01:20:33 projecto- has joined #css 01:21:03 leaverou_ has joined #css 01:22:04 Rossen- has joined #css 01:22:34 shans_ has joined #css 01:23:06 sylvaing_ has joined #css 14:58:39 RRSAgent has joined #css 14:58:39 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/06/27-css-irc 14:58:45 Zakim, start meeting 14:58:45 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:58:47 Meeting: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group Teleconference 14:59:25 gregwhitworth has changed the topic to: Agenda for June 27 Joint OpenUI/WhatWG/CSS TF: https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/10401#issuecomment-2187251320 14:59:26 chair: Greg Whitworth 14:59:45 meeting: Joint meeting with Open UI/WhatWG/CSSWG Taskforce 15:01:01 jarhar has joined #css 15:01:51 akeerthi has joined #css 15:02:24 masonf has joined #css 15:02:31 github-bot, take up https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10380 15:02:31 Topic: [css-ui] DOM/Box structure for appearance:base-select 15:02:31 OK, I'll post this discussion to https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10380. 15:02:41 annevk has joined #css 15:03:00 sanketj_ has joined #css 15:04:29 present+ 15:04:34 present+ 15:04:38 scribenick: emilio 15:04:40 Present+ 15:05:01 chrishtr: we can mark as needs edit and once that's done that'd get review and get closed 15:05:14 annevk: sounds good 15:05:14 present+ 15:05:27 (above was about the previous item on the agenda) 15:05:47 present+ 15:06:04 jarhar: That's a proposal for base-select behavior and DOM structure 15:06:14 ... higher level questions would be whether it'd be ok to use shadow dom for this 15:06:53 ... the other thing would be that in chromium elements inside the shadow root for the base and auto appearance 15:06:56 present+ 15:06:58 q? 15:07:03 ... and switch based on the computed value 15:07:17 ... wonder if that's acceptable 15:07:30 annevk: I think shadow roots are fine for this, we have the precedent of
15:07:37 +1 to avoiding a true dependency on the shadow DOM 15:07:38 ... in theory an implementation could not use shadow root 15:07:43 q+ 15:07:53 jarhar: that sounds promising 15:08:07 ... it sounds like we can define this as a shadow root 15:08:20 masonf: are we doing resolutions? 15:08:21 PROPOSED: internals can be represented with shadow DOM (but shadow DOM support is not required as long as the behavior is the same) 15:11:25 gregwhitworth: so fine to go with Elika's resolution 15:11:27 *? 15:11:29 +1 15:11:40 +1 15:11:57 RESOLVED: