Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

01 July 2024


DavidSwallow, Jan, Jennie_Delisi, kirkwood, lisa, Rain
, Eric, Eric (for Canada day), tiffany
Jan, Jmcsorley

Meeting minutes

<lisa> TPAC questions

<lisa> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g9N-_3l-d6t0ppZcIIZ98k00x7ZE7h3ayq0OCX9Ycu4/edit#heading=h.rhs6n8lpznbz>

<lisa> change item 6 to: no subgroup calls this week. next week editors call

<lisa> am i in the right zoom room?

<kirkwood> enable people to use find on sitemap page (in plain language)

<kirkwood> should we just add understanding where you are in site hierarchy?

<kirkwood> to me there are two “where you are in the hierarchy” and the issue of “where you are in a process” (thought to capture)

<kirkwood> depends on tools they use

<kirkwood> some use search to find info. others use heading nav to find (heirarchy) , depends on user and tools

<Rain> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KHWpKAWOb6p7r-WdrdDUIqFB3BCVnLjRYVcEBM88hPQ/edit#heading=h.scqltz3rntje

<Rain> Also a good link about flat vs. deep hierarchy: https://www.nngroup.com/articles/flat-vs-deep-hierarchy/

<kirkwood> context switching can be very difficult

<lisa> agande?

<lisa> agedna?#

<lisa> agedna?

<lisa> next item

Lisa: In our Actions Document, I added a to-do list for our July deadline, at the end of the month

Lisa: Phase 1 got added - there are 2 things we need to do - current version of Content Usable - things that we need to do are in rows in the table

Lisa: We have 2 editor's drafts coming - one for the new structure and then we need to put in a placeholder for Internationalization and any images, etc., that we may want to include.

Lisa: Over the next 2 weeks, we will be working on the new structure.

Lisa: Do we need a place holder in testing for Internationalization?

Jan: Yes - that would be good, although not every pattern will need internationalization tests

Lisa: We have 2 versions coming out - one in July and then testing will be done over August and we will have a new draft after that

Lisa: In August, we will work on testing and in September we will add place holders for Internationalization and mental health

Lisa: We will likely have some kind of editor's note

Rain: I think we should get feedback from the subgroups when we do the testing

Lisa: For both testing and internationalization, we would have recommendations in documents that we link to from content usable - maybe link to Wiki pages that have additional information.

Lisa: We may need an editor's note about this being a prototype for testing and that internationalization, etc. have not yet been included.

Lisa: We will do user testing in August and in September, we will be integrating changes.

Lisa: We have other items - the style guide, mental health challenges, GitHub issues, etc. - these are all in September

Lisa: So we would have an August deadline so that they can merge in September

Lisa: We have 3 papers in and our goal was to have 2 - we also want to complete a paper on supported decision making so that we can present that at TPAC.

Lisa: I wrote to Shawn today to see if it's okay to link through to a document, or if we want the citations embedded

Lisa: Does anyone want to do the editorial work - getting citations embedded and making sure that we are following the style guide.

Lisa: I think I will ask Abbey for help with editing and adding citations

Lisa: We need to add editor's notes - agree on the text, agree on citation management, clean up editorial changes, and then go through the approval process and also work on supported decision making - we don't have to complete this to meet our goal, but we do want a draft in time for TPAC.

Lisa: We have the Supported Decision Making paper on the agenda at TPAC and I think we have 3 people going.

Lisa: Hopefully we will get to TPAC on the agenda in a bit to talk through costs and participation.

<lisa> sdm paper https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g9N-_3l-d6t0ppZcIIZ98k00x7ZE7h3ayq0OCX9Ycu4/edit#heading=h.rhs6n8lpznbz

Lisa: Over the next two weeks, we need to get content into the paper so that Lisa can get it into the first editor's draft.

David: Collaboration Tools User Requirements document - Section 9 was the last section to be worked on - a public draft will be released for review.

<lisa> next item

David: There's an update to Captia, which they want feedback on and soon they will be seeking input on machine learning and AI

<lisa> close item 2

<lisa> next item

<lisa> Adjust Color: Users are able to adjust color schemes

<lisa> Haptic stimulation: Protects users from haptic over-stimulation

<lisa> Implied meaning in figurative language: Explain figurative language or non-literal language such as jokes, sarcasm, hyperbole, metaphors, similes, and idioms.

<lisa> Keyboard Only: All functionality can be performed through the keyboard interface only, except where the underlying function requires input that depends on the path of the user's movement and not just the endpoints.

<lisa> Section Labels: Sections of content have clear visual and programmatic labeled

<lisa> Voice Interaction Scratchpad (No guidance is yet written. This is just starting at the scratchpad phase)

Lisa: There's a lot of discussion about color, haptic stimulation, etc.

<kirkwood> seizures?

<kirkwood> good for memory!

Rain: There are some issues with haptic - like pain - this might surprise people if they're not expecting it - or it could contribute to overstimulation and/or seizures. Conversely, haptics can be positive for some people under certain circumstances.

Lisa: Should this be in our documents?

