56 chair: McCool, Sebastian 12:06:16 sebastian has joined #wot 12:06:19 scribenick: sebastian 12:06:51 topic: Guests 12:06:54 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:06:55 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/17-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:07:15 MM: are you agree with W3C patent policy? 12:07:32 CP: yes 12:08:38 s/are you/do you/ 12:08:58 topic: Minutes 12:09:01 MM: Charith will give a presentation. We will see how he can contribute to our specs 12:09:02 -> https://www.w3.org/2024/07/10-wot-minutes.html July-10 12:09:10 s/topic: Minutes// 12:09:19 i|https|topic: Minutes| 12:09:29 12:09:56 q+ 12:10:08 dape has joined #wot 12:10:32 ack k 12:10:34 MM: there seen a wrong date for the Profil call. Luca can you confirm? 12:10:40 s/seen/seems 12:11:14 q+ 12:11:25 s/wrong/strange 12:11:54 ack k 12:11:54 topic: Quick Items 12:12:08 MM: any news about Web-based Digital Twins for Smart Cities IG ? 12:12:27 q+ 12:12:36 Kaz: still waiting for response 12:12:46 q- 12:13:03 topic: Meetups 12:13:10 MM: any news? 12:13:23 12:13:33 q+ 12:14:03 q- 12:14:14 MM: WoT JP CG plans a Use Case event for July 26 12:14:52 ack k 12:14:55 topic: Guest Presentation 12:15:10 12:15:39 present+ Daniel_Peintner 12:16:00 CP: I'm from Sri Lanka. Did my PhD in Australia 12:16:01 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:16:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/17-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:16:47 ... now I'm in the UK and a Reader (Associate Professor) at the Cardiff University 12:16:47 s/topic: Guests/ 12:16:54 i|non-par|topic: Guests| 12:16:57 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:16:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/17-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:18:25 ... have experiences in smart home engineering and did building research 12:19:48 ... my academic focuses on, e.g., on privacy fluid 12:21:08 ... help people to adopt privacy principle 12:21:44 s/principle/principles 12:23:47 ... I'm leading an interdisciplinary team for forest observatory. 12:26:43 ... for the topic resilientsensing we uses the knowledge of sensors and network traffic and how they could put together 12:26:56 gkellogg has joined #wot 12:28:11 ... I have also had a project in the Smart City domain. There we used also semantic web technologies. 12:28:54 ... in Cardiff we have a IoT lab 12:29:02 q? 12:29:09 q+ 12:29:19 MM: you have also security experiences, right? 12:29:24 CP: yes 12:30:09 MM: which spec would you be interest in WoT? 12:30:47 q? 12:31:00 q+ 12:31:17 CP: Security would be relevant. Architecture would be also relevant 12:31:50 SK: What is your motivation for beeing here and to contribute to WoT? 12:33:12 Kaz: we need to clarify the details offline 12:33:20 q- 12:33:46 LB: are you also interest in implementation work? 12:34:25 CP: Maybe. I need to understand this more first. 12:35:13 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:35:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/17-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:35:20 q? 12:35:20 MM: we have, eg., PlugFests. It's not manditory to contribute but would be welcome 12:35:20 s/interest in/interested in/ 12:35:20 ack l 12:35:44 CP: thank you 12:36:01 topic: Collaboration 12:36:40 -> https://www.w3.org/2024/07/webtransport-wg-charter.html WebTrasnport WG Charter 12:36:52 -> https://www.w3.org/TR/webtransport/ WebTransport REC 12:36:58 MM: there is a new charter 12:37:03 s/REC/spec/ 12:37:07 q+ 12:37:23 s/Charter/Proposed Charter/ 12:37:23 ... question is if we should also show up there as group? 12:38:14 q? 12:38:17 q+ 12:38:23 ... suggestion should come from a memebr and not from the group 12:38:36 Kaz: there is no special rule or policy for this 12:40:02 ... we should ask Luca's expectation 12:41:08 LB: the charter may get bit stronger when we interest our interest in this technology 12:41:32 s/interest/sharing 12:41:52 ack lu 12:41:53 ack k 12:42:09 MM: ok, it's technical related since they also using WebSockets 12:42:43 https://github.com/w3c/strategy/issues/445 12:42:51 ... would also suggest to add WoT to the collaboration 12:43:16 -> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ac-members/2024JulSep/0006.html call for review for WebTransport WG Charter (Member-only) 12:43:24 proposal: Request Web-Transport WG to add a collaboration with Web of Things WG to their WG charter. 12:43:40 q+ 12:43:43 MM: any objection? 12:43:53 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:43:54 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/17-wot-minutes.html JKRhb 12:44:42 Kaz: we should confirm everybody's opinion. 12:46:13 ... support stronger cooperation with browser integration 12:46:52 q? 12:46:58 ack k 12:47:00 MM: I think it is worth to talk about 12:47:21 s/support stronger cooperation with browser integration/I myself am totally fine with this possible collaboration, because I've been suggesting we should work on stronger support for browser integration, though./ 12:47:27 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:47:28 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/17-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:48:53 DK: I do not have strong opinion. 