13:54:47 RRSAgent has joined #pbgsc 13:54:51 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/07/12-pbgsc-irc 13:54:51 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:54:52 Meeting: Publishing Steering Committee 13:56:13 gautierchomel has joined #pbgsc 13:57:01 tzviya has joined #pbgsc 13:59:10 AvneeshSingh has joined #PBGSC 13:59:26 present+ 14:00:12 present+ 14:00:17 Meeting: Publishing SC 14:00:18 present+ 14:00:24 shiestyle has joined #pbgsc 14:00:36 Chair: Tzviya 14:00:51 Date: 2024-12-07 14:01:13 zakim, start the meeting 14:01:13 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:01:15 Meeting: Publishing Steering Committee 14:01:21 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pbgsc 14:01:56 regrets+ Wendy, Graham 14:02:17 liisamk has joined #pbgsc 14:02:48 present+ 14:03:00 present+ 14:04:04 present+ 14:04:53 present+ 14:05:45 scribe+ 14:05:59 Tzviya: this will be my last meeting of the steering comittee 14:06:19 present+ 14:06:25 ... this group needs s new person or two to volunteer to lead it 14:06:25 George has joined #pbgsc 14:06:50 present+ 14:07:17 George: what guidance do you have for us? 14:07:39 Tzviya: the most important thing is that the three groups; CG, BG, and WG, continue to communicate 14:07:49 ... we've not been paying sufficient attention to the CG 14:09:00 ... if the CG is willing to work on enhancements to EPUB there may be someone willing to co-chair 14:09:54 George: I'd like to consider this from the top down 14:10:42 +1 14:11:58 ack Ralph 14:13:21 cristina has joined #pbgsc 14:14:33 +1 14:14:40 q+ 14:15:14 q+ 14:15:29 ack me 14:16:03 Ralph: I've been contemplating turning the BG into a CG, still to focus on discussions of the business needs of Publishing 14:16:11 ... would this broaden participation? 14:16:16 ... your thoughts? 14:16:21 Tzviya: I think it makes sense 14:16:38 ack Bill_Kasdorf 14:16:41 ... it's hard to separate the business from the technical 14:17:25 Bill: it's been difficult to recruit Members; I get interest from technical people in big companies but the company isn't prepared to join as Members 14:17:30 Leslie has joined #pbgsc 14:17:47 ack Ralph 14:18:14 ... for some reason they aren't joining the CG, though they could do this right now 14:18:38 Tzviya: we need someone to chair this meeting 14:18:39 q+ 14:18:43 ... building an agenda 14:18:48 ... figuring out how to plan ahead 14:19:08 ... we'd been attempting to do that in collaboration with other organizations 14:19:15 ... we also need to plan for TPAC 14:19:33 ack qv 14:19:36 ack AvneeshSingh 14:19:55 Avneesh: we've discussed the need for good overlap with the IDPF Board 14:20:10 ... I think IDPF has recently selected a new chair 14:20:25 ... we could approach them to participate here 14:21:05 George: I believe all of the IDPF Board is on the mailing list for the Steering Committee 14:21:10 Tzviya: all but one 14:21:48 George: do we need a person from this group to co-chair or would the two IDPF co-chairs become the co-chairs? 14:22:01 Tzviya: it's not labor-intensive; it just needs someone to do the coordination 14:22:07 q+ 14:22:29 ... who will accept the action to contact them? 14:22:32 George: I'll take it 14:22:50 ack Bill_Kasdorf 14:22:53 ... ask if they are willing to co-chair the combined steering committee 14:23:07 Bill: splendid idea 14:23:20 ... they bring the skills and network 14:23:33 ack Ralph 14:24:49 Ralph: thanks George! 14:25:26 Tzviya: I encourage you to continue the leadership discussion in the August meeting 14:25:53 Tzviya: the Working Group came up with many topics to discuss at TPAC 14:26:06 ... Wendy, Shinya, Ivan, and I were wondering who else might be able to attend 14:26:44 https://github.com/w3c/pm-wg/issues/5 14:27:01 Ivan: ^^ TPAC 2024 Planning #5 14:27:20 Tzviya: we've talked about some sort of workshop 14:27:26 ... I'm not sure that is going to pan out 14:27:55 ... Wendy added the list of things we talked about here in the steering committee 14:29:02 ... [reads from -> https://github.com/w3c/pm-wg/issues/5 "pm-wg/#5" ] 14:29:36 ... are there topics that we would particularly want to invite people for? 14:29:46 ... e.g. EU a11y landscape changes 14:29:59 ... or do people just want to focus on technical topics? 