13:57:10 RRSAgent has joined #me 13:57:14 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/07/02-me-irc 13:57:14 Zakim has joined #me 13:57:23 Meeting: Media & Entertainment IG meeting 13:58:22 ohmata has joined #me 13:58:57 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Alcia_Boya, Hisayuki_Ohmata 13:59:05 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-web-and-tv/2024Jun/0005.html 14:00:33 present+ Hiroki_Endo, Chris_Needham 14:01:08 alicia has joined #me 14:01:29 HirokiEndo has joined #me 14:01:47 tidoust has joined #me 14:02:18 piers has joined #me 14:02:21 scribe+ cpn 14:04:17 present+ Tatsuya_Igarashi 14:05:07 Igarashi has joined #me 14:05:07 Slideset: https://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/images/0/03/2024-07-02-MEIG-Meeting.pdf 14:05:16 q+ 14:05:24 present+ 14:05:30 q- 14:06:02 present+ Francois_Daoust, Kinji_Matsumura, Piers_O'Hanlon, Ryo_Yasuoka 14:07:13 topic: Agenda 14:07:21 cpn: (goes through the agenda) 14:07:43 ... CTA WAVE liaison, Media WG/HDR, IETF SCONEPRO, DASH-IF, TPAC 14:07:47 ... any other topics? 14:07:53 (none) 14:08:43 topic: CTA WAVE liaison 14:08:53 cpn: got a liaison letter from CTA WAVE 14:09:31 -> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-web-and-tv/2024Jun/0003.html liaison letter 14:09:46 cpn: interoperability of media contents 14:10:09 ... demo at media web symposium 2024 as well 14:10:17 emilio has left #me 14:10:22 ... if any views, would hear from you 14:10:41 ... would say we're very interested and would invite CTA WAVE to present and discuss 14:10:50 ... need to identify the date 14:10:56 +1 14:11:07 ... will negotiate a session to discuss the detail 14:11:29 ... various links in the liaison letter 14:11:39 ab: have to be something separate 14:11:58 ... the goal is to make sure browser support for different contents 14:12:17 ... could be web platform test by different browser vendors 14:12:40 cpn: any specific points? 14:12:54 ab: maybe resource intensive for resources 14:13:18 ... may use automatic image validation 14:13:43 cpn: the test set to be clarified too 14:13:57 ... QR codes here and time codes 14:14:23 ... image processing by the smartphone's video camera 14:14:46 ab: it's an interesting approach definitely 14:14:59 poh: The code and media for the CTA-WAVE DPC Test suite is here: https://cta-wave.github.io/dpc-test-suite/ 14:15:10 present+ Martin_Lasak 14:15:15 rrsagent, make log public 14:15:27 cpn: not sure how to test video element 14:15:36 q? 14:15:42 q+ martin 14:15:50 ml: we hosted that demo 14:16:15 ... right side QR code includes encoded information for time synchronization 14:16:43 ... one thing important is video streaming's refresh rate 14:16:52 present+ Dan_Druta 14:17:20 ab: many videos allow to use 50fps 14:17:38 ml: need to consider all the options, 50fps, 60fps and 120fps 14:17:45 ab: flicker also 14:18:01 ml: system measuring MSE 14:18:17 ... measurement might be distracted by the device itself 14:18:29 ab: often have manual components 14:18:45 ... in the case of Web platform test 14:19:02 ... automatically tested more or less based on browsers 14:19:20 ml: tests vary what you want to test 14:19:42 ... long-running tests lasts every after another 14:19:54 ... a full-test costs much 14:20:22 cpn: Martin, have you seen the discussion by CTA WAVE guys around future meeting? 14:20:29 ml: need to talk to Louay 14:20:35 cpn: ok 14:20:41 ... would like to invite you two 14:20:52 present+ Andre_Paul 14:21:18 ... will follow up to invite you 14:21:31 q? 14:23:13 topic: Media WG update 14:23:20 cpn: EME updates 14:23:33 ... EVE v2 first public WD in progress 14:23:42 ...publish HDCP version registry 14:23:57 ... also publishing all EME/MSE registries to /TR 14:24:12 ... may need maintenance updates 14:25:08 -> https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/sconepro/about/ SCONEPRO resource (Dan) 14:25:43 cpn: Registries include: 14:25:53 ... MSE Byte Stream Format Registry 14:26:00 ... EME Initialization Data Registry 14:26:07 ... EME Stream Format Registry 14:26:14 ... then 14:26:31 ... WebCodecs VideoFrame Metadata Registry 14:26:51 ... human face detection metadata and background segmentation 14:27:03 ... various topics MSE needs 14:27:12 ... manage to media source 14:27:22 ... it's ongoing working progress 14:27:33 ... comments/questions? 14:27:36 (none) 14:27:59 topic: HDR update 14:28:21 cpn: PNG WG working on PNG v3 with HDR support 14:28:23 ... at CR 14:28:39 ... plan is finalize it as a REC 14:28:54 ... then 14:29:07 ... Color on the Web CG next meeting on July 9 14:29:21 ... TAG feed back on current HDR Canvas proposal 14:29:56 -> https://github.com/w3c/ColorWeb-CG/blob/main/hdr_html_canvas_element.md HDR Canvas proposal 14:30:12 cpn: anything you're aware? 