13:04:50 RRSAgent has joined #web-networks 13:04:54 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/06/26-web-networks-irc 13:04:54 Zakim has joined #web-networks 13:06:28 sudeep has joined #web-networks 13:27:58 kaz has joined #web-networks 13:28:30 McCool has joined #web-networks 13:31:18 Present+ Sudeep, ChrisN, JuanCabaleero, Kaz, MichaelMcCool, SongXu, DanD, Dapeng, Eric, Piers, Dom 13:31:35 cpn has joined #web-networks 13:31:48 Meeting: Web & Networks Interest Group Meeting 13:31:55 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-networks-ig/2024Jun/0000.html 13:32:01 Chairs: Sudeep, DanD, SongXu 13:32:14 Slideset: @@@ 13:36:29 Topic: Smart Cities & Networks IG 13:36:42 Song: Thank you Kaz for joining us today to discuss Smart Cities 13:37:04 ... I would like to start by sharing China Mobile's perspective on Smart Cities and DIgital Twins 13:37:11 Slideset: ### 13:37:17 i|Thank|-> https://www.w3.org/2024/06/smart-cities/ proposed Charter for the Web-based Digital Twins for Smart Cities IG| 13:37:26 [slide 2] 13:38:22 [slide 3] 13:41:01 Song: our research has shown that e.g. surveillance cameras fed into vision recognition systems requires lots of bandwidth and storage in backend systems 13:41:21 ... which could be e.g. better handled at the device level 13:41:26 [slide 4] 13:41:50 Song: we use smart cities technologies to solve traffic problems in big cities 13:42:47 ... e.g. in one of the cities with more than 2M vehicles, 900K buses, with 50K routes with lots of crossing required 13:44:01 ... we can identify 3 levels of traffic in terms of how the vehicles on the road match the city capacity: low, intermediate, excess 13:44:42 ... these levels of traffic can be mapped to average vehicle speed (from 37km/h to stuck traffic) 13:44:44 [slide 5] 13:44:54 Song: in terms of use cases for the Web & Networks IG 13:45:34 ... looking back at the 3 categories of links needed in Smart Cities: transmission is the 2nd one, key to real-time monitoring 13:45:55 ... with video data accounting to 70%+ in these scenarios 13:46:28 ... efficient transmission of the effective features of these video streams are critical 13:48:28 [slide 6] 13:50:30 Kaz: There is a proposed charter for the Smart Cities IG under Advisory Committee review, recently completed with the names of the proposed chairs 13:50:45 ... the charter lists several target topics: data management, edge cloud computing, ... 13:51:01 ... there is a summary of the scope including identifying stakeholders, running surveys, etc 13:51:11 ... most important part is to work with stakeholders incl Web & Networks IG, WoT groups 13:51:26 ... and external SDOs incl IETF, ITU-T, ISO, etc 13:51:54 ... Your input is very welcome! 13:52:45 Sudeep: looking at the intersection between Smart Cities & Web & Networks IG: the charter mentions digital twins which is interesting 13:53:05 ... I see 3 angles: distributed compute, storage (which may need decentralized storage, with privacy implications), 13:53:28 -> https://www.w3.org/2024/Talks/0419-smartcities-ka/20240419-smartcities.pdf summary about smart cities discussion so far 13:53:38 ... the kind of data (consumer data, emergency, news, surveillance, video feeds, sensor data) 13:54:11 q+ 13:54:16 ... is the IG looking at decentralized storage? different levels of transmissions based on data types? 13:54:36 q+ 13:54:51 Mickael: the primary goal of the group is to gather use cases & requirements for smart cities, which will then help drive other work 13:55:17 Kaz: indeed; as an IG, we won't be developing standards, but gathering requirements, running surveys, developing landscapes of existing standards 13:55:48 ... There may be important use cases around the points you mentioned, but the group won't be looking at the details of the standardization for these use caess 13:56:15 Michael: re distributed storage - assuming this is moving compute closer to the cameras to avoid having transmitting/storing video in a central location 13:57:04 Kaz: once we have identified requriements, we would bring them to the attention of the relevant WGs 13:57:13 s/rie/ire/ 13:58:06 Eric: trade is another huge area; Verifiable Credentials and DID have been used in that space, but with every country using different software/documentation 13:58:22 ... e.g. the US has one, Singapore has their own ("TradeTrust") 13:58:34 ... to get everyone to adopt the same system around the world will be complictaed 13:58:37 s/cta/cat/ 13:58:48 ... having an API that wraps around these different systems would seem to be needed 13:59:03 ... there is an opportunity here for some kind of solution to pull all those systems together 13:59:51 ... I'm wondering if that aspect should be included in the Smart Cities IG charter? given the involvement of China, Japan, Singapore in that space 14:00:16 ... This would raise the odds of getting other Asian countries to follow, along with other stakeholders 14:00:22 Kaz: I completely agree 14:00:45 ... DID and VC have started to been used in the context of COVID, tax-cuts 14:00:56 ... we still need to think about mechanisms from other countries and regions 14:01:10 ... including their SDOs 14:01:17 ... to clarify how to integrate them one with another 14:03:39 Song: the IG isn't only focused on scenarios in the physical worlds, but also the mapping between virtual and physical 14:03:50 ... I look forward to do more research on this 14:04:01 Kaz: we hope to see the group launched in July 14:04:51 [Kaz departs] 14:04:55 Present+ Louay 14:05:10 Present+ ZoltanKis 14:06:14 Sudeep: please all look at the charter and identify which topics might benefit from coordination between the two groups! 