14:51:23 RRSAgent has joined #did 14:51:27 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/06/27-did-irc 14:51:41 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2024Jun/0022.html 14:51:46 Chair: Gabe Cohen 14:51:51 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:51:52 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/06/27-did-minutes.html burn 14:58:31 Wip has joined #did 14:59:55 scribe+ 14:59:57 decentralgabe has joined #did 15:00:00 present+ 15:00:05 present+ 15:00:06 present+ 15:00:15 present+ 15:00:39 present+ 15:01:18 tminard has joined #did 15:01:41 present+ 15:02:09 regrets+ pchampin 15:02:57 present+ 15:03:13 ChristopherA has joined #DID 15:03:26 What is the URL to the zoom password? 15:03:48 present+ 15:03:55 present+ 15:04:05 present+ 15:04:07 JennieM has joined #did 15:04:12 JoeAndrieu has joined #did 15:04:14 https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/did/calendar/ 15:04:14 present+ 115:04:39 mccown has joined #did 15:04:48 KevinDean7 has joined #did 15:05:10 KevinDean7 has left #did 15:05:11 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:05:13 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/06/27-did-minutes.html TallTed 15:05:28 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:05:38 KevinDean has joined #did 15:05:39 swcurran has joined #did 15:05:41 q+ to intro 15:05:43 present+ 15:05:44 present+ 15:05:46 Topic: Intros 15:05:51 present+ 15:05:53 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:05:55 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/06/27-did-minutes.html TallTed 15:06:01 ack dlongley 15:06:01 dlongley, you wanted to intro 15:06:15 q? 15:06:20 dlongley: Wasn't on call last week. Dave Longley with DB. Co editors of DID and VC specs 15:06:43 kimhd has joined #did 15:06:51 present+ 15:06:58 present+ 15:06:59 i/scribe+/scribe: wip/ 15:07:09 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:07:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/06/27-did-minutes.html TallTed 15:07:17 kimhd: Do we want official response to EU issue? 15:07:19 -> Issue on DI in the EU https://github.com/eu-digital-identity-wallet/eudi-doc-architecture-and-reference-framework/issues/205 15:07:19 ... from the DID WG 15:07:39 ... DIF wants to advocate for DIDs in EU ARF 15:07:56 ... someone opened issue saying they shouldnt be there 15:08:11 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:08:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/06/27-did-minutes.html TallTed 15:08:19 ... Not sure it is worth people chiming in on the thread. Think there is some confusion 15:08:22 q+ 15:08:35 ... would DID WG be interested in collab with DIF to advocate for DIDs in the EU ARF 15:08:36 ack manu 15:08:49 manu: +1 good to collab with DIF on this 15:09:07 present+ 15:09:16 ... There are 11 statements that in issue 205 that are wrong or misleading at best 15:09:24 I try 15:09:39 q+ 15:09:51 ... Agree with Kim lets focus on the positives. Make a case for why EU should be considering DIDs 15:09:57 KevinDean has joined #did 15:10:05 ... going to respond as an individual to the issue 15:10:40 ... Lets work with DIF agree with kimhd 15:10:54 ack ChristopherA 15:10:59 decentralgabe: Encourage folks to respond directly or continue on mailing list 15:11:28 * Agenda is linked in irc 15:11:38 https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/6893c0e2-41b5-4eaf-afc5-c0b46031594a/20240627T080000/ 15:11:56 topic: TPAC 15:12:00 https://www.w3.org/2024/09/TPAC/ 15:12:05 decentralgabe: We have schedule to TPAC announced 15:12:12 ... encourage folks to organise travel and accom 15:12:24 https://www.w3.org/calendar/tpac2024/ 15:12:28 ... DID WG to have meetings on monday and tuesday 15:12:43 ... encourage folks to start thinking about topics and presentations 15:13:03 ... Might be nice to have presentations on where DIDs are used in real world and how they might be used in the future 15:13:17 Topic: Processes 15:13:33 decentralgabe: Want to start work on our work items 15:13:45 https://github.com/topics/did-wg 15:13:53 I'd love to see an agenda item of people seeking collaborators on various DID-WG items. 15:13:56 ... Going to go over our processes, should be familiar. Work done via github issues 15:14:23 ... We hope to use a consistent labelling system to organise issues 15:14:30 ... Editors are empowered to manage labels 15:14:43 ... 