15:52:30 RRSAgent has joined #rdf-star 15:52:34 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/06/20-rdf-star-irc 15:52:34 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:52:35 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), pchampin 15:52:46 meeting: RDF-star Working Group bi-weekly focused meeting 15:53:17 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/5ecc5c5f-5cd2-410c-b97c-6b13c6b843f1/20240620T120000/#agenda 15:53:17 clear agenda 15:53:17 agenda+ Validating the baseline against use cases 15:53:48 previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2024/06/13-rdf-star-minutes.html 15:53:54 next meeting: https://www.w3.org/2024/06/27-rdf-star-minutes.html 15:56:09 present+ 15:57:17 prsent+ 15:57:21 present+ 15:57:24 s/prsent+/ 15:57:40 pfps has joined #rdf-star 15:57:52 present+ 15:58:18 present+ gkellogg 15:58:51 present+ fsasaki 15:59:01 AndyS has joined #rdf-star 15:59:05 present+ gkellogg 15:59:08 present+ 15:59:12 scribe: fsasaki 15:59:26 tl has joined #rdf-star 15:59:34 present+ 15:59:40 TallTed has joined #rdf-star 16:00:19 Kurt has joined #rdf-star 16:00:20 enrico has joined #rdf-star 16:00:29 q+ 16:00:37 niklasl has joined #rdf-star 16:00:48 present+ 16:01:04 present+ 16:01:05 olaf has joined #rdf-star 16:01:07 present+ 16:01:46 present+ 16:01:47 doerthe has joined #rdf-star 16:02:02 present+ 16:02:02 ora has joined #rdf-star 16:02:23 present+ 16:02:27 present+ 16:02:30 chair: ora 16:02:58 present+ 16:03:00 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:03:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/06/20-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 16:03:18 scribe: fsasaki 16:03:20 enrico has joined #rdf-star 16:03:31 present+ 16:03:36 topic: baseline about use cases 16:03:45 eBremer has joined #rdf-star 16:03:56 present+ 16:03:59 ora: I lost track of what the baseline is, there has been so much discussion 16:04:00 https://github.com/w3c/rdf-star-wg/wiki/RDF-star-%22baseline-with-IRI-opacity%22 16:04:11 ... enrico, can you discuss the baseline briefly before we get going? 16:04:41 enrico: according to the latest discussions we have a mix of transparent and opaque triple terms 16:05:02 Souri has joined #rdf-star 16:05:02 ... there is discussion if you really want to have opaque triples, that could be a discussion today 16:05:07 present+ 16:05:16 ... peter introduced a minimal baseline: rdf star with only transparent triple terms 16:05:32 https://github.com/w3c/rdf-star-wg/wiki/RDF-star-%22minimal-baseline%22 16:05:41 ora: I meant with "lost track": there are we with the issue of our view: reifiers vs. many-to-many? 16:05:56 enrico: in the latest version we do not have the functionality of annotations anymore 16:06:08 ... so you can have the same annotation for several triple terms 16:06:20 ... we discussed that this does not hamper LPGs 16:06:54 ... annotations introduces implicit policies which means: reasoning is not based on matching anymore 16:07:14 ... in the baseline with transparent triple terms which are IRI opaque, there is a base language without syntactic restriction 16:07:28 ... rdf entailment adds then only syntactic restrictions 16:07:48 ... adding semantics only makes sense if we are in the restricted fragment 16:07:55 ... that is the discussion of the last weeks 16:07:59 q? 16:08:07 ack Kurt 16:08:35 AZ has joined #rdf-star 16:08:39 q+ 16:08:40 present+ 16:08:52 kurt: I had a presentation that I gave to another group that I wanted to talk about at some point, about alternatives that might be worth exploring 16:08:53 present+ 16:09:17 ... if I can take 15-20 minutes I can present this, today or at a future meeting 16:09:27 ack pchampin 16:09:40 draggett has joined #rdf-star 16:09:40 ora: we have an agenda for this meeting, we can accomodate you in a future meting 16:09:48 present+ 16:10:03 q+ 16:10:19 pa: use cases should guide our decision. 16:10:42 ... do we have a use case to model LPGs in RDF? that is one question 16:10:54 https://github.com/w3c/rdf-ucr/wiki/ 16:10:57 https://github.com/w3c/rdf-ucr/wiki/RDF-star-for-labelled-property-graphs ? 