15:56:43 RRSAgent has joined #rdf-star 15:56:48 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/06/27-rdf-star-irc 15:56:54 q+ 15:57:06 pfps has joined #rdf-star 15:57:08 meeting: RDF-Star WG biweekly meeting 15:57:14 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/0a6aa6e3-635c-42c2-baba-938c76b6ef01/20240627T120000/ 15:57:15 clear agenda 15:57:15 agenda+ Approval of minutes from the last two meetings: -> 1 https://www.w3.org/2024/06/13-rdf-star-minutes.html , -> 2 https://www.w3.org/2024/06/20-rdf-star-minutes.html 15:57:15 agenda+ No meeting 4th of July 15:57:15 agenda+ Proposal for next week's discussion 15:57:16 agenda+ Review of pull requests, available at -> 3 https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/20/views/4 15:57:19 agenda+ Issue Triage, available at -> 4 https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/20/views/5 15:57:22 agenda+ Any Other Business (AOB), time permitting 15:58:21 present+ 15:58:22 present+ 15:58:39 present+ 15:59:35 AZ has joined #rdf-star 16:00:04 present+ 16:00:41 ora has joined #rdf-star 16:00:58 niklasl has joined #rdf-star 16:01:18 present+ 16:01:20 present+ 16:01:21 scribe: Tpt 16:01:23 present+ 16:01:28 Dominik_T has joined #rdf-star 16:01:37 present+ 16:01:37 eBremer has joined #rdf-star 16:01:39 present+ 16:01:43 present+ 16:02:09 present+ 16:02:17 present+ 16:02:17 fsasaki has joined #rdf-star 16:02:55 chair: ora 16:03:25 Zakim, open item 1 16:03:25 agendum 1 -- Approval of minutes from the last two meetings: -> 1 https://www.w3.org/2024/06/13-rdf-star-minutes.html , -> 2 https://www.w3.org/2024/06/20-rdf-star-minutes.html -- 16:03:28 draggett has joined #rdf-star 16:03:29 ... taken up [from agendabot] 16:03:32 doerthe has joined #rdf-star 16:03:36 present+ 16:03:40 present+ 16:03:43 regrets+ souri 16:03:46 In the minutes of meeting 13th June, we can add myself in the "regrets" section 16:03:57 both minutes look fine 16:04:00 ora: Minutes again, anybody has a concern? 16:04:33 PROPOSAL: Accept the last two meetings' minutes? 16:04:38 +1 16:04:40 +1 16:04:40 tl has joined #rdf-star 16:04:42 +1 16:04:42 +1 16:04:45 +1 16:04:45 +1 16:04:45 +1 16:04:46 present+ 16:04:48 +1 16:04:49 +1 16:04:52 +1 16:04:57 +1 16:05:00 +1 16:05:01 +1 16:05:02 +0 (absent) 16:05:19 RESOLVED: Accept the last two meetings' minutes 16:05:28 Zakim, next item 16:05:28 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, ktk 16:05:30 +1 16:05:32 q? 16:06:04 ora: side note, I am happy that we see 16 people, it's excellent 16:06:04 ack Kurt 16:06:08 https://github.com/w3c/rdf-star-wg/wiki/Proposal:-Named-Node-Expressions 16:06:51 Zakim, next item 16:06:51 agendum 2 -- No meeting 4th of July -- taken up [from agendabot] 16:06:52 q- 16:06:52 Kurt: I have a proposal ^ and ask to have some time to discuss it 16:07:08 ora: Everybody can read the proposal 16:07:55 ora: Next week is 4th of July, public holiday in US. I do not intend to work and I guess other people too. The logical thing would be to cancel the meeting. Thoughts? 16:08:21 some of us in North America do not celebrate the fourht 16:08:45 ora: It means we shift the schedule 16:09:14 q? 16:09:17 btw, will we have a pause for western hemisphere summer vacations? 16:11:16 ora: I think we can cancel the meeting 16:12:04 fsasaki has joined #rdf-star 16:12:08 present+ 16:12:19 I plan on being available throughout August 16:12:49 ora: I am availlable most of August 16:13:06 ktk: We have not done formal breaks 16:13:15 ora: should we do a pool 16:13:52 ora: let's do a pool 16:14:02 s/pool/poll/ 16:14:26 Zakim, next item 16:14:26 agendum 3 -- Proposal for next week's discussion -- taken up [from agendabot] 16:14:34 s/do a pool/do a poll/ 16:14:42 q+ 16:14:47 ack AndyS 16:14:51 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:14:53 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/06/27-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 16:15:14 AndyS: at the semantic task force we had a good discussion. I can make a summary 16:15:41 ACTION: pchampin Adjust the focused meeting agenda in regards to the skipped meeting on July 4th. 16:15:43 Cannot create action. Validation failed. Maybe pchampin Adjust the focused meeting agenda in regards is not a valid user for w3c/rdf-star-wg? 16:15:54 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:15:56 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/06/27-rdf-star-minutes.html ktk 16:16:01 RRSAgent, make