12:49:11 gkellogg has joined #wot 12:49:17 q+ 12:49:36 MM: document is still under review 12:49:45 dezell2 has joined #wot 12:50:30 proposal: Request Web-Transport WG to add a collaboration with Web of Things WG to their WG charter. 12:50:34 ... I woud support due to visibility 12:50:41 s/woud/would 12:51:10 Kaz: comments can be also be given via AC reviews 12:51:45 I support the need for visibility. I will comment as an AC rep. 12:52:24 proposal: Request (via WoT WG member who is an AC rep) Web-Transport WG to add a collaboration with Web of Things WG to their WG charter. 12:52:27 MM: we can do a resolution. Someone else (AC rep) take the action. 12:52:32 q+ 12:52:33 LB: I will do it 12:53:10 s/comments can be also be given via AC reviews/given it's already on the official AC review, we need to clarify the action also (i.e., somebody from us as an AC rep gives a comment about that)/ 12:53:11 q- 12:53:12 proposal: Request (via WoT WG member who is an AC rep - Luca Barbato has volunteered) Web-Transport WG to add a collaboration with Web of Things WG to their WG charter. 12:53:23 MM: any objections? 12:53:28 no 12:53:32 resolution: Request (via WoT WG member who is an AC rep - Luca Barbato has volunteered) Web-Transport WG to add a collaboration with Web of Things WG to their WG charter. 12:53:38 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:53:39 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/17-wot-minutes.html JKRhb 12:54:01 LB: I will update my review on the Charter 12:54:31 DK: I will also mention WoT in my review 12:54:43 ... any issue with it? 12:54:47 MM: no 12:54:56 topic: Liaisons 12:55:39 MM: established a liaison with ETSI ISG CIM (NGSI-LD) 12:55:50 q+ 12:55:56 ack de 12:56:37 ... there meetings every 2 weeks 12:57:46 SK: there is a kick-off meeting of the new OPC Foundation WG "UA Binding for Web of Things" in 2 weeks (30 July) 12:57:57 q- 12:57:59 MM: only OPCF Members can join 12:58:42 kaz: we ourselves (WoT WG) need to clarify our expectation for OPC Binding and Binding Template registry for that purpose 12:58:44 Kaz: need to clarify the exchange. Still working on the liaisons contact page 12:58:50 q+ 12:59:06 topic: Schedule 12:59:14 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:59:16 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/17-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:59:39 --> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#Cancellations_and_Schedule_Updates 12:59:48 q+ 12:59:52 ack d 12:59:54 DP: tomorrow there will be no TD and Marketing call 13:00:23 Kaz: today there is a TD call about TD tooling 13:01:14 LB: I send an email about yesterdays Profile outcomes 13:01:31 topic: F2F Planning 13:01:59 s/TD tooling/TD tooling, while no TD call tomorrow/ 13:02:06 subtopic: TPAC 13:02:33 13:02:40 --> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Wiki_for_F2F_2024_planning 13:02:47 i/F2F/kaz: we should clarify how to organize the Profile call, one whole hour or half an hour, weekly or bi-weekly./ 13:03:23 topic: Marketing 13:03:49 s/Marketing/WoT Week in November/ 13:03:59 -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Wiki_for_WoT_Week_2024_planning WoT Week wiki 13:04:14 topic: Plugfest call 13:04:26 MM: there is a dicussion about the WoT supporters for the web page 13:04:39 s/topic: Plugfest call// 13:04:46 topic: Plugfest call 13:05:25 sk: we'll resume the Plugfest call next Wednesday 13:05:30 SK: next week there will restart the PlugFest meeting to organize the PlugFest for the WoT week 13:05:38 s/sk: we'll resume the Plugfest call next Wednesday// 13:06:08 q+ 13:06:23 MM: there is a conflict with the Profile call. 13:06:32 ... need to cancel it next week 13:07:34 ack k 13:07:41 gkellogg has joined #wot 13:07:59 ... PlugFest meeting next week is a non-recurring meeting 13:08:33 i/PlugFest/note that Plugfest/ 13:08:36 [adjourned] 13:08:39 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:08:41 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/17-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:27:42 gkellogg has joined #wot 13:48:16 gkellogg has joined #wot 13:54:46 mahda has joined #wot 14:00:32 gkellogg has joined #wot 14:11:07 gkellogg has joined #wot 14:30:46 gkellogg has joined #wot 14:50:04 gkellogg has joined #wot 15:06:37 bigbluehat has joined #wot 15:08:23 gkellogg has joined #wot 15:16:37 dlehn has joined #wot 15:24:21 TallTed has joined #wot 15:27:11 gkellogg has joined #wot 15:32:20 Zakim has left #wot 15:43:29 gkellogg has joined #wot 15:57:19 gkellogg has joined #wot 17:02:31 gkellogg has joined #wot 17:19:33 gkellogg has joined #wot 17:38:31 gkellogg has joined #wot 17:57:00 gkellogg has joined #wot 19:44:37 gkellogg has joined #wot 19:46:04 gkellogg has joined #wot 20:18:04 gkellogg has joined #wot 20:30:22 gkellogg has joined #wot 21:02:34 gkellogg has joined #wot 21:10:58 gkellogg has joined #wot 21:28:19 gkellogg has joined #wot 21:45:54 gkellogg has joined #wot 22:04:53 gkellogg has joined #wot 22:53:51 gkellogg has joined #wot 23:25:07 gkellogg has joined #wot 23:45:34 gkellogg has joined #wot