RQTF meeting

17 July 2024


janina, jasonjgw, John_Paton
janina, jasonjgw

Meeting minutes

Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements.

jasonjgw: Believe we're waiting for announcements?

Janina: the document is published; announcements expected; editorial changes were included; the slight delay in announcements isn't problematic due to the closing date for review of 30 September.

Janina may make some editorial adjustments at some point.

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and accessibility.

Janina: we're still waiting for repository creation.

Immersive captions.

Janina: still requires editors to be invited.

Janina needs to find the Invited Expert application form, to be sent to prospective editors.

XR accessibility.

Janina notes multiple guests joining to idscuss XR accessibility.

Janina hopes we can reach an understanding of the pipeline, and what the W3C should do in response to their work.

Janina expects we can reach a mutual understanding of what we should do in connection with their work and what would be suitable outcomes.

Janina: whether we should update XAUR; publication of Immersive Captions as a W3C Note; whether there should be other specification(s).

Janina expcts this discussion to require most of the hour.

Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA.

Janina: editing is underway, thanks to Janina; we're looking for current information on Cloudflare's FIDO 2-related proposal.

Janina suggests the main point is to avoid the need to sove CAPTCHA challenges.

Janina will encourage colleagues in Security/Privacy to review the draft.

We'll bring the topi back in two weeks.

Miscellaneous updates and topics.

Nothing of relevance.

Janina: we could consider a session on AI/accessibility.

We'll resume this discussion in two weeks (regarding AI and TPAC).

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


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All speakers: Janina, jasonjgw

Active on IRC: janina, jasonjgw, JPaton