Rain: Yes, there are considerations for our documents. This may not be something that would be a web issue, but has implications for wearables and apps, etc.

John: There are some positive implications for supporting memory

Lisa: We also have one on figurative language - section labels - voice interaction scratch pads

<lisa> survery is at https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/subgroups-june-24/

Lisa: We have 2 questions that Rachael wanted to know: (1). When is a good time to start an 8-week sprint so that we can participate?

Lisa: Figurative language, haptics, and colors - we could just send some feedback to them, or maybe we could use one of our normal meeting times to provide some feedback.

John: June 24 date is the publish date of the survey and we have until July 8th to fill in the questionnaire - when you're available and which ones you're interested in and what times you can make it.

Lisa: If there's a conflict and you can't participate immediately, send your comment back because they may push that sprint off until you're able to participate.

<lisa> next item

Jan: To answer Jennie's request, here's the information on TPAC: https://www.w3.org/2024/09/TPAC/

<Jennie_Delisi> * thank you Jan!

Lisa: I think we have 16 days to get the early bird fees.

Lisa: We definitely want to do some breakout sessions: Looking at the new structure that Rain's working on - and possibly, we could get some feedback that we could act on.

Lisa: If we can get it in time, we were hoping to have the Triggers paper and possibly conversations / way finding

Lisa: We need to finish things so that we can get it through the August approval process

Lisa: I think next week, we're going over the Triggers paper.

Lisa: Next week, we need to get Triggers discussed and get inputs in on SDM (Supported Decision Making)

<lisa> trigers

<lisa> https://docs.google.com/document/d/19RdKrd2aUJkZcm9FmIOvZ2jfn9JgYpFcqT5mubyQUAQ/edit#heading=h.p1q1f5jvv2f

<lisa> Work on Supported Decision Making - Issue Paper https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g9N-_3l-d6t0ppZcIIZ98k00x7ZE7h3ayq0OCX9Ycu4/edit#heading=h.rhs6n8lpznbz

<Jennie_Delisi> Re TPAC - the registration page fees information for invited experts says "The TPAC 2024 participation fees will be waived for all W3C Invited Experts. You will not be asked to pay for the fees once you completed the TPAC registration form."

<Jennie_Delisi> Am I reading this correctly?

<Jennie_Delisi> https://www.w3.org/2024/09/TPAC/registration.html#fees

<lisa> next item

Lisa: We have a lot to do to prepare - we would also like to have a COGA meeting at TPAC - probably hybrid

<lisa> Work on Supported Decision Making - Issue Paper https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g9N-_3l-d6t0ppZcIIZ98k00x7ZE7h3ayq0OCX9Ycu4/edit#heading=h.rhs6n8lpznbz

Lisa: For the last quarter of an hour, I was hoping we could review the SDM paper and see where we are and see what can be an editor's note and what we need in terms of content.

Lisa: Frankie agreed to do Cognitive Support - Eric added some content; John and Eric were going to add content on adding issues related to online participatiion.

Lisa: We have 4 other topics where we need a volunteer to add content to - (1). appropriate sharing (what is and is not appropriate to share - e.g. someone with mania might overshare), (2). informed consent is another complicated issue, (3). Dignity, misuse, etc.

<Zakim> Jennie_Delisi, you wanted to discuss informed consent

Jennie: When do you need sections to be completed?

Lisa: In the month of July

Jennie: John and I have a lot of what we pulled together on informed consent, so do you just need a summary?

Lisa - yes, your research is an appendix

Jennie: I will take the informed consent.

John: I can help - we also need to understand Hippa and understanding when you're sharing medical information - there may be instances where you may not realize you're sharing medical information and could be endangering yourself.

Lisa: We could add that to the United States section - appendix, or we could add it to the informed consent and hippa could be an example

Jennie: John and I could work on this asynchronously in a shared document

Lisa: We have problems with web site support, misuses, dignity autonomy changing states of the user (when they

Jan: correction to previous line: When they're under distress, etc.

Lisa: There's a section on guardian consent methodology - Jennie had suggested moving this to the research section

Jennie: This, to me is part of the research, and is not necessarily a recommendation

Lisa: So this goes to an appendix?

Jennie: Yes, probably - it was New York specific, so it might go into the United States section

Lisa: We need to get the content out - a bit more review. We need someone to write the section on issues with support decision making - it had a lot of blank spaces - I will write to the list to see if anyone can do it this month.

<Jennie_Delisi> +1

Lisa: If I can't get a volunteer, I will try to pull something together or put in an editor's note that these topics will be covered


<Rain> +1

<lisa> next item

Lisa: I think we need to move the editor's call to next week because of the July 4th holiday.

Lisa: There are no calls this Thursday

Lisa: Next week we will focus on David's paper - Triggers - to see if this is ready to go to the editor's draft.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Maybe present: David, Jennie, John

All speakers: David, Jan, Jennie, John, Lisa, Rain

Active on IRC: DavidSwallow, Jennie_Delisi, JMcSorley, kirkwood, lisa, Rain