minutes public 16:16:01 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes public', ktk. Try /msg RRSAgent help 16:16:11 RRSAgent, make log lic 16:16:16 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:16:30 AndyS: The observation is that in the general case if we have to deal with opaque URLs, if we consider that RDF is a web data format with the rules of URIs are used, the issues around URIs are less important: eithers the URIs are fresh to you or you adopt them from third pary and you adopt what they mean 16:16:58 +1 a good summary 16:17:03 AndyS: It would be good if we could talk about the usecases 16:17:04 +1 16:17:04 May'24 semantics: https://github.com/w3c/rdf-star-wg/wiki/RDF-star-%22minimal-baseline%22 16:17:10 +1 also on use cases 16:17:37 ora: I think we are implicity in agreement 16:18:34 AZ has joined #rdf-star 16:19:36 gkellogg: I think the conclusion we were comming to is that there is no strong support to do anything but transparent terms 16:20:00 PROPOSAL: Next focus meeting topic: Respect the conventions on the web for use of IRIs 16:20:05 +1 16:20:08 +1 16:20:08 +1 16:20:08 +1 16:20:09 +1 16:20:10 +1 16:20:12 +1 16:20:13 +1 16:20:14 +1 16:20:20 +1 16:20:25 +0 16:20:30 +0 16:21:01 RESOLUTION: Next focus meeting topic: Respect the conventions on the web for use of IRIs 16:21:53 ora: Let's do one more discussion on how should we discribe the disconnect between asserted and unasserted triples 16:22:04 q+ 16:22:10 ack tl 16:22:33 tl: I can try to give input in a not too long email 16:22:47 +1 to a summary, would help a lot 16:23:39 gkellogg: We are planning to address Kurt's proposal as well 16:23:57 ktk: we might consider doing a longer meeting if we have a reason for it 16:24:26 ora: there is a chance I won't make it 16:25:02 unasserted assertions are ambiguous and would profit from a redesign 16:25:54 Topic: Named Node Expressions Proposal 16:26:09 ora: we can treat it as a "background" topic 16:26:10 q+ 16:26:17 ack tl 16:26:48 tl: I noticed the usecases do not reflect the state of our discussion with stats and occurences 16:27:22 q+ 16:27:28 ack niklasl 16:27:54 q+ 16:28:17 ack ktk 16:29:18 regrets+ pchampin, enrico 16:29:23 okay with discussing this in tomorrows semantics/usecase TF meeting 16:29:51 Zakim, next item 16:29:51 agendum 4 -- Review of pull requests, available at -> 3 https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/20/views/4 -- taken up [from agendabot] 16:30:09 Could someone please post the invite for the Semantics meeting to the IRC? 16:30:36 Souri has joined #rdf-star 16:30:40 present+ 16:30:41 q+ 16:30:41 gkellogg: we agreed to merge the rdf:JSON proposal but Peters has more comments 16:31:15 gkellog: I would prefer to merge the PR now and work on subsequent PRs 16:31:41 ack pfps 16:32:01 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:32:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/06/27-rdf-star-minutes.html ktk 16:32:10 pfps: The PR is not satisfactory. The value space and value mapping are unsatifying 16:32:45 pfps: I can write a mapping that satifies a document but produces '"b"' from the input '"a"' 16:33:24 pfps: The mapping is not trivial. It gots weird things related with UTF-16 16:34:07 gkellogg: I asked for help because I did not feel I am able to move this PR forward. It is the one PR with the most comments. I don't see how we move forward from here 16:34:23 q+ 16:34:28 ack TallTed 16:34:34 q+ 16:35:33 q- 16:35:38 TallTed: perhaps it can be step resolving this if Peters can open an issue for each problem he sees in the PR and be very explicit about each issue 16:36:12 TallTed: I think we have a hope to handle it 1 by 1. Even if we don't manage to solve them all we can at least track the problems 16:36:24 TallTed: If we don't do that I am afraid we will move in circles 16:36:46 q+ 16:37:16 ack pfps 16:37:30 pfps: That's not a way to run a standards group at all 16:38:08 q+ 16:38:11 pfps: I responded today with a fairly long writing about where the problems are in the current PR 16:38:56 pfps: The current lexical mapping does not say what is the mapping for string 16:39:06 q+ 16:39:10 ack ora 16:39:10 ack ora 16:39:11 ora: Do we have to find someone outside the group to help us with this? 16:39:25 ora: We could find somebody 16:39:52 ora: This starting to become a quite large issue. It's hard to me to see if this is essential for this group to solve 16:40:14 Can someone post the document link about rdf:json? I've been working with the JSON document object models for a couple of decades. 