16:00:50 RRSAgent has joined #aria-editors 16:00:54 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/07/08-aria-editors-irc 16:00:54 RRSAgent, make logs Public 16:00:55 Meeting: ARIA Editors 16:01:28 agendabot, find agenda 16:01:28 dmontalvo, OK. This may take a minute... 16:01:30 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria-editors/2024Jul/0000.html 16:01:30 clear agenda 16:01:30 agenda+ [continue] monorepo 16:01:30 agenda+ [continue] Remove abbr elements aria PR #2136 16:01:31 agenda+ [continue] aria-common #109 remove/replace aria-wg-active.md and 16:01:34 agenda+ [continue] respec dark mode (aria #2133 etc) 16:01:37 agenda+ [continue] modernizing aria.js (aria-common #104 & PR #106) 16:01:39 agenda+ [on Hold] spec markup for advice for AT (jnurthen) 16:04:33 scribe: pkra 16:04:57 jamesn has joined #aria-editors 16:05:31 present+ 16:05:40 present+ 16:05:42 zakim, next item 16:05:42 agendum 1 -- [continue] monorepo -- taken up [from agendabot] 16:06:29 melsumner has joined #aria-editors 16:06:44 pkra: just trying to see where we are. Lots of issues still related to it. 16:06:56 jamesn: does everyone have issues that they need help with? 16:07:37 scotto: talking to spectranaut. popover PR merged in fine but got errors from github -- I just ignored them since couldn't figure out what the errors said. 16:08:29 ... I noticed that after merging the PR, github usually ran a process that forced me to rebase other branches. That didn't seem to happen for aria. 16:08:47 ... I had to do this manually, check for rebase/merge issues. 16:09:06 jamesn: maybe due to your spec running on gh-pages branch. 16:09:19 ... that has some magic associated with it. 16:09:59 scotto: the existing PRs did not automatically update to show conflicts. 16:10:05 ... e.g., changelog changes. 16:10:14 jamesn: that's very odd. 16:10:51 scotto: I don't want to risk a conflict. In any case, it's a difference to html-aam before. 16:11:37 jamesn: on the aria spec would say it's a merge conflict. 16:11:44 scotto: it wasn't for my situation 16:12:01 pkra: I don't understand the situation. What did you need to run to get a merge conflit? 16:12:40 scotto: e.g., https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/pull/538 16:13:01 ... this always showed up, doesn't seem to show up on the monorepo. 16:13:12 jamesn: we see that all the time 16:13:36 scotto: I merged popover PR. Then went to another PR 16:14:32 ... then went to minimum role PR (2220 after 2219) 16:18:02 ... didn't show merge conflict. after changelog update it did. I'd rather it would automatically do that. 16:18:30 pkra: maybe the actions (e.g., prettier) would trigger a conflict - but they really shouldn't 16:18:40 scotto: will try to ping you all next time I see this. 16:19:01 melsumner: will issues get moved as well? 16:19:07 scotto: just PRs for now. 16:19:35 pkra: that was the plan, we can always revisit. 16:20:46 melsumner: was the problem with creating fresh branches off main? 16:20:50 scotto: no, existing PRs. 16:21:18 melsumner: ok. people will have to get used to updating main whenever branching. 16:22:29 scotto: could be related. 16:22:47 ... on a related note, had a first meeting with Rahim. 16:23:37 ... he didn't get the invites to this meeting. 16:24:55 pkra: is the pr-preview feature ready? 16:25:11 daniel-montalvo: pr-previews should work but there are other aspects that still need work. 16:25:53 pkra: new changelog issue 16:26:19 jamesn: I'll take that on. I'll need to help respec to allow filtering for each spec. 16:27:01 ... we need to do it manually until then. like scotto does. 16:27:10 scotto: it's so tedious, I wonder if it's still necessary. 16:27:22 jamesn: I agree. 16:27:58 ... it's high on my priority list. 16:28:15 pkra: about https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2228 16:28:55 ... I thought editors would but not sure how we left things. 16:30:30 jamesn: I think spectranaut just didn't want to merge them. 16:32:35 melsumner: I'll go through accname. 16:33:05 pkra: ah, I understand spectranaut now. I'll merge those. 16:33:14 zakim, next item 16:33:14 agendum 2 -- [continue] Remove abbr elements aria PR #2136 -- taken up [from agendabot] 16:35:01 jamesn: thanks for the reminder. 16:35:20 zakim, end meeting 16:35:21 As of this point the attendees have been pkra, jamesn 16:35:21 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 16:35:23 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/08-aria-editors-minutes.html Zakim 16:35:30 I am happy to have been of service, pkra; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:35:30 Zakim has left #aria-editors 16:51:34 If folks are still here: is the plan for how the editor's drafts will work, written down somewhere I can read?