WoT Use Cases

26 June 2024


Kaz_Ashimura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima
Ege, kaz

Meeting minutes

Agenda Review

Mizushima: any remarks on the agenda?

Use Case Editors

Kaz: we should review the editors list in wiki

McCool: we can move some to the past editors
… a TF resolution should be enough

Ege: any new people?

Mizushima: we can propose Luca and Ege

<McCool> proposal: Change the status of Michael Lagally and Ryuichi Matsukura to "Previous Editors" and update this in the wiki and in the Editor's version of the Use Cases and Requirements document.

Mizushima: as additional editors

McCool: we can add new editors separately
… also someone needs to make a PR

Luca: we should discuss this also in the Main Call, since it applies to other TFs as well
… to freshen up the editors list

McCool: we should remind TFs but they should happen within the TF

<McCool> proposal: Change the status of Michael Lagally and Ryuichi Matsukura to "Previous Editors" and update this in the wiki and in the Editor's version of the Use Cases and Requirements document.

McCool: any objections?

RESOLUTION: Change the status of Michael Lagally and Ryuichi Matsukura to "Previous Editors" and update this in the wiki and in the Editor's version of the Use Cases and Requirements document.

McCool: Mizushima-san can you do a PR to change it in the editor's draft?

<McCool> (next time is ok...)

McCool: it can be done later

Mizushima: we can add new people as well

McCool: I can change the proposal above
… who did you have in mind?

Mizushima: I would like to add Ege and Luca
… I can propose it in the main call

McCool: each tf can propose their editors
… we can have a resolution here and then confirm in the main call

Kaz: we've been handling Editor assignment within TF so far, but I'm OK to clarify a clearer policy also.

McCool: we just don't have it as a policy

Kaz: for today, we can record our resolution as TF resolution. We can have a group resolution in the main call

McCool: let me type a TF resolution

<McCool> proposal: Propose Luca Barbato and Ege Korkan as new Editors for the Use Case and Requirements document, and request a resolution to confirm in the WG main call.

RESOLUTION: Propose Luca Barbato and Ege Korkan as new Editors for the Use Case and Requirements document, and request a resolution to confirm in the WG main call.


Mizushima: please use q+ for questions in irc

Mizushima: also please let's speak slowly and concisely and clearly


Mizushima: in summer vacation we can cancel calls but no concrete plans so far

McCool: I have noted the vacations on main wiki

<kaz> Holidays and Upcoming Events on the main wiki

Kaz: so we should refer to the main wiki too

Meeting Plan

Mizushima: (presents the plan)

Ege: should we start asking use cases from the outside starting next week

McCool: I think it is better to have requirements first so that use case descriptions can be more concrete

Kaz: I tend to agree with McCool, and it would be better to wait until the Requirement template is also done
… but maybe WoT JP CG and WoT CG can do some tests with initial use cases

Mizushima: I have an initial proposal for the time to start collecting

Ege: we have use cases already in the TD and Binding TF. I would focus on those before making a call for use cases

McCool: we should review those use cases first

Kaz: agree with both. let's try some tests within the WoT-WG/IG first, and for that purpose, let's review existing candidate use cases

Mizushima: I would like to start collecting since we did not have a call for the last 5 weeks

McCool: there is no schedule on the document publication

Kaz: we can keep the old ones as old use cases and concentrate on new ones

McCool: I want to write the current requirements or reason why we have the features we currently have

Kaz: we can do that by picking up some of the existing use cases, and refine those use cases based on the new template

<kaz> wot-thing-description Issue 1889 - Documenting Design Decisions

Ege: I agree with what McCool has said. We have an issue about that above. Also Arch document would have been like that. I am not sure if we have time to do all that

McCool: we can use arch document for technical requirements and use cases for functional requirements

McCool: I think arch document should be a high-level design document

McCool: or maybe the technical requirements should be in each document

Ege: The main thing I wanted to comment was that we should do a test run before going public. I want to see if we are all on the same page regarding the terms we use

McCool: when do we publish the note? next year may etc? this needs to go here

Kaz: we should have an explicit publication plan
… we did great discussions in this call regarding refactoring
… and we should record those points on specific steps to take under the wot repository

Ege: +1 on prioritizing refactoring

<Tomo> +1

McCool: some basic goal for publication is important

Ege: what does note publication mean? others TF need to wait for it?

McCool: we should start working as other TFs on editor's draft already

McCool: we should discuss this in the main call


<kaz> May-15

Mizushima: any objection?

Mizushima: minutes approved

Mizushima: there are other points in the agenda but no time left

Mizushima: let's focus on those next time

Mizushima: adjourned

Summary of resolutions

  1. Change the status of Michael Lagally and Ryuichi Matsukura to "Previous Editors" and update this in the wiki and in the Editor's version of the Use Cases and Requirements document.
  2. Propose Luca Barbato and Ege Korkan as new Editors for the Use Case and Requirements document, and request a resolution to confirm in the WG main call.
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).