RQTF meeting

03 July 2024


janina, jasonjgw, RajaKushalnagar, scott_h
janina, jasonjgw, scott_h

Meeting minutes

Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements.

jasonjgw: Reviews status ...

jasonjgw: We are close to agreement on announcement text, the last hurdle

jasonjgw: Remains to establish a due date for review

jasonjgw: Also some potential editorial items from Janina

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and accessibility.

jason: have veriosn almost ready for upload

just waiting for GIT repository

wait for draft dicussion once open issue process available

Immersive captions.

working on enabling editors of the document to participte in APA workiong group

establishing APA repository

raja: updates will be on GitHub

jason: in progress

janina: e-mail will be circulated to author, editors process through APA

likely out this week

also interest in immersive web

XR accessibility.

jason: group formed associated with metadata standings forum working on XR accessibility based on other documents including XAUR

likey invitation from metadata standards forum to carry conversion

Also good ot note that metadata stnadards forum doens't create standards, but does create documentaiton to suport standards developments elsewhere

janina: also ahve some other people comng to us about accessibility XR

jason: can we find out if formal relationship between W3C and metadata standards forum

Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA.

janina: no update this week

inclusions will lok at how AI keeps defeating CAPTCHA

jason: we'll bring it back in a few weeks

Miscellaneous updates and topics.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: scott_h

Maybe present: jason, raja

All speakers: janina, jason, jasonjgw, raja

Active on IRC: janina, jasonjgw, RajaKushalnagar, scott_h