14:06:34 Topic: Cloud-Edge-Client Coordination CG 14:06:47 -> https://github.com/w3c/web-networks/blob/main/proposals/cloudedgeclientCG/charter.md CG Charter proposal 14:07:32 Dapeng: [projecting the latest proposed version of the CG charter] 14:09:12 ... one of the motivations for this CG is to make it easier for non-Member stakeholders to join the conversation, with a specific focus on this topic as defined in the charter 14:09:54 ... we've built the charter from the CG charter template - some still needs to be improved 14:10:20 ... the CG would explore the use cases and standardization of Cloud/Edge/Coordination 14:10:37 ... we'll identify real use cases, develop gap analysis, explore solutions 14:11:13 ... e.g. APIs to enable offloading of computing workloads and orchestration of the various computing resources 14:13:43 Michael: this is a draft on which we will seeking further input 14:13:57 ... we want broad input on a narrowly focused problem 14:14:31 Dapeng: I think we're close to finalize the charter 14:14:55 Sudeep: Max, you're willing to serve as chair for that CG if it gets created? 14:14:58 Dapeng: indeed 14:15:31 ChrisN: the BBC has use cases we're interested to look at with this 14:16:16 ... the scope you've described is stuff the IG can already do; what's the motivation for a CG? is this for wider participation? or to allow look into specifications? 14:16:46 Dapeng: indeed, allowing more stakeholders to join the conversation 14:17:26 Chris: should clarify that incubation is in scope then 14:19:52 dom: +1 on clarifying on the fact that the CG would write specs (not standards) 14:20:09 ... I don't suggest waiting for IG consensus - instead, move forward as soon as you're happy enough with the charter 14:21:13 Juan: regarding the CG proposals, are you looking into creating new ones or evaluating/prototyping existing ones? e.g. a number of IETF work in the space of workload orchestration 14:22:54 Michael: +1 on clarifying the scope per feedback; after one more round of editing, it should be ready for proposing the CG 14:23:34 ... a point of data: in the WoT IG/WG, we have ~20 participants; in the CG, ~200-300 participants with lots of presentations 14:23:44 ... this shows the value to get wider input from stakeholders 14:24:48 Sudeep: a CG requires support from 5 people right? 14:25:00 Dom: yes - no need for them to be member, only have a W3C account 14:25:14 Sudeep: a future call to action for IG members 14:25:41 ... the scope of that CG has intersections also with Machine Learning, WoT 14:26:30 Sudeep: I think this idea should be presented at TPAC, ideally with a demo, maybe a breakout 14:27:21 Topic: SconePro @ IETF 14:27:27 https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/119/session/sconepro 14:27:45 DanD: there was BOF meeting in Brisbane with links to the relevant presentation 14:27:53 ... on secure communications on network properties 14:28:08 ... it wasn't a WG-forming BOF, mostly gathering more input on the idea 14:28:28 ... at the IETF meeting in Vancouver, there is a plan for WG-forming BOF on this subjet 14:28:29 s/subjet/subject/ 14:29:03 ... this was proposed initially as an extension to QUIC to enable streaming clients to police their traffic to match operator policies 14:29:30 ... With adaptive bitrates, the bitrate gets adapted to network conditions, but there are other considerations that should be taken into account 14:30:02 ... e.g. some operators differentiate their offerings by creating different plans with restriction of how much bandwidth gets used 14:30:19 ... this is currently handled by rate limiting the traffic from various devices using DPI and other techniques 14:30:51 ... which works with adaptive bitrate, but also impact non-adaptive flows, creating performance & QoE issues 14:31:09 ... the proposal is for the network to signal the maximum bitrate that particular end user device subscription should be accepting 14:31:21 ... and then the client can cap that bitrate to match 14:31:31 ... self-policing for streaming clients 14:31:54 RRSAgent, make log public 14:32:55 (sorry, ntd due to another mtg) 14:32:59 Larry_Zhao has joined #web-networks 14:47:41 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:47:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/06/26-web-networks-minutes.html dom 16:28:07 Zakim has left #web-networks