7 day merge window. P.Rs will be kept open for at least a week 15:15:02 ... General practice to try find consensus on issues before opening a PR 15:15:13 ... Open to special topic calls, if required 15:15:56 burn: One comment, assume 7 day review policy for any resolution made on a call 15:16:16 ... goal to get minutes out within a day of meetings so people who didn't attend can review these resolutions 15:16:52 ... We are just getting started, for those who havent been around for the start of these things, just bear with us. Groups figure out there processes as they go 15:16:58 ... if we miss anything please ping us 15:17:08 Topic: Work Item Kick-Off 15:17:35 decentralgabe: Reached out to potential editors for work items 15:17:51 ... for did core we have mana markus steve and dimitri 15:17:53 I am interested in Registry 15:18:01 ... for did resolution we have manu markus and steve 15:18:28 s/mana/manu/ 15:18:35 ... looking for more editors if you are interested 15:19:01 ... Looking to give time on the next call for editors to present on their work items and issues 15:19:12 I'd love to see a did-registry topic call scheduled. 15:19:13 ... Want to give group OK to start raising issues and comments 15:19:29 ... Note, no meeting next week. We will be meeting again in 2 weeks 15:19:42 ... Please use the time to review existing issues etc 15:20:14 ... For DID Core, we don't necessarily need FPW. But the chairs think it work following the full process 15:20:14 q+ 15:20:16 Where does Controller Documents fall? 15:20:19 ... any comments or questions 15:20:21 q+ 15:20:23 ack ivan 15:20:52 ivan: On issue about DID core, if we go back to a working draft and start from there we would have to think about if this needs a new short name and url 15:20:58 did-core editors: Manu S, Markus S, Steve M, Dmitri Z; resolution: Markus S, STeve M, Dmitri Z 15:21:00 q+ to respond to ivan 15:21:04 ... only thing visible on the same url would be a working draft 15:21:13 ... This might have side effects for people viewing the spec 15:21:26 q- 15:21:31 ack ChristopherA 15:21:50 ChristopherA: Wondering where the DID controller document falls in our pipeling? 15:22:19 ... Also can we get a DID registy call scheduled. Been a while, I would like to know how things have evolved in this area? 15:22:36 ... Lot of things to discuss, like keri and others that would be worth discussing 15:22:38 For reference, the charter: https://w3c.github.io/did-wg-charter/ 15:22:50 q+ to note controller documents 15:23:02 decentralgabe: I agree, a lot to discss with registries. Have some time allocated at the end of the call to start this 15:23:15 markus_sabadello has joined #did 15:23:15 -> VC Controller Document https://www.w3.org/TR/controller-document/ 15:23:15 ack manu 15:23:15 manu, you wanted to note controller documents 15:23:25 ... in terms of controller document, currently a work item in VCWG. Need to figure out how we want to tie these together 15:23:40 present+ 15:23:57 manu: Expectation is that when editors present on DID core, we are going to have to figure out our relationship to the controller document work at VCWG 15:24:09 ... expect rich discussion 15:24:14 Topic: DID Resolution Transfer 15:24:20 I'd like to see IETF consider controller documents as well. 15:24:30 https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-resolution 15:24:44 decentralgabe: DID resolution document is available as a source document from the CCG group 15:24:55 ... no requirement that we use this as starting place. But is a sensible option 15:25:00 present+ 15:25:06 ... CCG is open for us to begin the transfer 15:25:06 q+ 15:25:18 ... Want to run a proposal to transfer this 15:25:20 ack markus_sabadello 15:25:33 markus_sabadello: I support using DID resolution as a starting point 15:25:48 q+ 15:25:50 ... My question would be what do we do with the open issues currently in the ccg github 15:25:59 q+ to propose that issues are transferred over and cleaned up here. 15:26:16 ack ChristopherA 15:26:16 decentralgabe: first thought is handle after migration 15:26:35 ChristopherA: CCG was never authorized to list things that were more than just