16:11:04 ... the other is: do we have a use case capturing the concerns mentioned by ora and others, also felix 16:11:15 ... some arguments there usage based, how to explain things 16:11:23 q+ 16:11:25 https://github.com/w3c/rdf-ucr/wiki/RDF-star-for-labelled-property-graphs (but out of date?) 16:11:25 ... that should be captured somehow 16:11:40 ack niklasl 16:11:56 q+ 16:12:16 niklas: we have a minimal description of LPGs, they do not capture the concerns 16:12:26 ... if we go forward it is hard to frame how we should look at them 16:12:47 ... two baselines: one way to assess use cases with regards to: do they require reasoning 16:13:15 ... I do not think that LPG is a use case, we should define use cases and then say: how to express them in LPG 16:13:25 q+ 16:13:28 q+ 16:13:30 ... in that I expect that pattern matching on transparent terms are more clear 16:13:47 ack pfps 16:13:50 Questions about what use cases cover can be answered (since six months or so) by consulting https://github.com/w3c/rdf-ucr/wiki/Summary and other pages in this wiki 16:14:12 peter: since 6 months we have questions about use cases, it was available in the WG and in the wiki 16:14:17 ack fsasaki 16:14:17 ... go look at the wiki 16:15:21 ack AndyS 16:15:26 q+ to say there are two kinds of use case -- one starts from zero and asks whether it can be satisfied by RDF and/or LPG; second says I have both RDF and LPGs and asks how they can be mixed/blended/combined 16:15:45 felix: mention that LPGs are represented often as tables for vertices and edges. Showing an example how that is done could help 16:16:03 andys: we are looking for a generic mapping to LPG 16:16:17 ack TallTed 16:16:17 TallTed, you wanted to say there are two kinds of use case -- one starts from zero and asks whether it can be satisfied by RDF and/or LPG; second says I have both RDF and LPGs and 16:16:19 ...the scope for the requirement was: LPG mapping, capturing edge annotations 16:16:20 ... asks how they can be mixed/blended/combined 16:17:05 ted: two kinds of use cases: 1) I have a pure, uncommitted data set that I could put in RDF or LPGs 2) we have been talking about: I have some data in LPGs or RDF, and how can I make those things work together 16:17:15 ... that has not been discussed deeply until now 16:17:39 q+ 16:17:53 q+ 16:17:55 ack niklasl 16:18:19 ... 2) is the more challenging one. How to bring to data sets together from two companies merging, based on RDF or LPG together and have something useful? 16:18:36 niklas: there are many things in LPGs that have to be addressed, e.g. notion of IRIs, vocabularies ... 16:18:48 that goes into the direction of LPG LD, s.t. like json-ld for LPG 16:19:04 ... not necessarily vice versa 16:19:33 ... in the support for the simple baseline: that does not stand in the way to go from LPG to RDF, it is not obvious how to go from richer RDF back again 16:20:13 ... if RDF data allows to go back and forth without data loss: not sure how much this is in scope for this WG? 16:20:20 ack Kurt 16:20:29 ora: lossless roundtrips are possible a pipe dream 16:21:07 So, how much loss is acceptable...? 16:21:07 q+ 16:21:11 kurt: LPG is a class of different types of graph systems, neo4j is the elephant in the room, a lot of the discussion may be "open cypher and RDF equivalency" 16:21:18 ... that is an easer domain to address 16:21:41 ... if you talk about the broader class of graphs, including e.g. tinkerpop, things get more difficult 16:22:02 ... there is no consistency in the LPG side, RDF has the benefit that it is concise and standardized 16:22:24 ... open cypher now has standardization, if we has open cypher equiv. to RDF, that may be easier 16:22:44 ack ora 16:22:54 ... we need to be more specific what the target on the LPG side is and address issues one at a time 16:23:08 ora: so open cypher is: the kind of LPG that open cypher implies 16:23:51 ora: I had a discussion with Jesus from neo4j about this WG, he was interested but he could not participate in this WG 16:24:10 ... how to deal with use cases? do we take one at a time and discuss it with respect to the baseline? 16:24:33 kurt: enumerate UC first and then go through them 16:24:42 s/could not participate in this WG/could not participate in this WG (neo4j is not a W3C Member)/ 16:25:26 ora: peter, can you describe if our UCs can break up into groups? 