14:54:44 RRSAgent has joined #maturity 14:54:48 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/06/26-maturity-irc 14:54:48 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:54:49 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Fazio 14:55:17 zakim, start meeting: Maturity Model 14:55:17 I don't understand 'start meeting: Maturity Model', Fazio 14:55:42 meeting: Maturity Model 14:56:10 chair: Fazio 14:56:31 Agenda+ New Business 14:56:31 Agenda+ Editors Draft Update 14:56:31 Agenda+ Github Issue #214 editorial communications communicated 14:56:31 Agenda+ Github Issue 213 Excel spreadsheet - broken link 14:56:32 /issues/214 -> #214 14:56:32 Agenda+ Github Issue #81 Section 3.4.1 Proof Points for ICT Development Lifecycle: Missing planning aspects 14:56:32 /issues/81 -> #81 14:59:35 NehaJ has joined #maturity 14:59:46 present+ 15:00:39 Dr_Keith has joined #maturity 15:00:46 present+ 15:01:03 Mark_Miller has joined #Maturity 15:02:28 present+ 15:04:30 present+ 15:04:39 jlkline has joined #maturity 15:04:46 present+ 15:04:47 scribe+ 15:04:56 janina has joined #maturity 15:05:01 zakim, next item 15:05:01 agendum 3 -- Github Issues 43, 78, 85, 102, 103, 104 (Usability doc feedback) – Look at Procurement Dimension -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:05:02 present+ 15:05:13 zakim, take item 1 15:05:14 I don't understand 'take item 1', NehaJ 15:05:20 zakim, take up item 1 15:05:20 agendum 1 -- New Business -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:07:28 Fazio: A suggession for creating new maturity model or add new dimensions to existing model 15:07:55 janina: CG is finctional group 15:08:21 janina: But new things come up from CG 15:09:26 janina: We have to dig in for last discussion and check how we can proceed ahead 15:10:39 Fazio: Shery represented MM in Equity CG 15:11:31 CG is sustainability, equity 15:12:11 jeff: way to early to guide and comment on this 15:12:32 janina: one possibility we can have a meeting at TPAC 15:13:30 janina: we need a process to handle this, no need to come up with a solution 15:14:01 Fazio: we can request a TPAC meeting 15:14:49 jeff: we can ask them to proceed and then see what we can integrate 15:15:04 Subtopic: IRC lounge disconnect 15:15:51 janina: how to fix this? github issue: time of disconnect and IP address of your machine 15:17:14 janina: Please add- date time and IP address 15:17:51 jeff: should we expect if more information is needed like platform or browser? 15:18:10 q+ 15:18:13 SusiPallero has joined #maturity 15:18:22 present+ 15:18:42 janina: it happens on any platform linus, mac windows or any browser safari, chrome 15:21:07 zakim, next item 15:21:07 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, NehaJ 15:21:40 ack Dr_Keith 15:21:43 zakim, next item 15:21:43 agendum 3 -- Github Issues 43, 78, 85, 102, 103, 104 (Usability doc feedback) – Look at Procurement Dimension -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:22:14 zakim, take up item 2 15:22:14 agendum 2 -- Github Issue #154 Section 3.3.1: can a measure of support effectiveness be included? -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:22:15 /issues/154 -> #154 15:22:40 agenda? 15:22:46 /issues/156 -> #156 15:22:48 /issues/214 -> #214 15:22:48 /issues/81 -> #81 15:23:01 zakim, take up item 7 15:23:01 agendum 7 -- Editors Draft Update -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:23:30 Fazio: working draft is published, please spread a word 15:23:53 CharlesL2 has joined #maturity 15:24:01 present+ 15:24:09 Fazio: please take a look at this and provide feedback 15:24:54 Fazio: promote the document, this is important milestone 15:25:01 Fazio: any questions? 15:25:21 janina: 240 to 51 number of issues 15:26:17 Fazio: we can comment and ask other open issues to have a look at new draft, as majority of issues are 3 years old 15:26:39 zakim, take up item 8 15:26:39 agendum 8 -- Github Issue #214 editorial communications communicated -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:27:33 https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/214 15:27:34 https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/214 -> Issue 214 editorial communications communicated (by bruce-usab) 15:28:55 q+ to suggest systematically published 15:29:24 ack janina 15:29:25 janina, you wanted to suggest systematically published 15:29:44 Fazio: change of line is suggested 15:31:02 consistently published in the same location...? 15:31:18 janina: at the same URL? 15:32:58 Fazio: adding a cross reference in the comment 15:34:17 janina: at location can be footer or any other but be consistant 15:35:35 We agree with this issue but will add a COGA reference 15:36:15 Fazio: comment-We agree with your issue and suggestion but would like to add a reference from How To Make Content Usable Guide related to consistent placement. 15:36:30 zakim, next item 15:36:30 agendum 3 -- Github Issues 43, 78, 85, 102, 103, 104 (Usability doc feedback) – Look at Procurement Dimension -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:36:38 zakim, take up item 9 15:36:38 agendum 9 -- Github Issue 213 Excel spreadsheet - broken link -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:37:22 The link for the Excel spreadsheet is broken: https://www.w3.org/TR/maturity-model/A11yMaturityTemplate.xlsx 15:37:24 https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/213 15:37:24 https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/213 -> Issue 213 Excel spreadsheet - broken link (by luce-carevic) 15:38:08 janina: Roy it is still not working 15:38:21 Roy will take up this task 15:39:41 https://w3c.github.io/maturity-model/A11yMaturityTemplate.xlsx 15:41:24 janina: Check working draft and editing draft please 15:41:34 janina: it is not a bug 15:42:08 janina: editer's draft not needed to be working 15:43:30 CharlesL2: Roy has to update working draft and change link to no IO version 15:43:50 CharlesL2: It shoul;d work in working draft 15:44:07 janina: Published draft is to be checked 15:45:14 janina: re assign to Roy 15:46:16 janina: this is exceptional practice for us 15:47:49 Fazio: adding a comment for Roy. 15:48:20 CharlesL2: Will send an email stating this 15:49:12 Fazio has joined #maturity 15:49:18 zakim, take up item 10 15:49:18 agendum 10 -- Github Issue #81 Section 3.4.1 Proof Points for ICT Development Lifecycle: Missing planning aspects -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:49:25 /issues/81 -> #81 15:50:37 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:50:39 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/06/26-maturity-minutes.html NehaJ 15:50:53 <3 16:37:54 zakim, bye 16:37:54 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Fazio, CharlesL, NehaJ, jkline, SusiPallero, Mark_Miller, Dr_Keith, jlkline, janina 16:37:54 Zakim has left #maturity 16:37:58 rrsagent, bye 16:37:58 I see no action items