provisional 15:27:16 q+ to discuss deliverable differences between core and resolution 15:27:54 ack manu 15:27:54 manu, you wanted to propose that issues are transferred over and cleaned up here. 15:28:09 +1 manu 15:28:13 manu: Speak in favour of transfering from CCG. Including all the issues 15:28:18 +1 to transferring and adopting as initial starting point, including issues 15:28:22 +1 15:28:23 ... fairly easy life to pull these in 15:28:32 s/life/lift 15:28:33 ack burn 15:28:34 burn, you wanted to discuss deliverable differences between core and resolution 15:28:59 bigbluehat has joined #did 15:29:00 burn: quick reminder, 2 different document. DID resolution and DID core. Different changes permitted for these documents 15:29:30 ... DID Core is in maintenance mode. Wheras resolution is a new working draft rec document 15:29:53 present+ 15:29:53 +1 as a good draft. 15:30:04 https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-resolution 15:30:16 +1 15:30:17 PROPOSAL: Adopt the DID Resolution repo from the CCG (https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-resolution) to the W3C to be used as a starting point for the DID Resolution work item, including migrating all issues. 15:30:21 +1 15:30:22 +1 15:30:32 +1 15:30:32 +1 15:30:32 +1 15:30:32 +1 15:30:32 +1 15:30:32 +1 15:30:32 +1 15:30:32 +1 15:30:32 +1 15:30:32 +1 15:30:32 +1 15:30:35 +1 15:30:53 +1 15:31:09 Apologizes for the question, but who is allowed to vote here? 15:31:21 RESOLVED: Adopt the DID Resolution repo from the CCG (https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-resolution) to the W3C to be used as a starting point for the DID Resolution work item, including migrating all issues. 15:31:42 q+ 15:31:50 ack ivan 15:32:19 topic: Registries 15:32:31 https://www.w3.org/TR/did-spec-registries/ 15:32:39 https://w3c.github.io/did-rubric/ 15:32:44 decentralgabe: We have 2 registries in scope. One the DID spec restrity, another for the rubric 15:33:07 ... both are currently WG notes, we could migrate these to W3C registries 15:33:29 ... few approaches. Start from scratch, migrate over, some hybrid 15:33:33 q+ 15:33:52 s/to the W3C/to the WG/ 15:33:52 ... burn you noted that we should clearly freeze the current registries 15:33:54 q+ to note doing anything drastic this early on would need a discussion. 15:34:16 burn: because we need to go to a different format for a registries. We need a starting point for that and can use existing as that. 15:34:30 ... But i want to recommend that we freeze the existing as is 15:34:44 decentralgabe: also need editors for these work items 15:34:48 q+ to ask about process 15:34:55 ack ChristopherA 15:35:29 ChristopherA: 2 purposes for registry: 1. Make sure people don't stomp on each others namespace. 15:35:47 ... We could continue to use CCG or others to continue to manage some provisional things with the registry 15:36:05 ... only have WG able to deprecate for example. A higher level of registry. 15:36:24 ... important we respect decentralization here though. Remain relatively easy to get provisional etc 15:36:34 ack JoeAndrieu 15:36:34 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to ask about process 15:36:39 It was premature for me to suggest freezing the existing ones. I just meant that as a group we will need to create clear advice on how to interpret the original once we are in a world with a completely new document. 15:36:49 JoeAndrieu: agree with ChristopherA, a lot of work to do to update the process 15:36:57 ... lets figure this out. Going to take some time 15:37:06 q+ to Christopher's comments 15:37:13 ... Want to find out where the process for w3c registry exists 15:37:30 ... No process for transfering a registry currently documented. There is a process for starting a registry 15:37:52 -> Registry track process in the process document https://www.w3.org/2023/Process-20230612/#registries 15:38:01 ... The chairs think we need to follow process of creating a registry a new. But can use any starting point 15:38:06 https://www.w3.org/policies/process/#registries 15:38:10 https://www.w3.org/policies/process/#reg-def 15:38:43 q+ 15:38:49 burn: Very important we follow a creation process, rather than a transfer process. When we start that process we need to be clear of the difference between these two things that will exist 15:39:02 ack manu 15:39:02 manu, you wanted to note doing anything drastic this early on would need a discussion. 