14:30:30 (nothing specific) 14:30:38 topic: IETF SCONEPRO 14:30:52 -> https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/sconepro/about/ SCONEPRO resource (Dan) 14:31:00 cpn: would invite Dan to talk about that 14:31:12 dd: tx for summarizing the slides 14:31:40 ... SCONEPRO stands for “Secure Communication of Network Properties” 14:32:05 ... the actual scope is a lot narrower than the title 14:32:18 [[ 14:32:19 Goal: In adaptive-bitrate video streaming, enable the network can signal to the client the bitrate it 14:32:19 should be using 14:32:19 ○ Maintain throughput at acceptable video quality 14:32:19 ○ Apply network operator policies and network conditions 14:32:21 ]] 14:32:44 dd: particularly important for mobile careers 14:32:57 ... video becoming dominant for media 14:33:59 ... not always easy to detect specific video on time 14:34:24 ... due to network operator polices and network conditions 14:35:21 ... what SCONEPRO really aims is application providers detect the situation 14:35:31 ... majority of the video traffic 14:35:42 ... at least large video providers and social media 14:35:53 ... that's how it works and starts 14:36:07 ... early stage discussion at IETF in March 2020 14:36:28 ... now July in Vancouver BoF meeting 14:36:42 ... it is a one-way communication for now 14:37:11 ... why is this relevant to this group is 14:37:24 ... as you know, QUIC is app-layer protocol 14:37:41 ... implementations on both the server side and the client side 14:38:16 ... it is most likely protocol-side activity 14:38:28 ... how that would be materialized? 14:38:43 ... need clear requirements 14:38:53 ... corresponding to a WG 14:39:10 ... the agenda of July meeting is not published yet 14:39:19 ... but hopefully available soon 14:39:29 cpn: tx for your information 14:39:40 ... any thoughts/questions? 14:39:51 ab: net neutrality? 14:39:56 dd: good question 14:40:12 ... Meta has just provided a document about neutrality 14:40:19 ... one application vs another 14:40:30 ... not discriminating the others 14:40:48 ab: Web apps vs executables 14:40:54 Draft on net neutrality: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-tan-sconepro-netneutrality/ 14:40:56 dd: all the applications to be considered 14:41:07 ... would recommend you go thought the draft above 14:41:29 ab: from my viewpoint, it's introducing dangerous mechanism... 14:41:40 ... there is a big difference in general 14:42:13 dd: just want to point you to the draft above 14:42:28 ... actually written by the Facbook people 14:42:48 ... some privacy issues associated with the subscriber's side 14:43:36 ab: part of the QUIC issue is initiated by ISP 14:43:55 dd: ISP eventually apply some policy 14:44:07 ... it is not something squeezing money 14:44:30 ... users should be aware since it's part of contract 14:44:45 ... anyway 14:45:02 ... just wanted to point you to the draft on net neutrality above for today 14:45:11 ... further discussion could be done at TPAC 14:45:44 cpn: wanted to talk about ManagedMediasSource API also 14:46:01 -> https://github.com/w3c/media-source/issues/322 media-source Issue 322 - Proposal: Add quality attribute to ManagedMediaSource API 14:46:42 cpn: it may be satisfies your use case? 14:46:50 s/may be/maybe/ 14:47:08 dd: hopefully clarity about the protocol 14:47:19 ... will just read it 14:47:36 cpn: tx for joining and introduce the topic around SCONEPRO 14:48:12 dd: most of the QUIC participants/contributors understand particular use cases 14:48:26 ... application would convey some congestion 14:48:41 ... interested in a re-prioritization 14:48:55 ... what kind of prose is less important or so 14:49:11 cpn: tx 14:49:38 poh: presentation from YouTube also 14:49:51 dd: it's API-based 14:50:03 ... some of the benefit is very thoughtful 14:50:50 poh: preferred quality to be specified by the quality attribute 14:51:34 cpn: tx all for the discussion 14:51:53 topic: DASH-IF special session on Content Authenticity 14:51:54 and Provenance in DASH 14:52:05 cpn: asked to ask you about your interest 14:52:32 ... speaking rather as a participants from BBC 14:53:54 ... (including C2PA technology) 14:54:06 [slide 10] 14:54:48 cpn: content credentials menu for deeper insight (on the left side of the UI) 14:55:23 ... content credential icon (for valid and invalid content at the bottom left) 14:55:36 [slide 9] 14:55:55 s/10/7/ 14:55:58 s/9/8/ 14:56:05 cpn: (goes back to slide 7) 14:56:31 ... discussion with people from Adobe presented this at June 7 DASH-IF meeting 14:56:59 ... about C2PA, Dreato Assertions WG, Investigations with DASH.js and Browser integration via HTML