Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

04 July 2024


Atsushi, Chris_Needham, Cyril, Ewan, Nigel
cpn, nigel

Meeting minutes

This meeting

Nigel: DAPT, ttml:role issues, TPAC. Anything to add?



Add section about mapping from TTML to the DAPT data model w3c/dapt#216

github: https://github.com/w3c/dapt/pull/216

Nigel: I made some changes after discussion last week
… I'm 90% of the way there, needs a re-review

Cyril: I haven't had a chance to read again

Nigel: This is the biggest thing holding up CR
… I wanted to defer defining something an explicit signal for when a div represents a script event, and leave it to another PR

Cyril: I want to re-read, but let's assume we can do that

Nigel: I tried to make the wording about content profiles generic, so there's now a content type
… So it allows us to add other content profiles later, if we want to
… This needs some review

Cyril: Where do we stand on Pierre's question from last time?
… He said in his experience, trying to leave extensibility hooks for a future version wasn't necessarily the best approach,
… as opposed to having a v2 being backwards compatible.

Nigel: I think how it should be read now is that we've allowed ourselves to make that decision in the future
… We don't make any promises that all future DAPT versions can be read by v1 processors

Cyril: I see that it requires compatibility with the declared content profile
… So what about using divs in that context? Do we need provision for grouping of divs in v1?

Nigel: We don't prohibit nested divs, we just define rules from when they're there, if you're going from TTML to DAPT data model

Cyril: So if you receive a TTML2 document with DAPT content profiles in it, if the impl wants to go back to a DAPT content model, you scan the document and identify what's there, ignoring the rest?

Nigel: Yes

Cyril: I'll read again with this model in mind

Cyril: Some other questions. We're also clarifying processor behaviour when there's additional vocabulary
… There's foreign vocabulary and unrecognised vocabulary
… Unrecognised means the impl knows it doesn't support, whereas foreign is any namespace outside the ones defined in the spec

Nigel: Yes, and specific attribute names for those in the global namespace

Cyril: Can be both foreign and recognised or not recognised?
… So they're orthogonal concepts?

Nigel: Foreign is a subset of unrecognised, the way I've defined it

Cyril: So you can split unrecognised into two sets: things inside the spec, and things outside

Nigel: Please leave feedback, I've defined a term in relation to something that's undefined. That needs changing

Cyril: About the behaviour, we have 3 classes of processors: presentation, transformation, validation
… They may or may not behave differently with foreign vocabulary

Nigel: Transformation processors have to prune. Validation is a subset of Transformation

Cyril: Pruning everything except what's in a metadata element or a descendent of metadata element

Nigel: Yes
… And shouldn't put anything in the metadata element that depends on the semantic of the content

Cyril: And presentation processors?

Nigel: They should recognise elements and attributes they don't support

Cyril: So if you know it's a feature you support but there's no profile declaring the feature...

Nigel: That's in Profile Signalling

Cyril: There was a sentence that talked about this: along the lines of you may do something or fix it?
… The second paragraph in the new 6.2

Nigel: There's a question about what the last clause there means

Cyril: May need rephrasing depending on the class of processor

Nigel: I'm resistant to introducing processor classes, it might introduce complexity
… That is something we should change, in section 6.2, second paragraph isn't about document conformance claims, it's about processor behaviour
… Also we should check where the content profiles have been made generic, haven't done it for processor profiles.

Cyril: Is there anything else that this PR addresses?

Nigel: The dark mode change due to ReSpec and W3C stylesheet change

<MattS> Apols - I need to head to another meeting...

<atsushi> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/spec-prod/2024AprJun/0000.html

Nigel: Worth checking if it works, including the diagrams

SUMMARY: Review to continue


Permit ttm:role attribute in ttm:desc elements w3c/ttml2#1247

github: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/1247

Nigel: We last discussed in May. As DAPT defines desc type, so I suggest closing this with no changes, so not at ttm:role on metadata descendents

Cyril: Agree

SUMMARY: Close with no change

TPAC 2024

Nigel: We have joint meeting with APA and MEIG on Monday. Joint meeting Friday with Audio CG and TTWG meetings

TPAC schedule

Chris: Is there overlap with MEIG in first session Monday?

Nigel: Yes, It's not supposed to be

Chris: Maybe we can combine APA/TTWG and APA/MEIG into one session
… Also Media WG overlaps with MEIG/APA

Nigel: Yes, that worked well last time

Nigel: Chris, let's follow up with the team

Chris: Should we talk about the MSE and substitles issue you raised in the MEIG repo?

Nigel: Currently subtitles are all out of band with MSE. Not clear why that is. In the past Mark Watson thought it was a good idea
… Could be worth revisiting, now we have more experience, would it solve problems?

Chris: To summarise this would be TTML or IMSC in MP4 , processed through MSE and surfaced into the TextTrack API

Nigel: Yes. Also WebVTT. The CMAF profile requires IMSC in MP4

Chris: Include in the MEIG/TTWG joint meeting?

Nigel: For that meeting, we also want to cover DAPT

Nigel: Another use case, is where you're streaming DAPT with audio resources and you want to do client side mixing. Instead of including as base64, include as subsamples in the MP4 and have a way to reference them from the TTML. They could then be more efficiently encoded

Cyril: Another way is to have an audio track, and refer the TTML document to sections of the audio track

Nigel: Sounds plausible as an alternative
… Adaptation sets currently let you have audio main mix and audio with AD, but there isn't a way in DASH to have both and have the client side mix them

Future meetings

New TTWG Project page

Nigel: Chairs and editors aren't available for the August 1 meeting
… Propose cancelling that one

Cyril: I may not make the July 18 meeting

<atsushi> in DST, meeting starts from midnight, but non DST it's from 1am.. ;)

Meeting close

Nigel: Thanks everyone, we're slightly over time, let's adjourn for today. [adjourns meeting]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 197 (Tue Nov 8 15:42:48 2022 UTC).