15:39:08 q- 15:39:17 I'd prefer not to grandfather CCG, instead, be a subset of CCG registry. 15:39:28 manu: 23 open P.Rs for DID registrations. Could do something that upsets these people 15:39:42 ... Currently 39 issues on the current registry that needs processing 15:39:47 q+ to say I think we could freeze after we have the new registry process ready. 15:39:59 ... Need to think carefully how this transfer/freezing will work 15:40:08 ... Want to make sure we send the right message 15:40:52 @manu, I appreciate that community! 15:40:54 ... Been a while. We have a large set of volunteers able to do reviews of submissions. Think it is helpful that they do the initial reviews 15:41:17 ... Agree with ChristopherA around questions of deprecation. Set a new bar for entry. E.g. need an implementation 15:41:26 ... a lot to discuss before we have a registry process 15:41:35 ... in the mean time lets continue processing existing entries 15:41:42 q+ 15:42:05 q+ to ask if we can freeze for new submissions while continue processing existing 15:42:20 q+ to preserve the repo and its history. 15:42:28 decentralgabe: What should we do in terms of the same repo. keep same or move to a new one 15:42:38 ack swcurran 15:42:38 swcurran, you wanted to Christopher's comments 15:42:41 ... Maybe open an issue on existing repo to conitnue discussion 15:43:03 swcurran: similar comments to manu. The registry undermines DIDs with it being so long 15:43:05 q+ 15:43:12 ... need to define a process that will make this work 15:43:35 ... suggest reorganising the list. Add additional requirements. Categorise the list 15:43:54 @swcurran — do you object to being too lists? a provisional vs next level? 15:44:00 ack JoeAndrieu 15:44:00 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to say I think we could freeze after we have the new registry process ready. 15:44:00 ... try to eliminate the fluff from the registry 15:44:03 two lists. Sorry. 15:44:05 +1 to swcurran on "simple mechanical" proposals we should explore (and I support a number of them) 15:44:17 JoeAndrieu: Think we can be more nuanced in freeze and handoff 15:44:27 ... make a decision to adopt current registry and get them into a new process 15:44:49 +1 to Joe's statement 15:44:52 ... new process should be up, before we freeze the existing. Should not have down time 15:44:57 scribe+ 15:45:02 ack burn 15:45:36 q+ 15:45:40 burn: Apologies for ever using the word freeze, but we are going to create something new. There will be two registries. The original and this new one we are creating 15:45:48 ... need to be clear about the distinction 15:46:09 ack Wip 15:46:09 Wip, you wanted to ask if we can freeze for new submissions while continue processing existing 15:46:36 Wip: I was going to say, is there a way to "freeze" the registry... but prefer getting a new one set up first and stop people submitting new ones. 15:46:39 ack manu 15:46:39 manu, you wanted to preserve the repo and its history. 15:46:40 We will need a snapshot at a point in time to use as a starting point for the new doc. 15:47:00 manu: I agree with what has been said. Concerns about loosing history 15:47:22 ... doesn't feel like we need drastic changes, defo a -1 for having new thing loose history associated with it 15:47:35 ... history is important to understand when DID methods where added, when changes were made. Etc 15:48:10 +1 to Manu. I think we could just define a new process that floats viable methods -- separating them from the unmaintained. But allowing the unmaintained to exist. 15:48:18 ... Feels like we can just modify the process and hav a time in which we enact the change. One clear history 15:48:18 yep, that ^ 15:48:19 I don't like the idea of a new name space. 15:48:25 Yes, agreed, swcurran 15:48:31 decentralgabe: I see some risk in having 2 separate documents 15:48:33 I'm concerned about having two separate documents, ever. 15:48:34 ack ChristopherA 15:49:03 ChristopherA: My proposal is simple. The WG continues to loan authority to the CCG but ask for a number of changes. 