APA Weekly Teleconference

10 July 2024


Dr_Keith, gautierchomel, matatk, NehaJ, PaulG
Jennifer, Stacey

Meeting minutes

<matatk> gb, off

<gb> matatk, issues and names were already off.

Agenda Review & Announcements

TPAC 2024 Planning

matatk: schedule is being planned, group meetings are getting arranged, nothing concerning

matatk: we will be meeting everyday during TPAC

matatk: breakout rooms for task forces are arranged

matatk: registration for in person will go up on Monday

<matatk> https://www.w3.org/2024/09/TPAC/

matatk: any questions?

Task Force & Deliverables Updates

<matatk> https://w3c.github.io/ctaur/

matatk: ctaur will be published soon

matatk: new work AI in a11y

<Roy> https://www.w3.org/TR/ctaur/

Roy: publication annocement is on the way

New Charters Review

Accessible Rich Internet Applications Group Charter

<Roy> - issue: w3c/strategy#466

<Roy> - charter: https://w3c.github.io/charter-drafts/2024/aria-charter.html

matatk: new section is present before scope

matatk: ARIA markup with AT and other elements

matatk: horizontal review will come up soon

matatk: any questions for this charter or its scope?

HR A11y Review Comment Tracker

Roy: no new comment request

matatk: update on media query request

matatk: sorry no new update

Explicit Review Requests


<Roy> - issue: w3c/a11y-request#88

<Roy> - spec: https://www.w3.org/TR/wcag2ict-22/

Roy: it is not standard doc but it is about appling WCAG in different applications like CLI, apps etc

New on TR

CSS Update (Paul)

PaulG: discussion is on for syntax

matatk: will there be any discussion on CSS-a11y?

PaulG: to be decided

matatk: any questions for css?

matatk: anchor positioning?

matatk: can it be more supported feature time wise?

PaulG: no update on time

Actions check-in

matatk: spec reviews

CSS View Transitions 2

<matatk> w3c/a11y-request#79

matatk: it is about transition across the document

PaulG: CSS aplication between documents concept

Other business

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: NehaJ

Maybe present: Roy

All speakers: matatk, PaulG, Roy

Active on IRC: Dr_Keith, gautierchomel, matatk, NehaJ, PaulG, Roy