16:40:30 https://github.com/w3c/rdf-concepts/pull/66 16:40:30 https://github.com/w3c/rdf-concepts/pull/66 -> Pull Request 66 Updates rdf:JSON value space. (by gkellogg) [spec:substantive] 16:40:39 Thank you. 16:41:19 gkellogg: There is room for improving mappings. If people have objections on text, an efficient way is to suggest an alternate wording 16:41:34 q+ 16:42:10 gkellogg: The JSON-LD working group had a look at it yesterday and agreed with the current state 16:42:24 ack ktk 16:42:28 q- 16:42:57 ktk: I cannot comment on the content but we made an agreement two weeks ago to merge it 16:43:16 ktk: Sadly Peter you got droped when we discussed if you would be fine with it 16:43:20 q+ 16:43:30 ktk: I think we should merge this PR in its current form 16:43:36 q? 16:43:42 ora has joined #rdf-star 16:43:48 present+ 16:44:12 pfps: I am willing to drop my request for changes. I can try to approve 16:44:28 Approve using "Review Changes" in https://github.com/w3c/rdf-concepts/pull/66/files 16:44:29 https://github.com/w3c/rdf-concepts/pull/66 -> Pull Request 66 Updates rdf:JSON value space. (by gkellogg) [spec:substantive] 16:44:35 q+ 16:44:39 pfps: I am fine to take the last comment and turn it into an issue but there current version is not acceptable for an RDF datatype 16:44:40 ack pfps 16:44:41 ack pfps 16:44:47 ack TallTed 16:45:29 TallTed: I hear you that this is not acceptable at as final result but I believe that this PR makes the document in a better state. It's incremental progress 16:46:59 gkellogg: The JSON-LD added the datatype to the rdf: namespace after a comment on the mailing list 16:47:45 ora: where are we with this entailment algorithm 16:48:04 Zakim, next item 16:48:04 agendum 5 -- Issue Triage, available at -> 4 https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/20/views/5 -- taken up [from agendabot] 16:48:21 pfps: I have finally found how to approve the rdf:JSON PR 16:49:49 q+ 16:50:22 +q 16:50:45 gkellogg: About https://github.com/w3c/rdf-concepts/issues/86 (datatype canonical mapping). We decided we do not need to provide a canonicalization for rdf datatypes 16:50:46 https://github.com/w3c/rdf-concepts/issues/86 -> Issue 86 canonical mappings for datatypes (by pfps) [needs discussion] [spec:enhancement] 16:50:52 q+ 16:51:57 niklasl has joined #rdf-star 16:52:00 I'll put together a PR for the canonical mapping issue 16:52:14 ack AndyS 16:52:14 Feel free to give me an action on this 16:53:26 ora: What RDF canonicalization does on datatype 16:53:26 ack Kurt 16:53:27 https://www.w3.org/community/ixml/2021/03/19/welcome-to-ixml/ 16:53:31 AndyS: It does not canonicalize 16:54:42 Kurt: I know Steven have worked on the ixml spec to convert datatype to specific output. It may be possible that conversation with Steven could be productive 16:55:14 q+ 16:55:16 ack pfps 16:55:21 eBremer has joined #rdf-star 16:55:25 s/Steven/Steven Pemberton/ 16:55:41 ack gkellogg 16:55:51 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:55:52 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/06/27-rdf-star-minutes.html ktk 16:56:06 gkellogg: I don't think we need to spend any time on canonicalization 16:57:32 eBremer has left #rdf-star 17:19:10 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 17:36:05 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 18:05:48 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 18:40:39 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 18:51:21 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 19:07:55 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 19:30:24 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 20:15:03 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 20:32:22 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 20:52:19 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 21:10:37 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 21:35:22 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 21:54:42 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 22:17:11 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 22:26:09 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 22:38:49 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 23:42:19 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 23:59:29 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star