Media & Entertainment IG meeting

02 July 2024


Alcia_Boya, Andre_Paul, Chris_Needham, Dan_Druta, Francois_Daoust, Hiroki_Endo, Hisayuki_Ohmata, Igarashi, Kaz_Ashimura, Kinji_Matsumura, Martin_Lasak, Piers_O'Hanlon, Ryo_Yasuoka
John_Riviello, Louay_Bassbouss
Chris_Needham, Tatsuya_Igarashi
cpn, kaz

Meeting minutes

Slideset: https://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/images/0/03/2024-07-02-MEIG-Meeting.pdf


[Slide 2]

Chris: (goes through the agenda)
… any other topics?


CTA WAVE liaison

[Slide 3]

Chris: We received a liaison letter from CTA WAVE

liaison letter

Chris: They have developed a test suite to help with interoperability of media content across devices including TV
… There was a demo at Media Web Symposium 2024 as well. I think this is an important contribution.
… I replied to say we're very interested and would invite CTA WAVE to present and discuss,
… need to identify the date.

<Igarashi> +1

Chris: We'll negotiate a session to discuss in more detail.
… There are links to the various resources in the liaison letter.

Alicia: have to be something separate
… the goal is to make sure browser support for different contents
… could be web platform test by different browser vendors

Chris: any specific points?

Alicia: maybe resource intensive for resources
… may use automatic image validation

Chris: the test set to be clarified too
… QR codes here and time codes
… image processing by the smartphone's video camera

Alicia: it's an interesting approach definitely

Piers: The code and media for the CTA-WAVE DPC Test suite is here: https://cta-wave.github.io/dpc-test-suite/

Chris: not sure how to test video element

Martin: I'm part of the team that hosted that demo.
… The QR code on the right is from currentTime API, it tests correct emission of the events and metadata.
… The recording device must capure the video at 2x the FPS of the refresh rate of the panel.
… When the content has 25 FPS, the recording device must be at 50 FPS, so no frame is missed.

Alicia: But not all cameras will be capturing at 50 FPS, could be 60 FPS.

Martin: Yes, it just needs to be a higher FPS, 50fps, 60fps or 120fps.

Alicia: flicker also

Martin: The system measuring MSE, measurement might be distracted by the device itself

Alicia: Tests that require real devices aren't done often, need manual components,
… unless you have a permanent CI test system. With WPT the infrastructure already
… exists. Can test through the APIs, can be done on every commit

Martin: The tests are based on WPT, but there are long running tests, can be too much for every commit.
… After the reording is done, there's analysis, which takes time.

Chris: Martin, have you seen the discussion by CTA WAVE guys around organising a future meeting?

Martin: I'd need to talk to Louay

Chris: OK, I'd like to invite you both, as well as CTA WAVE members to talk in more detail.
… I will follow up to invite you.

Media WG update

[Slide 4]

Chris: EME v2 first public WD is in progress.
… We'll also publish the HDCP version registry which lists the HDCP versions that could be used.
… The WG is also publishing all EME/MSE registries to /TR
… No major changes to these, but they may need maintenance updates, e.g., to point to the latest referenced specs.

Chris: Registries include:
… MSE Byte Stream Format Registry
… EME Initialization Data Registry
… EME Stream Format Registry
… Also WebCodecs VideoFrame Metadata Registry was recently published. This includes some entries to suport WebRTC use cases.
… Human face detection metadata and background segmentation, for background blur or removal in the web app.
… These come from WebRTC WG but has been useful to discuss in Media WG where there's expertise on VideoFrame and WebCodecs.
… There's more work to do in Media WG, e.g., on MSE with Managed Media Source, which doesn't have multiple implementations yet,
… so it's ongoing working progress
… Any comments or questions?


HDR update

[Slide 5]

Chris: PNG WG is working on PNG v3 spec with HDR support.
… It's at Candidate Recommendation now, and the plan is to finalize it as a REC
… then look at other potential changes.
… Color on the Web CG next meeting on July 9, to look at
… TAG feed back on the current HDR Canvas proposal.

HDR Canvas proposal

Chris: I invite you to join that meeting if HDR is of interest to you.

Chris: Apart from this, is there anything you're aware of also to mention?

(nothing specific)


[Slide 6]

SCONEPRO resource (Dan)

Chris: We discussed a bit in the Web & Networks IG meeting last week. I would like to invite Dan to talk about it.

Dan: Thanks for summarizing in the slides
… SCONEPRO stands for "Secure Communication of Network Properties",
… but the actual scope is a lot narrower than the title.