15:49:16 ... clear statement about what it means to be provisional 15:49:37 ... DID methods are clearly identified as provisional 15:49:39 yes, +1 ChristopherA, I think we can do that in the current document... and we can change the Respec document type as well -- I think we might be making this more complex than it needs to be :) (which will be a shock to no one in this group :P) 15:50:12 ack ivan 15:50:15 ... Then the registry that we create as a WG, is a new list. With requirements that you have to have been a provisional in old registry 15:50:35 manu/swcurran, we may not have a choice on namespace because this will be a W3C technical report in that namespace 15:50:40 ivan: registries at w3c is a new thing. Has to go through a long process including a vote through the AC 15:50:49 ... like a rec but not IPR as far as I know 15:51:02 ... this takes time, need to factor this in 15:51:24 ... if we follow the model of ChristopherA, we can say everything in the existing registry is provisional 15:51:25 burn, hmm, right if we're forced to change away from this URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/did-spec-registries/ -- I'm more concerned about the content having continuity than the URL. 15:51:31 If the we change the name space, we deprecate/redirect the old to the new. I just don't like the idea of two name spaces. 15:51:33 ... setting up a new registry is going to take time 15:51:45 q+ 15:51:48 ack manu 15:52:12 manu: Might be making this more complicated than necessary. 15:52:18 ... Think this can be a simple process 15:52:40 ... agree with swcurran, lets not have two namespaces pls 15:52:40 1. provisional methods 2. validated methods 3. ??? 15:52:46 q+ 15:52:53 ack ivan 15:53:05 q+ 15:53:11 ivan: What do we gain by turning what we have into an official W3C registry? 15:53:11 ack manu 15:53:25 q+ 15:53:56 manu: We gain continuity. I don't see why we can;t apply the new rules to the existing registry we have 15:53:57 q+ 15:54:16 ack ivan 15:54:23 +1 manu -- what we need to do is sort the list -- float "real" things to the top -- where the creator must meet the "real" bar. 15:54:23 manu, please review https://www.w3.org/policies/process/#registries . Ivan's question was about why we want create an official W3C registry at all 15:54:54 ivan: To put it another way, what do we loose by cleaning up the existing registry and NOT creating a W3C official registry 15:55:09 Zakim, please close the queue 15:55:09 ok, decentralgabe, the speaker queue is closed 15:55:53 manu: I don't think we loose much. Desire for us to classify this as a W3C registry using the new process 15:55:56 ack ChristopherA 15:55:59 As a WG we can decide NOT to move to the new W3C Registry process. 15:56:20 ChristopherA: I dont see any value in having an official registry. And there are some risks in this 15:56:30 ... People may see this as W3C controlling this thing 15:56:53 ... whole point of DIDs is to be decentralised. Are we sending wrong message 15:57:25 q+ 15:57:27 ... What is point of registry. 1. So people don't stomp on other peoples names. 2. To manage expiration, people who drop off. 3. Maybe some level of validation, code exists. It is real. 15:58:01 ... Got a new git related proposal, there is an old git namespace registerd.. But it isn;t really being developed 15:58:08 ... How do we handle methods going "stale" 15:58:21 s/registerd/registered/ 15:58:27 s/isn;t/isn't/ 15:59:25 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec-registries/issues/565 15:59:30 markus_sabadello: Agree with ChristopherA, however the WG has to find ways to demonstrate interop. Having an official registry may help with that 15:59:44 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:59:46 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/06/27-did-minutes.html ivan 15:59:52 we should strive to start on time (at top of the hour, x:00), and end at 5-to-the-hour (x:55) 15:59:55 decentralgabe: Thanks for discussion. Speak in 2 weeks. 15:59:57 @markus_sabadello maybe a separate registry of methods that have been validated to work with the did-resolver? 16:00:12 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:00:13 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/06/27-did-minutes.html ivan 16:02:46 rrsagent, bye 16:02:46 I see no action items