04:27:52 RRSAgent has joined #coga 04:27:57 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/06/24-coga-irc 04:27:57 RRSAgent, make logs Public 04:27:58 Meeting: Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 04:28:41 regrets+ Eric, Julie , Jan, franki 04:28:59 agenda+ Updates with task requests and actions 04:28:59 04:29:27 agenda+ TPAC . See TPAC https://www.w3.org/2024/09/TPAC/2024 04:29:50 Agenda+ New pattern suggestions 04:29:50 See 04:29:50 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CeqiSy3tVDoeBzCG8LpkyFT1fvugGk86JuT6NvfSiAA/edit#heading=h.1kru9t5f0fpj 04:30:07 Agenda+ Editors notes 06:03:51 roy__ has joined #coga 06:10:33 Roy_ has joined #coga 11:27:41 lisa has joined #coga 14:52:49 RRSAgent has joined #coga 14:52:49 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/06/24-coga-irc 14:52:51 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:52:53 Meeting: Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 14:52:58 scribe+ EA 14:53:03 RRSAgent, publish minutes 14:53:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/06/24-coga-minutes.html lisa 14:53:43 regrets+ Eric, Julie, Jan 14:54:10 regrets+ Eric, Julie, Jan, Becca, Jennie 14:54:59 close item 4 14:55:43 agenda+ Meeting this week (mental health , editors? , stucture) 14:56:14 scribe+ EA 14:57:02 agenda+ problems with https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Tq348xyHZjJfAw1CKdCx7svcHY5fwnO7deEoCibgOSk/edit?gid=1686096268#gid=1686096268 14:58:44 tburtn has joined #coga 14:58:49 present+ 14:59:55 EA has joined #coga 15:00:08 present+ 15:00:31 scribe+ EA 15:00:41 Justine has joined #coga 15:01:48 next item 15:01:54 Rain has joined #coga 15:02:24 present+ 15:04:01 Updates - action page 1st deadline to the end of July. 2 deliverables for end of July Structure and Issue papers 15:04:08 present+ 15:04:51 New Structure needs to get into the new draft and placeholders for editing - images etc then other items that are good ideas 15:05:30 Lisa is concerned that the structure lacks the steps at the moment. 15:05:59 Raine felt it was fine but needs time to consider and is sharing more about the structure. 15:07:30 Raine working with Jan, Tiffacny, Julie and John are abit concerned about the prototypes that Roy has put together. Roy is tending to stay with the existing style sheets. But Raine would like to make sure we are testing something that is more fitting to coga for AB testing 15:07:40 Sorry Rain with no e 15:09:48 Rain feels that there is a consensus about the approach needed to achieve the right layouts and how she can support the group by using Roy's prototypes for the A test and then Rain can look at how the styles can be adapted with perhaps more images with screen reader support considered as well by Rain 15:11:55 Lisa has a meeting with Roy about the templates in use at the moment. Also help with extra scripting if that helps. The AB testing allows for some experimentation and illustrates the concept - not immediately accessible but more to get an idea. The problem is that this process will delay things. 15:12:54 Lisa feels that if we can make some of the ideas more real we can then go forward finding the genuine problems. Lisa feels that we should be able to make progress. 15:13:57 Rain will send an email to Lisa to explain the situation so that Lisa can move the situation on 15:14:31 Rain still feels that the format can be adapted so that user testing can happen in August - just need to think how we can overcome the prototyping hurdle. 15:16:44 Lisa is questioning when we need to make a pull request to convert this first editors draft for Structure... put in changes and make a pull request - still need to put in changes for several items so they can become part of the main draft having got the new Structure 15:18:06 This will be moved to next week with several other items such as testing, internationalisation etc. Possibly have a wiki page online - still need to be addressed before the big pull request. 15:18:28 Need to go over this all with Julie, Jan, Erik and Rashmi. 15:19:50 Second deliverable relates to issue papers - new module structure and two draft papers - need review - Lisa will ask Roy and Janina and others how much clean up has to be done to the editor's draft. Editors note saying out of date and possible issues. 15:20:52 Also need to check all the citations - mainly pointing to the database but is this good enough. Does more need to be done? 15:21:23 The latter will be put on the agenda for AWG and then come back to the group 15:22:31 2 papers need to be finished if possible before TPAC so they can be shared. Supported decision making and the other Personalisation. 