Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

27 June 2024


Jan, kevin, kirkwood, Lisa, Rain, Roy, shawn, tburtin
Lisa, Rachael

Meeting minutes

Mental health subgroup

pushing off this meeting as rashmis laptop is acting up

<rashmi> https://docs.google.com/document/d/19RdKrd2aUJkZcm9FmIOvZ2jfn9JgYpFcqT5mubyQUAQ/edit#heading=h.nidxqwliwmpj

<rashmi> Link for trigger issue paper

style guided: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18rqamyGgYF1DAUHLhsXmR20FtN9AQSaPc9zpFNN1xgM/edit#heading=h.6gnarb5jwvvv

for davids review

and then the group will review on monday, in a week and a half

editors and github

editors and github


Rain: Thanks Roy for the protoypes

Rain: we want to do A and B testing , and how much we can meet user needs . Roy hadson did some reserch but we still need more reserch

wizard of oz, or protypes ?

wizard of oz needs a humen to read the screen

<Zakim> kevin, you wanted to ask for some scene setting

keven: thanks etc

Kevin: A B werent always exclusive

Rain: we might need two diffrent versions, and that can creat confusion but what we want to know is what is most helpful techniques and by how much so we can make good desisions

with all information

niether will be ideilised for what we can produce, but it is for gathering feedback

Lisa: Having content in a note form is useful to support larger organizaitons.
… note would have design guide information. we did have an interactive mockup for 1.0. The work was cut back on the website.
… I hope things will get streamlined. That work was fantastic but it shouldn't be the cusp of getting guidance out there.
… we aren't waiting for WCAG 3. We can publish and then WCAG 3 will come out. Maybe then we just write issue papers. In the meantime us moving forward is good for people with cognitive disabilities.

<Zakim> kevin, you wanted to outline value of two different places and to ask about different audiences

kevin: I think there's a couple of things in this.
… the value of the different spaces should be key.

(i Can scribe now R)

Kevin: 1. diffrent spaces for diffrent uers groups

design guide is good as a note

for designers and content creaters

. 1.b other stuff is uderstanding

approuches, how , why

note: standard and focus. wai space for understanding stuff

and diffrent audence

whithin that are we looking to change styling in TR space

rachael: we all agree that the design guide is the focus of next note

<kirkwood> I’m curious as to Rain’s thoughts about Kevin’s understanding

Design guide in TR and User Stories/User Testing/Test objective mapping all agree?

Rain agrees

<kirkwood> +1

Everyone agrees that the design guide in TR and User Stories/User Testing/Test objective mapping.

lisa: The breakdown is whether the design guide in TR can have some interactive structure to help people orient themselves.
… that needs to be with it. You can't jump off to a new document there. The clarifications need to be in the document.
… some of it we will struggle in TR space like having the front content collapsable. Maybe we can have something the lawyers would agree to. Theoretically we coudl have collapsible stuff, clearer font, better spacing and images, etc.
… we will have to have a 2nd conversations. When you say we have control, I know EO is closing down, but it took lots of cycle to get very limited amounts of content into WAI space. Your team has control. We put what we want in a wiki. We want our personas in the WAI personas but then we want the challenges we list integrated into the user personas. That is a bigger conversation but in the meantime we can put content on our wiki.

rain: are we talking babout diffrne things?

not asking for recomendations now

asking to carry on with user testing before we make requests

do not want to ask for something without effidence and knowing the extent it is important

that takes testing

then we can come back with real information and have that coversation then

this is very complex. making things simple is not easy, and so far we are not doing it as we need to

just collecting information

<Zakim> kevin, you wanted to say that changing TR space front matter is not something we can commit to and to ask how much information is actually within each design pattern

kevins, and agrees exploring is important

but relise that changes to TR will be realy hard, and we dont know we can change it

even if we get agreement, unlikely to change retroctivly to existing documents

we can look at results for changes to TR space but not sure what we can change]

kevin (second point) what goes in a patern might need to change. what is in a patern? can we move section to u nderstanding?

