Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

08 July 2024


becca, Dacid swallow, EA, John kirkwood, John', Rain

Meeting minutes

<lisa> #coga

<lisa> 17:41 *** lisa (~lisa@9d40a032.publics.cloak) has joined the channel

<lisa> 17:41 <lisa> agenda?

<lisa> 17:41 * Zakim sees 3 items remaining on the agenda:

<lisa> 17:41 * Zakim 1. scedile and actions https://docs.google.com/document/d/15HtPkkYx1CIl6bAwP2nsSZKhqTVbqcuMDRz5RmtmvXg/edit#heading=h.ka7r1m4q5vkc [from Lisa]

<lisa> 17:41 * Zakim 2. Ag update? [from Lisa]

<lisa> 17:41 * Zakim 3. triggers. See paper at https://docs.google.com/document/d/19RdKrd2aUJkZcm9FmIOvZ2jfn9JgYpFcqT5mubyQUAQ/edit#heading=h.p1q1f5jvv2f [from Lisa]

<lisa> 17:42 <lisa> item 1 is schedule and actions. See https://docs.google.com/document/d/15HtPkkYx1CIl6bAwP2nsSZKhqTVbqcuMDRz5RmtmvXg/edit#heading=h.ka7r1m4q5vkc

<lisa> 17:42 <lisa> agenda?

<lisa> 17:42 * Zakim sees 3 items remaining on the agenda:

<lisa> 17:42 * Zakim 1. scedile and actions https://docs.google.com/document/d/15HtPkkYx1CIl6bAwP2nsSZKhqTVbqcuMDRz5RmtmvXg/edit#heading=h.ka7r1m4q5vkc [from Lisa]

<lisa> 17:42 * Zakim 2. Ag update? [from Lisa]

<lisa> 17:42 * Zakim 3. triggers. See paper at https://docs.google.com/document/d/19RdKrd2aUJkZcm9FmIOvZ2jfn9JgYpFcqT5mubyQUAQ/edit#heading=h.p1q1f5jvv2f [from Lisa]

<lisa> 17:43 <lisa> agenda 1 is schedule and actions. See https://docs.google.com/document/d/15HtPkkYx1CIl6bAwP2nsSZKhqTVbqcuMDRz5RmtmvXg/edit#heading=h.ka7r1m4q5vkc

<lisa> 17:44 <lisa> agenda?

<lisa> 17:44 * Zakim sees 3 items remaining on the agenda:

<lisa> 17:44 * Zakim 1. scedile and actions https://docs.google.com/document/d/15HtPkkYx1CIl6bAwP2nsSZKhqTVbqcuMDRz5RmtmvXg/edit#heading=h.ka7r1m4q5vkc [from Lisa]

<lisa> 17:44 * Zakim 2. Ag update? [from Lisa]

<lisa> 17:44 * Zakim 3. triggers. See paper at https://docs.google.com/document/d/19RdKrd2aUJkZcm9FmIOvZ2jfn9JgYpFcqT5mubyQUAQ/edit#heading=h.p1q1f5jvv2f [from Lisa]

<lisa> 17:44 <lisa> agenda 1 = schedule and actions. See https://docs.google.com/document/d/15HtPkkYx1CIl6bAwP2nsSZKhqTVbqcuMDRz5RmtmvXg/edit#heading=h.ka7r1m4q5vkc

<lisa> 17:44 * Zakim notes agendum 1 replaced

<lisa> 17:44 <lisa> scribe+ EricHind

<lisa> 17:55 <lisa> agenda+ findability

<lisa> 17:55 * Zakim notes agendum 4 added

<lisa> 17:56 <lisa> regrets+ Rain

<lisa> 17:58 <lisa> regrets+ Rain, EA, John kirkwood, Dacid swallow, becca

<lisa> 17:59 *** Eric_hind (~Erichind@9d40a032.publics.cloak) has joined the channel

<lisa> 17:59 <Eric_hind> present+

<lisa> 18:00 *** JMcSorley (~JMcSorley@9d40a032.publics.cloak) has joined the channel

<lisa> 18:01 <lisa> scribe+ Eric_Hind

<lisa> 18:01 <JMcSorley> present+

<lisa> 18:01 <Jennie_Delisi> present+

<lisa> 18:01 <rashmi> present+

<lisa> 18:02 <lisa> next item

<lisa> 18:02 * Zakim thinks agendum 1 -- schedule and actions. See https://docs.google.com/document/d/15HtPkkYx1CIl6bAwP2nsSZKhqTVbqcuMDRz5RmtmvXg/edit#heading=h.ka7r1m4q5vkc -- taken up

<lisa> 18:02 <Eric_hind> Lisa: Introductions to Len Beasley

<lisa> 18:04 *** julierawe (~julierawe@9d40a032.publics.cloak) has joined the channel

<lisa> 18:04 <julierawe> present+

<lisa> 18:04 <lisa> schedule and actions. See https://docs.google.com/document/d/15HtPkkYx1CIl6bAwP2nsSZKhqTVbqcuMDRz5RmtmvXg/edit#heading=h.ka7r1m

<lisa> 18:05 <Frankie> present+

<lisa> 18:06 <Eric_hind> Lisa: Gave overall review of current COGA setup, tasks and ongoing processes.

<lisa> 18:07 *** Jennie_Delisi (~JennieDelisi@9d40a032.publics.cloak) has joined the channel

<lisa> 18:07 <Jennie_Delisi> present+

<lisa> 18:07 <Eric_hind> Lisa: Rain continues to work with Roy, Kevin about the next draft of Content Usable. May be delayed but is more or less on track. User testing likely to begin soon, feel free to join into that conversations (Thursdays)

<lisa> 18:09 <Eric_hind> Eric: needs time to review old bugs with group

<lisa> 18:10 <Eric_hind> Eric_hind: Will need time next week. Eric to chat with Lisa about current state.

<lisa> 18:10 *** LenB (~LenB@9d40a032.publics.cloak) has joined the channel

<lisa> 18:11 <julierawe> +1 to google doc

<lisa> 18:11 <Eric_hind> Lisa: Need to continue discussion on style guide. We agreed that Rashmi will do writing and group will review in Google doc (as related to new mental health updates)

<lisa> 18:12 <Eric_hind> Rashmi: To update folks about Thursday editors update.

<lisa> 18:13 <julierawe> is the thursday call at 9am ET or 10am ET?

<lisa> 18:14 <JMcSorley> I believe it's 10:00 ET.

<lisa> 18:14 <Eric_hind> Rashmi: Confirming its 9AM EST

<lisa> 18:14 <JMcSorley> I can't do 9:00 ET on Thursday.

<lisa> 18:14 <julierawe> I can do 9am or 10am

<lisa> 18:15 <Eric_hind> Good by me

<lisa> 18:15 <Eric_hind> Lisa: Confirming keeping it at 9AM EST for now.

<lisa> 18:15 <Eric_hind> Lisa: Issue paper discussions up next

<lisa> 18:16 <Eric_hind> Lisa: Additional topic related to paper discussions, need to talk about Citations. To be done.

<lisa> 18:17 <Eric_hind> Frankie: Supported Decision Making draft update, not sure what current state of things are. Will have a much better idea of current state by Thursday.

<lisa> 18:18 <Eric_hind> Lisa: Note about COGA 2 Literature Review and Update sheet; if possible, populate the citations per the sheet.

<lisa> 18:20 <Eric_hind> Lisa: There are sections in Supported Decision making that could use additional research, connect with Lisa if you're able to help out.

<lisa> 18:20 <Eric_hind> Lisa: Len B may connect with Lisa to help out.

<lisa> 18:21 <lisa> suported decion making https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g9N-_3l-d6t0ppZcIIZ98k00x7ZE7h3ayq0OCX9Ycu4/edit#heading=h.rhs6n8lpznbz

<lisa> 18:22 <lisa> editorial review Julie

<lisa> 18:22 <Eric_hind> Lisa: Would Julie have time to be an editor for Supported Decision Making - Yes

<lisa> 18:23 <lisa> and issue paers...