14:29:59 q+ 14:30:02 q+ 14:30:27 George: in the US there has been a Title II rule change announcement that goes into effect in 2 years 14:30:52 ... it is not identical to EAA but some of the rules have identical impact 14:31:03 ... I think we will need to help the industry get a handle on this 14:31:16 ... particularly in K-12 education 14:31:33 ack ivan 14:31:55 Ivan: do you think we will know enough by TPAC to hear more details and have a comparison with the EAA ? 14:32:08 ... is there more that will need attention for the US side? 14:32:24 George: the key details are posted; the rule is available and there are FAQs 14:32:48 Ivan: perhaps someone could give an overview and highlight things that need to be done that aren't already being worked 14:33:04 ... re: whether to have detailed technical discussions at TPAC 14:33:43 ... detailed technical discussions are enjoyable but I am worried that if we don't know what the industry is willing to do these discussions will be dead-ends 14:33:43 q+ to ask which topics interest people from a user perspective 14:34:11 ... for technical discussion in Anaheim, what I want to hear is what the technical people expect and what is realistic from the reading system developers to engage? 14:34:40 ack liisamk 14:34:40 ... without this feedback we end up with a WG producing specs that don't get industry pick-up 14:34:47 +1 Ivan 14:34:54 Liisa: it is important for us to raise the new US regulations and encourage people 14:35:10 ... some folk have not take EAA seriously 14:35:27 ... there are publishers, particularly small ones, who need reminders 14:36:08 ... to try to get into what Ivan is asking, scrolling content is one topic that would get to what the technical folk are interested in doing and what the industry feels it wants 14:36:23 ... other topics: pens on e-ink devices 14:36:53 ... the current implementations are using locators but in a way that is not consistent and not tied to the content 14:36:59 q+ 14:37:03 ack me 14:37:03 tzviya, you wanted to ask which topics interest people from a user perspective 14:37:04 ... the RS have been asking questions 14:37:27 Tzviya: Canada just adopted EN-301559 as well 14:37:34 s/559/549 14:37:52 ... the best practices for a11y have not changed 14:38:13 ... this is something we should stress: what's changed is the legislation 14:38:37 ... from a user perspective, or a developer, or a publisher; what are the most interesting questions 14:38:49 ... the landscape of annotation has changed 14:39:03 ... audiobooks, the way text-to-speech is implemented 14:39:10 q+ 14:39:14 ... these may be of more technical interest than market interest 14:39:20 ack cristina 14:39:20 ... what else interests you? 14:39:23 q+ george 14:39:49 Cristina: could we have links to the Title II updates? 14:40:05 ack liisamk 14:40:48 https://www.ada.gov/law-and-regs/regulations/title-ii-2010-regulations/#:~:text=Title%20II%2C%20which%20this%20rule,State%20and%20local%20government%20entities. 14:41:32 ack George 14:41:45 Liisa: there are still parts of EPUB that publishers are being asked if they want implemented 14:42:26 George: in K-12 the publishers are putting together a platform that a school buys; the content is put into that LMS 14:42:39 ... the student uses the book inside the LMS; there's a kind of reading system in there 14:42:49 ... but epubtest.org has not been able to get into testing those 14:43:34 ... when a student moves to another level different classes may be in different LMS with different interfaces 14:43:38 ... it's a mess 14:43:43 ... what can we do to help? 14:43:53 ... I see this as a disaster in US education 14:43:57 Liisa: you're not wrong 14:44:10 ... the limited ability of the RS and the limited understanding of EPUB in those spaces 14:44:54 ... there's an assumption that things can be swapped but the implementations aren't up to spec 14:45:02 Tzviya: what's the ask for TPAC? 14:45:15 Liisa: space to talk about the challenges of