03 July 2024


flackr, Patrick_H_Lauke
Patrick H. Lauke
Patrick H. Lauke, Patrick_H_Lauke

Meeting minutes

Multi-pen support and persistent pointerId #353 w3c/pointerevents#353

Rob: PR has been updated for this, worth having a look over again. Then the question we had before about where do we merge this

Patrick: not heard back about the process. Will just go ahead and create a vNext branch and merge it there

Meta-issue: update WPT to cover Pointer Events Level 3 #445 w3c/pointerevents#445

Rob: believe Mustaq made some progress

Patrick: that's my memory from last time as well, but it's ok not in a major rush

Quick sense-check of Touch Events update for CG-Final w3c/touch-events#137

Patrick: can we take a minute to check wording is ok

Rob: looks good to me

Patrick: I will push this update and contact Ian Jacobs / W3C to move it to the right place

TPAC 2024 PEWG meeting with UI Events

Patrick: don't have exact time/date, but I think it'll be Monday

Rob: I will try to register soon for TPAC, get approvals etc

Patrick: so topic of meeting generally "to discuss the Pointer Events specification and its dependencies on the UI Events specification, particularly regarding DOM mutations and interoperability issues with pointer events."

Rob: the concept of "capture" doesn't exist in UI Events, so in PE we say we change the target

Rob: similarly, changing the way mouse events are based on pointer event target as they can be different

AOB some issues in repo

Patrick: https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues

Patrick: issues from Masayuki who I believe is at Mozilla https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/created_by/masayuki-nakano

Patrick: would be good to triage them. if they only require clarification/wording, we can do it. If it needs more reworking, then leave after Level 3

Rob: they both seem fairly simple to address with wording

Rob: relates to targeting for click/double-click, so need to clarify this

ACTION: for all group to review unlabelled issues, decide if appropriate for Level 3, and propose new wording etc where needed

PAtrick: wanted a sense check - this came from internationalisation wide review w3c/pointerevents#505

Patrick: we already have the PR i did that defines the logical values, but how easy/hard would it be to add this to Level 3

Patrick: we *could* add it and mark it as at risk?

Rob: if we can do it in a non-breaking way, then sure

Rob: the tricky part i can foresee is if sites rely on hardcoded computed values

Rob: but we can work around it by saying the computed value then still resolves to whatever the physical value is

Rob: would be good to review the PR first before pushing it w3c/pointerevents#496

ACTION: group to review draft PR for next meeting and decide if we want to incorporate into Level 3

Wide review

Patrick: received reviews from DAS WG, Touch Events CG, Webapps

Patrick: i18n, TAG

Patrick: not heard from security and privacy

Patrick: thank you, adjourning until 2 weeks' time

Summary of action items

  1. for all group to review unlabelled issues, decide if appropriate for Level 3, and propose new wording etc where needed
  2. group to review draft PR for next meeting and decide if we want to incorporate into Level 3
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/i19n/i18n

Maybe present: Patrick, Rob

All speakers: Patrick, Rob

Active on IRC: flackr, Patrick_H_Lauke