<lisa> 18:23 <lisa> Conversational Voice Systems

<lisa> 18:23 <lisa> Technology-Assisted Indoor Navigation and Wayfinding

<lisa> 18:23 <lisa> Online Safety and Wellbeing (Algorithms and Data)

<lisa> 18:23 <lisa> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/coga/issue-papers-v2/issue-papers/index.html

<lisa> 18:24 <lisa> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/coga/issue-papers-v2/issue-papers/Conversational-Voice-Systems.html

<lisa> 18:24 <lisa> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/coga/issue-papers-v2/issue-papers/Technology-Assisted-Indoor-Navigation-and-Wayfindings.html

<lisa> 18:24 <lisa> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/coga/issue-papers-v2/issue-papers/Online-Safety-and-Wellbeing.html

<lisa> 18:25 <Eric_hind> julierawe: Would prefer to do reviews via a personal Google doc and then figure out what a good system would be for me. But will check in Thursday call and join in.

<lisa> 18:26 <lisa> agenda?

<lisa> 18:26 * Zakim sees 4 items remaining on the agenda:

<lisa> 18:26 * Zakim 1. schedule and actions. See https://docs.google.com/document/d/15HtPkkYx1CIl6bAwP2nsSZKhqTVbqcuMDRz5RmtmvXg/edit#heading=h.ka7r1m4q5vkc

<lisa> 18:26 * Zakim 2. Ag update? [from Lisa]

<lisa> 18:26 * Zakim 3. triggers. See paper at https://docs.google.com/document/d/19RdKrd2aUJkZcm9FmIOvZ2jfn9JgYpFcqT5mubyQUAQ/edit#heading=h.p1q1f5jvv2f [from Lisa]

<lisa> 18:26 * Zakim 4. findability [from lisa]

<lisa> 18:27 <Eric_hind> Lisa: Subgroup updates...

<lisa> 18:28 <Eric_hind> JMcSorley: Internationalization meeting progress was minimal due to meeting date. Larger meeting had better progress and those topics will be brought forward to the smaller group.

<lisa> 18:29 <julierawe> q+

<lisa> 18:29 * Zakim sees julierawe on the speaker queue

<lisa> 18:29 <Eric_hind> Lisa: Add related topics related to Int'l to Thursday meeting.

<lisa> 18:29 <lisa> ack next

<lisa> 18:29 * Zakim sees julierawe at the head of the speaker queue

<lisa> 18:29 * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue

<lisa> 18:30 <Eric_hind> julieawe: Issue around double negatives, needing to change to positive phrase unless double negatives are common. Wants to make sure this aspect was captured

<lisa> 18:30 <Eric_hind> I think so

<lisa> 18:30 <Eric_hind> I will check

<lisa> 18:31 <Eric_hind> Eric_hind: Will check github issues around double negatives

<lisa> 18:31 <lisa> ack next

<lisa> 18:31 * Zakim sees no one at the head of the speaker queue

<lisa> 18:31 * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue

<lisa> 18:31 <julierawe> q+

<lisa> 18:31 * Zakim sees julierawe on the speaker queue

<lisa> 18:31 <lisa> ack next

<lisa> 18:31 * Zakim sees julierawe at the head of the speaker queue

<lisa> 18:31 * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue

<lisa> 18:31 <lisa> next item

<lisa> 18:31 * Zakim thinks agendum 2 -- Ag update? -- taken up [from Lisa]

<lisa> 18:32 <julierawe> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/subgroups-june-24/

<lisa> 18:32 <Eric_hind> julierawe: Update on survey related to WCAG 3 subgroups, starting an 8 week sprint end of July

<lisa> 18:34 <Jennie_Delisi> q+ to talk about request to chairs

<lisa> 18:34 * Zakim sees Jennie_Delisi on the speaker queue

<lisa> 18:34 <Eric_hind> Julierawe: One around implied meaning is very COGA-ish (3rd item in Subgroup interest survey), just FYI. If interested in subcommittees, this is about 4 hours a week, 1 for synch meeting, 3 for asynch review/research

<lisa> 18:34 <lisa> q?