15:23:13 Supported decision making may need two weeks - David agreed 15:24:26 q? 15:24:39 Lisa asked if anyone could do a review of any of the papers that have been put up - no answer 15:25:29 ea: is there a new layout 15:31:08 There was a discussion about whether the issue paper stands or whether we call the paper an update and then consider the new items as an extra to the issue paper. 15:31:33 Mental Health call on Thursday and Lisa asked if an editor's call was needed. 15:33:00 Rain - the Structure group has a meeting on Thursday 11am EST and will develop an agenda about study group and timing 15:33:17 Lisa also mentioned the findability review 15:33:56 Rain said that still to be done and Lisa suggested that work needs to be done and hopefully the group can get together - asked John if he had time. 15:34:59 John K willing to help and Rain asked if it could be before the 1st July for example 10am EST Lisa and John to join the meeting. 15:36:19 Lisa asked for a placeholder image and Rain said there are some already available 15:36:42 WCAG3 - Lisa asked if anyone had questions and also internationalisation. 15:37:01 Lisa asked if there were any other requests from other groups such as APA 15:37:42 David said that there were no reviews to be completed 15:38:12 Lisa said that if there are any documents being worked on they need to be reviewed by Cogs 15:38:19 corrected coga 15:40:49 https://github.com/w3c/fast/issues/17 15:40:51 There is now a document about Function Needs and is now working draft - but there did not appear to be good descriptions for coga related aspects. Now the document produced by coga is being looked at and funding is being sought. Lisa felt they were not addressing our concerns so has added notes on GitHub to see when coga needs to support the 15:40:51 work for instance on Mental Health and intersectionality 15:41:29 https://github.com/w3c/fast/issues/16 15:41:33 There is a need to consider co-occuring difficulties especially when consider functional needs. 15:41:49 Lisa asked for comments on the issues - see URL above. 15:41:58 next item 15:43:21 Lisa has added the URL for TPAC 23-27th Sept 2024 in Hilton Anaheim, Anaheim, CA, USA 15:43:55 q+ 15:44:02 Lisa feels that this is an important time to attend with all the changes occurring and it provides a chance to have a group meeting. 15:44:25 q+ to say that I will try to attend in person but cannot confirm yet 15:44:33 ack next 15:44:38 DavidSwallow has joined #coga 15:44:39 ack next 15:44:40 Rain, you wanted to say that I will try to attend in person but cannot confirm yet 15:44:45 present+ 15:46:27 Sadly not 15:47:40 Data algorithm safety hot topic 15:47:54 suported desion making 15:47:56 Supported decision making 15:48:02 +1 to both 15:48:16 +1 to both 15:48:19 +1 both 15:48:22 +1 both 15:48:26 +1 to both 15:49:15 q+ 15:49:16 Making the next version more usable - editors version - better structures 15:49:22 ack next 15:49:22 agree with talking about better structures 15:49:55 Rain feels that she could write a paper on the subject but is it possible to aim for Q4 15:50:16 q+ 15:50:20 Lisa mentioned a breakout session to make it more interactive. 15:50:36 agree with method 15:51:28 John K would be interested with breakout questions and Tiffany felt it was a good idea as well. Remote attendance is also possible. 15:52:05 ack next 15:52:20 Lisa feels that involving others from WCAG involved so that others can see where the barriers lie 15:52:59 Tiffany discussed how she had helped with AG papers last time - wondered how it works when working on coga as well as other groups 15:54:00 Lisa gave examples of how the days are timetabled with different days and breakouts - trying not to clash with other groups too much so that items of importance can be co-ordinated. 15:55:11 Lisa will make a agenda for coga members so that it is clear where everyone is meant to be - rooms and times as it can be overwhelming 15:56:26 next item 15:56:35 close item 3 15:56:37 next item 15:56:49 New Patterns to be postponed till next week 15:57:11 Thank you ... 15:58:31 RRSAgent, publish minutes 15:58:32 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/06/24-coga-minutes.html lisa 15:58:38 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:58:39 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/06/24-coga-minutes.html EA 16:04:38 regrets+ Eric, Julie, Jan, Becca, Jennie, Frackie 16:04:43 RRSAgent, publish minutes 16:04:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/06/24-coga-minutes.html lisa 17:03:27 kirkwood has joined #COGA 18:46:23 kirkwood has joined #COGA 20:54:56 kirkwood has joined #COGA 21:25:56 kirkwood has joined #COGA