12:59:35 RRSAgent has joined #matf 12:59:39 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/07/10-matf-irc 12:59:39 RRSAgent, make logs Public 12:59:40 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), JJ 12:59:45 Zakim, this is MATF July 10, 2024 12:59:45 got it, JJ 12:59:53 Meeting: MATF July 10, 2024 13:00:04 agenda+ Guidance plans 13:00:10 agenda+ 1.3.4 Orientation - Level A 13:00:12 Illai has joined #matf 13:00:15 agenda+ 2.1.1 Keyboard - Level A 13:00:21 agenda+ 1.4.1 Use of Color - Level A 13:00:25 quintinb has joined #MATF 13:00:28 present 13:00:57 Jamie has joined #matf 13:01:01 Present+ 13:01:05 present+ 13:01:55 Devanshu has joined #matf 13:02:58 Aashutosh has joined #matf 13:03:46 julianmka has joined #MATF 13:03:48 present+ 13:03:58 GleidsonRamos has joined #matf 13:04:15 Scribe: quintinb 13:04:20 present+ 13:04:26 move to next agendum 13:04:26 agendum 1 -- Guidance plans -- taken up [from JJ] 13:06:33 Mick has joined #MATF 13:06:43 JJ has identified 3 sources of feedback: Sheets, Github and an earlier document 13:06:56 q+ 13:07:29 BIAK: Would prefer to follow the structure of the EN 13:08:05 present+ 13:08:48 +q 13:09:02 Jamie: Since we're adding information that isn't present, we need to make sure that we include the the same criteria 13:09:42 Illai - we need to make sure we align with WCAG 3 since it's going to be so different 13:09:58 Detlev has joined #matf 13:10:26 WCAG 3 - it will definitely longer than a couple of years... 13:10:59 My vote would be to go based on the WCAG success criteria, breaking it down for each platform type. And add gaps covered in the EN guidelines. 13:11:20 +1 to Mick 13:11:25 present+ 13:11:47 and +1 to Illai after we publish this draft which is for WCAG 2.2 13:11:56 +1 to Mick 13:12:08 q+ 13:12:32 ack Jamie 13:12:35 ack Illai 13:12:38 ack Joe_Humbert 13:12:58 Joe: The WG may push back if we don't follow their format 13:13:10 who approves this ultimately?> 13:13:23 q+ 13:13:50 ack Detlev 13:15:37 https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_tr/101500_101599/101552/01.00.00_60/tr_101552v010000p.pdf 13:16:01 https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_tr/101500_101599/101551/01.01.01_60/tr_101551v010101p.pdf 13:16:23 These documents are being use to create understanding for web and apps 13:16:58 Detlev we are discussing WCAG 2.2 for the scope 13:19:17 move to next agendum 13:19:17 agendum 2 -- 1.3.4 Orientation - Level A -- taken up [from JJ] 13:20:07 q+ 13:20:35 q+ 13:20:45 ack quintinb 13:20:48 I looked up the reasons behind this criterion and I think that mobile should have this as is 13:21:11 ack Jamie 13:21:18 ack quintinb 13:21:19 ack Jamie 13:21:57 q+ 13:22:24 Jamie: There seemed to be apprehension that it's difficult to do- and that people need to discuss it. Implementation struggles should work themselves out over time 13:22:44 It's not that native can't do it 13:23:07 +q 13:23:08 +1 Jamie - leave as is for native apps. Teams should be pushed more to do it. 13:23:13 Personal opinion: MVP's aren't designed for people, but for businesses 13:23:14 ack Joe_Humbert 13:23:19 q+ 13:23:48 +1 to Joe 13:24:03 Are doing this to save business money? 13:24:15 Fair 13:24:53 I am worried about slippery slope "It's hard" can be translated to almost anything in accessibility 13:25:14 quintinb it does and I am facing it everyday! 