Maturity Model

26 June 2024


CharlesL2, Dr_Keith, Fazio, janina, jlkline, Mark_Miller, NehaJ, SusiPallero

Meeting minutes

<gb> /issues/214 -> #214

<gb> /issues/81 -> #81

Github Issues 43, 78, 85, 102, 103, 104 (Usability doc feedback) – Look at Procurement Dimension

New Business

Fazio: A suggession for creating new maturity model or add new dimensions to existing model

janina: CG is finctional group

janina: But new things come up from CG

janina: We have to dig in for last discussion and check how we can proceed ahead

Fazio: Shery represented MM in Equity CG

CG is sustainability, equity

jeff: way to early to guide and comment on this

janina: one possibility we can have a meeting at TPAC

janina: we need a process to handle this, no need to come up with a solution

Fazio: we can request a TPAC meeting

jeff: we can ask them to proceed and then see what we can integrate

IRC lounge disconnect

janina: how to fix this? github issue: time of disconnect and IP address of your machine

janina: Please add- date time and IP address

jeff: should we expect if more information is needed like platform or browser?

janina: it happens on any platform linus, mac windows or any browser safari, chrome

Github Issues 43, 78, 85, 102, 103, 104 (Usability doc feedback) – Look at Procurement Dimension

Github Issue #154 Section 3.3.1: can a measure of support effectiveness be included?

<gb> /issues/154 -> #154

<gb> /issues/156 -> #156

<gb> /issues/214 -> #214

<gb> /issues/81 -> #81

Editors Draft Update

Fazio: working draft is published, please spread a word

Fazio: please take a look at this and provide feedback

Fazio: promote the document, this is important milestone

Fazio: any questions?

janina: 240 to 51 number of issues

Fazio: we can comment and ask other open issues to have a look at new draft, as majority of issues are 3 years old

Github Issue #214 editorial communications communicated

<Fazio> w3c/maturity-model#214

<gb> Issue 214 editorial communications communicated (by bruce-usab)

<Zakim> janina, you wanted to suggest systematically published

Fazio: change of line is suggested

<CharlesL2> consistently published in the same location...?

janina: at the same URL?

Fazio: adding a cross reference in the comment

janina: at location can be footer or any other but be consistant

<Fazio> We agree with this issue but will add a COGA reference

Fazio: comment-We agree with your issue and suggestion but would like to add a reference from How To Make Content Usable Guide related to consistent placement.

Github Issues 43, 78, 85, 102, 103, 104 (Usability doc feedback) – Look at Procurement Dimension

Github Issue 213 Excel spreadsheet - broken link

The link for the Excel spreadsheet is broken: https://www.w3.org/TR/maturity-model/A11yMaturityTemplate.xlsx

<Fazio> w3c/maturity-model#213

<gb> Issue 213 Excel spreadsheet - broken link (by luce-carevic)

janina: Roy it is still not working

Roy will take up this task

<CharlesL2> https://w3c.github.io/maturity-model/A11yMaturityTemplate.xlsx

janina: Check working draft and editing draft please

janina: it is not a bug

janina: editer's draft not needed to be working

CharlesL2: Roy has to update working draft and change link to no IO version

CharlesL2: It shoul;d work in working draft

janina: Published draft is to be checked

janina: re assign to Roy

janina: this is exceptional practice for us

Fazio: adding a comment for Roy.

CharlesL2: Will send an email stating this

Github Issue #81 Section 3.4.1 Proof Points for ICT Development Lifecycle: Missing planning aspects

<gb> /issues/81 -> #81

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: NehaJ

Maybe present: jeff

All speakers: CharlesL2, Fazio, janina, jeff

Active on IRC: CharlesL2, Dr_Keith, Fazio, janina, jlkline, Mark_Miller, NehaJ, SusiPallero