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to say past UT TR, EOWG - and future

shawn: we did userabilty testing for the TR spaces.

results were what you would expect.... daunting

tanks Kevin

what TR is for and what it is not for.... will try and find it

we know how most people react. doesnt meen we can change it

also lets look forward . we have a new content designerso it hopefuly will be easier

and we will become more agile, and will have different approach

so dont worry about the past

<shawn> s/ also lets look forward / I have a different recollection on some of the work with EOWG. anyway, lets look forward

LIsa: Massive amounts of information. We put in a lot of thought and reworked it a lot of times. The idea is short version and then expand it. The "what to do" lost people who weren't technical or who it didn't relate to.
… a lot of thought in the original and this is an attempt to make it more reasonable.

<Zakim> Rachael, you wanted to say that we had been exploring collapsing content in WCAG 3 successfully to perhaps one off


rachael: it sugests colapsable content is realy important - wcag 3 are doing it too


rain: looks like we agree at this moment protypes are not requests. some might not be possibel, gathering information

then we need to work with kevin shawn roy and content designer to make it viable

do we agree?


rain and can we make some more changes to the protypes and create html protype

do we all agree

<kirkwood> link to prototypes?

as next steps


shawn: are you sugesting testing on tr that we cant chage

rain: testing content stucture

what is most helpful

<kirkwood> https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG2/supplemental/

we understand we might not be able to chage tr front mater, but we want to see the impact

if frount matter is a huge block at what point do we move people to other version

rain: which proposals are worth pushing for

need to understand how people experence our work

shawn: agrees with guiding people to other formats.

TR is the stable refrenceable info. but not for designerd, developers, etc. we have other resources for them

tr is limited usecase

everyone should go to recources for use

<Zakim> kevin, you wanted to ask about audience

kevin: audence for tr is specific

we can provided better resources elsewere

rain - ca we set next stes#ps

kevin: tr is specific use cases

lisa: can we have th e use cases

kevin: it is tecnical document eg for browsers vendors for html

lisa: so people with a wide range of disabilities

rain: next steps

+1 to Rain

Rain: still want to test content stucture

work with roy on the w3c version, that is more specific

and lisa and I will make the protype

<kevin> +1 to exploring content structure

july: make them strong enough august testing

reconect at tpac

at tpac discuss what we need to do

<kirkwood> +1 to Rain

lisa: we would have both versins for testing

kevin: it doesnt perclude testign both

we have more flexibilty on the wai site

easier then in tr

lisa: will roy be able to help with both protypes

kevin: dont need to test both

rain: we want to test both the more w3c tr style and the idilised version and then decide what we need to put it

two protpes, one more idealiserer, and then we discus where to put it

kevin: yes, then we explore the testing


<Rain> +1

<kirkwood> +1


<JMcSorley> +1

<tburtin> +1

It would help for someone to write up notes and circulate to ensure we are all on the same page and have it written down

ok, I will try

<kevin> For me the final point was not so much to discuss where to put it but to discuss next steps based on the findings from the research

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/Kevan:/Kevin:

Succeeded: s/shaw:/shawn:/

Succeeded: s/new designer /new content designer

Failed: s/ also lets look forward / I have a different recollection on some of the work with EOWG. anyway, lets look forward

Succeeded: s/ more agile, so it will be easier,/ more agile, and will have different approach

Succeeded: s/ and designer/ and content designer

Succeeded: s/use quick refence insteid of wcag. it is the stable refrenceable infor/TR is the stable refrenceable info. but not for designerd, developers, etc. we have other resources for them

Maybe present: july, keven, note, rachael

All speakers: july, keven, Kevin, Lisa, note, rachael, Rain, shawn

Active on IRC: JMcSorley, kevin, kirkwood, Lisa, lisa, Rachael, Rain, rashmi, Roy, shawn, tburtin