<lisa> 18:34 * Zakim sees Jennie_Delisi on the speaker queue

<lisa> 18:34 <lisa> ack next

<lisa> 18:34 * Zakim sees Jennie_Delisi at the head of the speaker queue

<lisa> 18:34 <Zakim> Jennie_Delisi, you wanted to talk about request to chairs

<lisa> 18:34 * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue

<lisa> 18:36 <Eric_hind> Jennie_Delisi: Are there related tasks to these big subgroups that are smaller that folks without a lot of time could contribute. This has been brought up and is being thought about.

<lisa> 18:36 <Jennie_Delisi> *No promises - just asked. Can't hurt to ask :)

<lisa> 18:37 <Eric_hind> Julierawe: Agree that a solution that allow other kinds of helping out would be a good thing. That survey closes today, just FYI

<lisa> 18:39 <Jennie_Delisi> q+

<lisa> 18:39 * Zakim sees Jennie_Delisi on the speaker queue

<lisa> 18:39 <Eric_hind> Julierawe: Some talk about how we'll break the larger buckets into smaller groups as a way to make this more workable.

<lisa> 18:40 <Eric_hind> Jennie_Delisi: Note that there are Powerpoints about the discussions as a way to quick catch up what the discussion was about.

<lisa> 18:42 <Eric_hind> Lisa: Have some way to pre-review outcomes might be helpful?

<lisa> 18:44 <lisa> ack next

<lisa> 18:44 * Zakim sees Jennie_Delisi at the head of the speaker queue

<lisa> 18:44 * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue

<lisa> 18:45 <Eric_hind> julierawe: Will take action item, bringing related subgroups any existing, useful COGA information to the AG sprint groups.

<lisa> 18:46 <Eric_hind> Lisa: We did, or can, send our related papers to the subgroups as a well thought out head-start.

<lisa> 18:47 <lisa> q?

<lisa> 18:47 * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue

<lisa> 18:47 <lisa> next item

<lisa> 18:47 * Zakim thinks agendum 3 -- triggers. See paper at https://docs.google.com/document/d/19RdKrd2aUJkZcm9FmIOvZ2jfn9JgYpFcqT5mubyQUAQ/edit#heading=h.p1q1f5jvv2f -- taken up [from Lisa]

<lisa> 18:50 <Eric_hind> Lisa: Triggers paper update, lots of information but there can be drawbacks to trigger warnings

<lisa> 18:51 <Eric_hind> Rashmi: Quick review of problem statement, from Issue Paper: Personalization settings to remove or hide trigger warnings.

<lisa> 18:57 <Eric_hind> Rashmi: Reviewed Appendix A, common triggers, impact, importance of having personalization for triggers

<lisa> 19:00 <Eric_hind> Lisa: Do we think that we want to move this (Personalization paper and proposed solution) relate to global settings. We can review this section a bit more? Do we think this is ready for the next editors draft of issues papers?

<lisa> 19:01 <Eric_hind> Lisa: A week to review, then soon after, add to draft?

<lisa> 19:01 <lisa> review and move to the next editors drafts

<lisa> 19:01 <lisa> +1

<lisa> 19:01 <Eric_hind> +1

<lisa> 19:01 <lisa> any objections

<lisa> 19:04 *** jamesn (~uid290110@9d40a032.publics.cloak) has joined the channel

<lisa> 19:06 <julierawe> i havev to jump to another meeting

<lisa> 19:07 *** julierawe (~julierawe@9d40a032.publics.cloak) has quit (julierawe)

<lisa> 19:07 <Eric_hind> Lisa: Would be worth sending this out to the list for review/comments would be best next step.

<lisa> 19:08 <Eric_hind> Need to drop.

<lisa> 19:08 *** Eric_hind (~Erichind@9d40a032.publics.cloak) has quit (Eric_hind)

<lisa> 19:08 <lisa> RRSAgent, publish minutes

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Active on IRC: lisa, Lisa