28 June 2024


David Booth, Detlef Grittner, Erich Bremer, EricP, Gaurav Vaidya
David Booth

Meeting minutes

<dbooth> Meeting: FHIR RDF

<dbooth> Chair: David Booth

<dbooth> Topic: DICOM

<dbooth> erich: Changed my RDF generation from DICOM to match what we've discussed.

<dbooth> erich: Want to be able to do an HTTP Range request for part of the data.

<dbooth> eric: How often would you need a smarter server, that understands range requests on multiple axes, specific to images?

<dbooth> erich: With 50 lines of zip code I could pull out tiles from the client.

<dbooth> ... Open seadragon knows how to ask for a minimum set of tiles.

<dbooth> ... Server can return back the layers and tiles.

<dbooth> erich: These are 2D images, not 3D.

<dbooth> eric: Some have converted these OIDs into URNs. Benefit of that?

<dbooth> s/eric/erich/

<dbooth> eric: Not much practical difference

<dbooth> dbooth: They're more recognizable as URNs

<dbooth> eric: Use/mention issue. If I say "I'm IDed by this URL", then I hav eboth a birthdate and a content link, which seems silly.

<dbooth> eric: Advantage of having as an IRI is it can be the subject of a triple.

<dbooth> erich: Might also use dcm:Modality instead of dcm:0080060.

<dbooth> detlef: the name is 1:1 with the number. THe number is used in data transfer because it is fixed length.

<dbooth> w3c/hcls-fhir-rdf#141

<dbooth> detlef: Should we use xsd datatypes or DICOM types?

<dbooth> .... Talked w colleague who came up with option 9. He likes dicom datatypes very much.

<dbooth> ... You could have custom types that are subtypes of xsd:string

<dbooth> ... They behave like string.

<dbooth> ... If they are actually numbers, you have to cast them to add them.

<dbooth> .. But the backend uses SQL92

<dbooth> ... Could he create a schema to make to XML

<dbooth> erich: i like dicom datatypes, because it keeps aligned w dicom.

<dbooth> ... But xsd are better for SPARQL

<dbooth> ... Also times need different cases converted to xsd.

<dbooth> ... XSD types make it easier to use in SPARQL, though the custom types may be better for data transfer to others.

<dbooth> detlef: Some want to interpret the data without the schema. Maybe have VR optionally included?

<dbooth> erich: Like about 5: Similar to DICOM JSON. But don't like that it creates a lot of extra triples i don't use. 9c makes efficient sparql. I'd favor 9c and 10.

<dbooth> w3c/hcls-fhir-rdf#141

<dbooth> https://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/html/part16.html

Date: 26-Jun-2024


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