implementations in various LMS 14:45:37 q+ 14:46:04 q+ 14:46:04 George: I have great EPUBs but they don't integrate well in LMS, in QTI, and maybe a consistent user interface with expectations 14:46:18 ... a consistent user interface 14:46:29 Tzviya: this sounds a lot like the beginnings of Edupub 14:46:36 q+ 14:46:37 ... we documented these issues 10 years ago 14:46:52 ... we're now seeing in this corner of the market that standards are not being embraced 14:47:33 ... publishers are creating their own reading systems in their own LMS 14:47:40 ... building a reading system is not easy 14:48:31 ack ivan 14:48:50 ... Norton is an exception; they could be a good case study 14:49:13 Ivan: I'm wondering if the EPUB structure has too many hurdles 14:49:52 q+ 14:49:54 ... packaging Web contact and then integrating [those packages] creates more challenges 14:50:16 Bill: the multiple LMS issue sounds like a good topic for incubation in a CG task force 14:50:40 +1 14:50:56 George: the business side is where each publisher wants to differentiate 14:51:05 q+ 14:51:22 ... there's no open vehicle for content from multiple publishers 14:51:45 ack cristina 14:51:46 ... the things students need to do: draw, create graphs, interact with science experiments -- these are the Web, not EPUB 14:52:04 Cristina: we should separate two topics: reading systems and LMS 14:52:21 ... the publishers' market is no longer only content; it is also the platform 14:52:42 ... better graphs, better infographic, etc. 14:52:45 +1 cristina 14:53:13 ... it would be useful to get people to use more standards; the platform is part of the business strategy 14:54:13 ... the way is to work on the backend, not the frontend 14:54:16 ack liisamk 14:54:36 Liisa: to Ivan's point, there is an implementation best practice that could be helpful to a lot of people 14:54:57 ... it's not the structure of EPUB that people get caught on; it's the assumptions they make 14:55:09 ... such as not expecting margins but then finding them in CSS 14:55:43 ... a silly thing: we don't have a consistent way to identify the head of a page 14:55:51 ... so each RS implements it differently 14:55:53 q+ 14:56:06 ... there's some help in the middle that we could give 14:56:17 q+ to rs dev 14:56:20 ack Bill_Kasdorf 14:56:21 ... that would lead to a better experience and would be easier for a lot of folk to implement 14:57:14 Bill: competition concerns are true for the business folk but the technical folk can be more interested in collaboration 14:57:56 ... an activity along the lines of Peter Brantley's Books in Browsers: "Publishing to Platforms" 14:58:08 ack ivan 14:58:09 ... involving media and other issues that are not "book" things 14:58:17 ack tzviya 14:58:17 tzviya, you wanted to rs dev 14:58:44 Tzviya: maybe it's time to focus more on the system side of the spec than the publisher side 14:58:59 Tzviya: you'll still see me around 14:59:10 Liisa: thank you, tell us where you land 14:59:16 Tzviya: I will 14:59:27 zakim, end meeting 14:59:27 As of this point the attendees have been AvneeshSingh, tzviya, ivan, shiestyle, Bill_Kasdorf, liisamk, Ralph, gautierchomel, George 14:59:29 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 14:59:30 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/12-pbgsc-minutes.html Zakim 14:59:37 I am happy to have been of service, Ralph; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 14:59:37 Zakim has left #pbgsc 15:00:08 present+ Cristina 15:02:43 I/Tzviya: this will be/topic: Chairing the Steering Committee 15:02:56 s/comittee/committee/ 15:03:53 i/Tzviya: the Working Group came/topic: TPAC planning 15:04:26 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/12-pbgsc-minutes.html Ralph 15:06:31 i/Tzviya: this will be/topic: Chairing the Steering Committee 15:06:35 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/12-pbgsc-minutes.html Ralph 15:07:07 i/Tzviya: this will be my last/topic: Chairing the Steering Committee 15:07:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/12-pbgsc-minutes.html Ralph 15:07:37 rrsagent, bye 15:07:37 I see no action items