Dan: The main thing it tries to solve is a challenge perceived in the industry
… regarding how some of the plan management is transitioning from data caps to bitrate caps.
… Important for mobile operators and satellite operators, where radio resources are limited.
… With video the dominant form of media, it's necessary in the market to differentiate.
… Previously done using data caps, 5GB or 25GB. Now in the US they're all unlimited plans, but with variations that are around video,
… e.g., a cheaper plan with standard video, other plans that allow HD, others 4K.
… Adaptive bitrate by definition adapts to network conditions, but not always easy to detect video.
… Network policy is applying shaping, caps the bandwidth of the connection to certain limits.
… This doesn't necessarily translate to the video, it blindly covers all flows.
… SCONEPRO tries to create a plan-aware mechansim where the app providers receive a signal
… about the max bitrate they're supposed to deliver to a player, and they stick to that and adapt within that range,
… not the entire range of ABR available.
… It's meant to be in-path for QUIC traffic. QUIC is becoming the majority of video traffic from large video and social media providers. Relevant to short form videos.
… At IETF in March there was a non WG forming BoF, so people presented the issues, some heated debates on what should/shouldn't be done.
… IETF July will be a WG forming BoF, goal to start work on this topic.
… It is a one way communication for now. Metadata associated with the subscription and video streaming properties, and the application will self-police.
… Why is it relevant to this group?
… QUIC is an application layer transport stack. Many services have implementations on both client and server side.
… They can receive signals on the endpoints. Challenging when player is in the browser, as the client uses the browser's QUIC implementation.
… There's no web API that exposes anything at protocol level to the web app. It's in the charter, when the protocol work starts, a corresponding nneed for a web layer API.
… MEIG is a good place to share the idea and get clear requirements, then start the API work in a WG.
… If you're planning to be in Vancouver, the agenda isn't yet published. Should be interesting, hope to see you there.

Chris: Thanks for introducing this. Any thoughts/questions?

Alicia: I'm concerned about net neutrality. Why should W3C support this?

Dan: Good question, Meta published a draft about that. It's really not discriminatory, for one app vs annother.
… Signal is sent to all apps, for all users and all applications. Recommend looking at the draft from Meta.

<piers> Draft on net neutrality: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-tan-sconepro-netneutrality/

Alicia: This doesn't alleviate my concerns, worry of ISPs squeezing money out of customers.
… Different between pricing bandwidth for specific apps and bandwidth in general. W3C shouldn't encourage this.

Dan: In the IETF discussion, net neutrality wasn't the major concen, more privacy issues associated with the subscriber's side.

Alicia: QUIC was intended to prevent ISP from doing this.

Dan: This was initated more by the content providers than the network operators.
… They do apply policies for traffic. It's not about squeezing more money from users, it provides choice.
… They can choose a SD vs HD vs 4K plan.
… I just wanted to point you to the draft on net neutrality above for today.
… We could have further discussion at TPAC.

Chris: I wanted to mention about a proposed addition of a quality attribute to ManagedMediaSource API,
… as a hint from the browser to the web app.

media-source Issue 322 - Proposal: Add quality attribute to ManagedMediaSource API

Chris: It could satisfy this use case?

Dan: Maybe, but seems premature to discuss.

Chris: Thanks Dan for joining and introducing this topic. How to send feedback, e.g., comments in a SCONEPRO GitHub repo?

Dan: Most QUIC participants are supportive, as they understand the use case.
… Also a reverse use case where the app can convey congestion options, what is the app interested in deprioritising?

Chris: So the current focus is scoping of a WG, not so much on specific technical solutions?

Dan: Yes

Piers: There was a presentation from YouTube also, they're already using something similar.

Dan: That's an OOB mechanism rather than in-line. They explained how it improves performance.

Piers: On the preferred quality in ManagedMediaSource, another possible thing it can be for is server-guided bitrate selection.
… MoQ is more server driven than client driven, maybe it comes from that angle as well?

Chris: I'd need to check on the original rationale for including it. But for now it's on hold in Media WG and not part of the spec.

Chris: Thanks all for the discussion.

DASH-IF special session on Content Authenticity and Provenance in DASH

[Slide 7]

Chris: I should declare some interest in this. BBC is contributing to C2PA specifications.
… But today I'm speaking as MEIG co-chair rather than proponent from BBC.
… I'm in discussion with the people from Adobe who presented this at June 7 DASH-IF meeting.
… C2PA is about showing provenance of the content.
… In the meeting someone suggested that it could be interesting to move the work from the DASH player to the HTML video element or MSE implementation in the browser.

[Slide 8]

Chris: Image shows content credentials menu on the timeline, where the blue indicates succesful validation, and red invalid.
… The content credentials icon shows the metadata.
… There's work in C2PA looking at how to do DASH streaming, both live and on-demand video.
… We could discuss detail in a possible future meeting, but not planned yet.

Alicia: I have some general doubts, as proposed by Adobe, but I'm not familiar with the protocols.
… I have some concerns in that it could be very nice, signing is generally useful.
… I can see good uses but I can also see potential concerns and incentives from Adobe.

Chris: If you haven't seen it, I would suggest watching the DASH-IF meeting recording.

Piers: Unclear they have a mechanism. One idea could be to have an EME for authentication as opposed to encryption.

Alicia: One concern as an example: Who is signing the information?
… We already have mechanism on the web. If I was the authentication provider I'm incentivised to sign all content to charge fees in the future.
… How is addressed in the protocol?

Piers: It's a separate PKI, not the web PKI.

Alicia: That's part of my concern.

TPAC 2024

[Slide 9]

Chris: We're running out of time, so just quickly, one open question to you is
… if you plan to join the meeting (in person or remotely) and if you have any topics in mind for the agenda,
… please let me know.
… There'll be some discussion around next-generation audio (covered in previous TPAC), etc.


Chris: Anything else for today?


Chris: Thanks for all your discussions!
… The next meeting will be held in August


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 196 (Thu Oct 27 17:06:44 2022 UTC).