17:04:57 RRSAgent has joined #aria-at 17:05:02 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/07/17-aria-at-irc 17:05:06 rrsagent, make log public 17:05:18 Zakim, start the meeting 17:05:18 RRSAgent, make logs Public 17:05:20 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jugglinmike 17:05:30 Matt_King has joined #aria-at 17:05:59 meeting: ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group Weekly Teleconference 17:06:06 howard-e has joined #aria-at 17:06:07 present+ 17:06:12 sasekg has joined #aria-at 17:06:18 present+ 17:06:24 present+ jugglinmike 17:06:28 scribe+ jugglinmike 17:07:17 Topic: Review agenda and next meeting dates 17:07:26 Matt_King: Primary focus today is on the "slider" test plan 17:07:32 Matt_King: Requests for changes to agenda? 17:07:38 Matt_King: Hearing none, we'll stick with what we've got 17:07:54 Matt_King: Next AT Driver Subgroup meeting: Monday July 22 17:08:01 Matt_King: Next community group meeting: Thursday, July 25 17:08:17 Topic: Current status 17:08:32 Matt_King: As far as I can tell, the status hasn't changed since last time 17:08:44 Matt_King: We're at 6 plans in the candidate review phase and one in draft review 17:08:56 Matt_King: A couple more are coming up soon after; we'll talk more about them, later 17:09:07 Topic: Testing of Color Viewer Slider 17:09:20 Matt_King: NVDA looks all the way done in the test queue, but two testers and with no conflicts 17:09:26 Matt_King: I think we can mark it as final 17:09:31 IsaDC: I'm okay with that 17:09:36 present+ IsaDC 17:09:48 IsaDC: There were some minor conflicts, but I resolved them by updating my results 17:10:13 IsaDC: There seem to be plenty of conflicts with JAWS 17:11:05 present+ Hadi 17:11:17 Hadi: I have 10 conflicts in total, but I haven't raised any issues, yet 17:11:29 Hadi: The issues may be due to an incorrect expectation on my part 17:11:58 Hadi: I expect that when I press "right", it reads the new value--not the current value, followed by the new value 17:12:31 Hadi: When you press "Home" or "End", it reads the word "Home" or "End", but it doesn't do that when you press "Page Down" or the arrow keys 17:12:54 Hadi: This points to an inconsistency in behavior, and I think the vendors should know that 17:13:34 Matt_King: For the speaking of the name of the key, that is a JAWS settings thing. If you press "page up" and it says "page up", that's not a problem 17:13:47 Matt_King: If you press "up arrow" and it doesn't say "arrow problem", that's not a problem, either 17:14:12 Matt_King: Vispero is free to make decisions about how JAWS behaves in that regard 17:15:02 Matt_King: Saying the old value before the new, or repeating the same value more than one--those could be valid "excess verbosity" issues, perhaps with a minor impact 17:15:40 Hadi: The fact that it says, "Home" or "end", those are not the reason for the conflict. I simply mentioned that 17:16:29 Matt_King: We'll have to look at your conflicts. I already see some of the behaviors that you're talking about 17:17:14 IsaDC: I marked repeated output as "excess verbosity" 17:17:24 Hadi: I mentioned it with the "other" feature 17:17:50 IsaDC: Would you change your results to explicitly specify "excess verbosity," Hadi? 17:19:17 Matt_King: If you make that change, Hadi, that will probably resolve the conflicts 17:22:35 Matt_King: For me, "INSERT + Tab" is reading role, name, value, and orientation 17:22:41 IsaDC: Okay, that's what I get 17:22:50 IsaDC: But Hadi gets the minimum and maximum values 17:23:06 Matt_King: What I reported just now was for forms mode 17:23:14 Matt_King: For virtual cursor mode, I get the min and max, also 17:23:22 IsaDC: I don't get those. I think I'll re-test that 17:23:32 Matt_King: If you don't get them, we may have a conflict 17:23:58 Matt_King: By the way, I wonder whether announcing the min and max should be optional. Should it be a "may" or a "should"? 17:24:05 IsaDC: I think it should be a "may" 17:24:12 Hadi: I vote for "should 17:24:30 IdaDC: I think Vispero would vote for "may" 17:24:53 Matt_King: IT seems like for "INSERT + Tab", it should be a "should", but for "Up arrow" it should be a "may" 17:25:34 Matt_King: I'm using JAWS version 2024 2405 17:25:58 s/2024 2405/2024.2405.83/ 17:26:24 IsaDC: I'm using 2024.2406.121 17:26:35 Matt_King: You have a newer version. I should update mine 17:26:47 Hadi: I have the same version as you, Matt_King--05 17:27:05 Matt_King: I think before you do any more testing, you should update to the latest version 17:27:06 Joe_Humbert has joined #aria-at 17:27:18 Matt_King: This sounds like it may be an intentional change 17:27:21 Matt_King: Now, let's talk about Safari 17:27:31 Present+ 17:28:01 Matt_King: I am able to replicate Joe_Humbert's findings for increment and decrement for slider with Safari and VoiceOver 17:28:06 Matt_King: My Safari version is 17.5 17:29:10 IsaDC: I wonder if the type of computer matters. I've observed differences between macBook Pro and macBook Air in the past 17:29:58 IsaDC: I'm using Safari 17 17:31:27 Matt_King: I wonder if there are some updates available for your Mac. Maybe Safari sometimes does get updated even without a macOS updates. It might happen with other software updates 17:31:45 IsaDC: I can look into that. I can also test with my macBook Air 17:31:56 IsaDC: because I can't reproduce the reported issue; it works fine for me 17:32:31 Joe_Humbert: I was able to replicate it multiple times, but there was one time where I did it, it read the value. But when I immediately tried to observe that correct behavior again, it read the wrong value, instead 17:33:50 Matt_King: I think maybe they introduced a bug, and I think maybe if you update Safari, you'll see the same bug, IsaDC 17:33:54 IsaDC: I will try that today 17:34:33 IsaDC: If I test it on the macBook Air and I get it, I'll update the results 17:35:07 Matt_King: Hopefully, we'll have all that resolved soon. We're really close with "slider"--that's great! 17:36:01 Topic: Disclosure plan draft 17:36:28 Joe_Humbert: I can test with both VoiceOver and NVDA within the next two weeks 17:36:40 Hadi: I can also test on the timeline of 2 weeks 17:56:11 Matt_King: We'll make sure those two get signed uo 17:56:22 s/ uo/up/ 17:56:43 Zakim, end the meeting 17:56:43 As of this point the attendees have been howard-e, Matt_King, jugglinmike, IsaDC, Hadi, Joe_Humbert 17:56:45 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:56:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/17-aria-at-minutes.html Zakim 17:56:54 I am happy to have been of service, jugglinmike; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:56:54 Zakim has left #aria-at 17:56:56 RRSAgent, leave 17:56:56 I see no action items