16:25:34 peter: there is a group that requires transparency 16:25:45 ... another requires complete opaciity, including blank nodes 16:25:48 q+ 16:25:53 ack TallTed 16:25:56 ... and one about triple origin, which is weird 16:26:15 enrico has joined #rdf-star 16:26:16 ted: could that summary be put in the wiki page? 16:26:23 present+ 16:26:48 ... this is what we would need as a group to say: only this UC needs this feature, so we do not touch it. Or: this feature is needed by all use cases 16:26:54 q+ 16:26:58 peter: sure, I can add that to the summary page 16:27:19 ack Kurt 16:27:25 ora: can we look into use cases that require transparency now? 16:28:05 kurt: we need to be specific what needs to be changed in RDF vs. what needs to be changed in turtle 16:28:13 enrico has joined #rdf-star 16:28:17 present+ 16:28:17 q+ 16:28:19 ... some changes are new notations 16:28:23 present+ 16:28:25 q+ 16:28:34 ... and somehow turtle constructs become RDF constructs 16:28:44 q+ 16:28:50 ack ora 16:28:55 .... we need to be careful what changes are syntactic sugar to be added to turtle, without requiring changes to RDF itself 16:29:10 q- 16:29:14 ora: I assume: there are changes to RDF, i.e. the abstract syntax and semantics 16:29:15 q+ 16:29:26 "Agreed Syntax" for Turtle :: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-star-wg/2024Jan/0095.html 16:29:34 ... and downstream effects on serializations 16:29:34 ack enrico 16:29:56 enrico: regarding LPGs, I would refer to standard GQL 16:30:04 https://drops.dagstuhl.de/storage/00lipics/lipics-vol255-icdt2023/LIPIcs.ICDT.2023.1/LIPIcs.ICDT.2023.1.pdf 16:30:09 ... to the data model the GQL standard assumes to build a query language 16:30:30 ack pchampin 16:30:31 enrico: the paper summarizes nicely GQL, we can easily refer to that in our discussions 16:30:43 +1 to the proposal from enrico 16:31:07 https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/w3c/rdf-star-wg/blob/main/docs/seeking-consensus-2024-01.html 16:31:07 pa: changes in the abstract syntax vs. concrete syntax need to be separated 16:31:30 ... we had this discussion before kurt joined the group, see above link 16:31:40 ... we decided to go for option 3 16:32:01 ... we are well aware of the separation of concrete vs. abstract syntax changes and found consensus on that 16:32:14 ... we are now working on the assumption that we will touch the abstract syntax 16:32:31 ... though there are elements that are syntactic sugar like introducing double brackets 16:32:54 q+ 16:32:55 q+ 16:33:06 ora: should we take "transparent vs. opaque" as a guidance of our use case analysis? 16:33:07 ack pchampin 16:33:42 pa: nearly all UCs seem to require transparency 16:33:54 ... LPG use cases require transparency plus 16:34:07 q+ 16:34:22 ... opacity was introduced to enable LPG use cases 16:34:26 ack TallTed 16:34:32 ... maybe we should discuss that to find consensus 16:34:55 ted: that is one differentiator , but there may be others 16:35:17 ack enrico 16:35:29 ... we need a list of requirements to be able to understand potential relations between features 16:35:53 enrico: opacity is needed only for the annotation of syntactic triples 16:36:29 ... if nodes become transparent one can do things to graphs that are impossible with LPGs 16:36:52 q+ 16:37:17 with an example like "this triple has been written wrongly ...": you need to have understanding 16:37:22 ack ora 16:37:32 ... the triple is just a piece of syntax that has some properties 16:37:48 ora: for some people is the distinction between opaque and transparent lost 16:37:57 q+ 16:37:58 ... do we have use cases that demonstrate that distinction? 16:37:59 q+ 16:38:03 q+ 16:38:09 ack pfps 16:38:10 ... people will ask: what is the difference? 16:38:13 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 16:38:56 present+ gkellogg 16:38:58 peter: I tried to get answers from use case owners. They mostly did not have the situation that IRIs could help to the same thing 16:39:04 ack niklasl 16:39:11 q+ 16:39:15 ... for literals they said: of course that may be possibe. 16:39:18 ack niklasl 16:39:40 ack AndyS 16:39:41 niklas: even the opaque case may be needed to be connected to s.t. 16:39:47 q+ 16:39:55 present+ 16:40:02 andy: other important concepts that are hard to understand: triple terms vs. occurences 16:40:05 ack Kurt 16:40:09 ... that also carefully needs to be explained 16:40:48 kurt: what is the difference between a transparent and opaque IRI? 16:40:56 ... is it: bnode vs. IRI? 16:41:10 ... how does one defined transparent vs. opaque? 