13:25:24 Oh me too! 13:25:30 ack Illai 13:25:41 https://github.com/w3c/wcag/issues/613 13:25:54 Illai: Discussion on 1.3.4 ^ 13:26:18 Illai - wcag group seemed to agree 13:26:30 +1 Illai - thanks for this! 13:26:56 q? 13:27:04 ack Aashutosh 13:28:33 JJ: Biggest problem in landscape is virtual keyboard takes up most of the screen 13:28:51 This is why you should design for accessibility, to be fair 13:29:41 q+ 13:30:56 q+ 13:31:11 iPhone currently doesn't support landscape in certain situations - I recommend we keep the guidance 13:31:19 JJ: Should we support upside down? 13:31:28 q+ 13:31:37 ack quintinb 13:31:38 quintinb: +1 I think all the orientations 13:31:41 ack Jamie 13:33:21 Jamie: iPhone just introduced phone mirroring - so you should be reorient and type in with other inputs 13:33:41 Jamie what do you mean by mirroring? I've been using QuickTime for years 13:34:37 Ok thanks - I'd love a link 13:34:57 q? 13:35:01 ack julianmka 13:35:16 q+ 13:35:52 Julian: Users may not pay attention to the specific direction of the phone 13:36:01 quintinb here is the link https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/24/24184882/apple-iphone-mirroring-ios-18-macos-sequoia-developer-beta 13:36:35 Julian: Users may be confused 13:37:39 JJ: (Who uses a iPhone) had to specifically orientate his phone upside down couldn't 13:38:05 q+ 13:38:14 ack Joe_Humbert 13:38:59 Joe: Keystroke passing may work similarly to ADB 13:39:27 ack quintinb 13:39:31 Not to say that there aren't valid reasons to handle specific orientations - the Sonos example is a good one, or scanning a check for mobile deposit 13:39:50 move to next agendum 13:39:50 agendum 3 -- 2.1.1 Keyboard - Level A -- taken up [from JJ] 13:40:55 Jamie - we are going through the SC's in alphabetical order 13:41:51 Jamie suggests we go through the SC on Github 13:43:12 q+ 13:44:50 q+ 13:45:25 @qinton never mind, no question 13:45:36 ack Detlev 13:45:41 ack Jamie 13:45:59 Detlev: Happy to put this on the back burner 13:47:20 q+ 13:49:33 Detlev: Do we need to confirm what is possible to require from platforms 13:49:53 q+ 13:50:59 q+\ 13:51:08 q-\ 13:51:13 q+\ 13:51:17 q-\ 13:51:23 q+ 13:51:30 ack Jamie 13:51:48 JJ has joined #matf 13:51:53 q? 13:52:14 Jamie: there is a gesture mode from full keyboard access 13:52:33 ack quintinb 13:52:38 I am growing concerned that we're favouring platforms over people 13:53:54 quintinb: passionate about supporting keyboard in WCAG/MATF for people that need to use it 13:54:18 q+ 13:54:25 q+ 13:54:43 ack Joe_Humbert 13:55:38 +1 to Joe_Humbert 13:55:46 +1 Joe_Humbert 13:56:45 Joe_Humbert: It seems like Switch is more another interface. And there are differences between ipad and ios 13:57:30 Joe: The problem with cross platform is that they don't have the hooks they need 13:57:47 q+ 13:58:24 Joe: There are limited shortcuts on Android in comparison to iOS 13:58:44 q? 13:58:50 ack Detlev 13:59:15 Detlev: There needs to be better documentation 13:59:42 apple and google both need better documentation for users 14:00:15 +1 to @detlev 14:00:27 keyboard Gestures is hidden under "Commands" 14:00:30 Can the W3C mandate that? 14:00:44 q- 14:00:46 There are commands to reveal the gestures 14:00:54 Both Android and iOS 14:01:01 ack Jamie 14:01:01 ack Jamie 14:01:18 Jamie: Would we be considering voice activation? 14:01:18 I'll bring my comment to the Github thread, gotta drop for a meeting now. 14:01:26 Thanks julianmka! 14:02:18 possibly Jamie, but I have seen differences between switch and voice access ;-( 14:03:14 Proposal: Make guidance on discover methods 14:03:21 *discovery 14:04:13 q+ 14:05:22 ack quintinb 14:05:47 Detlev has joined #matf 14:05:57 present+ 14:06:00 JJ: We need to make sure that the AT is working 14:06:14 q+ 14:06:20 thanks all, have to drop 14:06:24 ack quintinb 14:07:39 We may getting lost between the categories of platform vs applications 14:07:51 JJ: It needs to be reasonable 14:08:14 ack Detlev 14:10:41 rrsagent, make minutes 14:10:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/10-matf-minutes.html JJ 14:11:24 rrsagent, bye 14:11:24 I see no action items