16:41:10 ack enrico 16:41:12 https://github.com/w3c/rdf-star-wg/wiki/RDF%E2%80%90star-examples-of-profiles 16:41:26 enrico: see above link, example 7 16:42:07 ... a transparent triple term talks about s.t. in your domain 16:42:18 ... you want to refer to what the triple is talking about 16:42:34 ... the IRI really denotes things in your domain 16:43:05 ... in the case of opaque triple terms, you do not want to talk about the meaning of the triple 16:43:17 ... you want to talk about the triple in the graph 16:43:31 ... opaque triple terms being resolved are a triple 16:43:44 ... transparent triples are statements 16:44:07 q+ 16:44:20 kurt: I have a structure that says: here is a term, that is a definition of opacity 16:44:47 ... the combination of Sub - pred - object graph as being a resource that can be referred to. It is not talking about the subject 16:44:49 q+ 16:44:50 "rose is a flower" → rose in this sentence is transparent / "rose has 4 letters" → rose in this sentence is opaque 16:45:03 ... there is no semantics, it implies that there is no RDFs 16:45:18 ... then you talk about the combination, an Opaque triple as an object 16:45:30 ... you say: here is s.t. that points to the components of the triple 16:46:08 ... that does not stop the reification, it just says: I have defined a reification for an entity that may or may not be in the graph 16:46:14 "triple T added to graph on 2024-06-20" (different from the fact described by the triple became true) 16:46:25 q+ 16:46:57 kurt: maybe that is a way to have a notation to distinguish transparency from opaqueness 16:47:04 ack tl 16:47:04 I tried, in slide two of https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQd9lU1j4TPxluCe-cB0t7_BUpy8zAfeY_5hDlbwIyOB8wsiRqkRtSFP4AeflV5UsE4EqT-Y3_Jjx9q/pub (that I sent ~2 weeks ago) to quote the relevant parts as they are defined (one non-normatively) in RDF 1.1. 16:47:33 thomas: question about the unasserted triples 16:47:35 q- 16:47:56 ... for many use cases I took the annotation syntax as assigned 16:48:21 ... for anything else, like cidoc-crm, I am lost 16:48:35 ... there were mentions of customers who may need that 16:48:39 q+ 16:48:44 ... also in the community group 16:48:49 ack enrico 16:48:58 ... so I better want to understand then unasserted assertations are needed 16:48:59 wikidata clearly needs to talk about unasserted triples 16:49:23 enrico: opaque use case is about syntactic annotation 16:49:30 ... it is not only about syntax 16:49:38 ... clark kent - super man example 16:49:52 pchampin why? 16:49:55 ... names do not co-refer, that is a common use case in logic, not in RDF 16:50:00 tl, see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikibase/Indexing/RDF_Dump_Format#h-Statement_representation-Data_model 16:50:16 ack Kurt 16:50:23 enrico: we talk about things being not ridig 16:50:32 kurt: this use case is what I was talking about 16:50:35 pchampin thanks, will do 16:50:49 if I have a triple that asserts a false statement, that statement should not be in the graph 16:51:00 "that graph at U contains the triple <<( :s :p :o )>>" -- "triple T withdrawn on 2024-06-20" 16:51:20 q? 16:51:24 ... that is the use case for being opaque 16:51:39 q+ 16:51:42 q+ 16:51:43 ... the s-p-o structure is triple like, but the assertion is not valid 16:52:15 ... you can only do that by talking about triples as being s.t. being not part of the graph 16:52:30 ... here being opaque means sense 16:52:35 ack pchampin 16:52:45 ... you deal not with triples but reified statements 16:52:48 q+ 16:53:00 pa: we have two differentators quoting ted 16:53:03 FWIW from my prior use of CIDOC-CRM, I'd say that often the modeling desire *is* to have unasserted triples. It probably only works with the many-to-many reifier approach where the reifier can denote something in the CRM domain (usually an Activity). 16:53:15 ... there are some requirements. Would be good to start listing the requirements 16:53:28 ... saying: there is consensus on this one, not on others 16:53:38 ... e.g. do we need to talk about unasserted triples? 16:53:53 ... in a previous meeting we said: we create a document note 16:54:01 ack tl 16:54:06 ... maybe we need to be more proactive here 16:54:19 also, do we need to *query* unasserted triples (e.g., what has been said about Paris, whether or not those statements are asserted within the graph?) 16:54:20 ack niklasl 16:54:23 thomas: do the unasserted statements be opaque or transparent? 16:54:29 q+ 16:54:55 q+ 16:55:05 niklas: see above link from a presentation on opaque nodes, a case we did not have so far 16:55:15 ... I wonder if many-to-many is more important 16:55:28 ... I fear that opacity may be a distraction 16:55:38 ... for true opacity, use literals 16:55:48 ... it is dangers to focus on opacity edge case 16:55:51 ack enrico 16:56:07 enrico: I do not understand asserted vs. non asserted 16:56:21 ... why do we talk about this? 16:56:25 ack TallTed 16:56:46 ted: we want to be able to talk about triples that are part of the graph and are part of the reasoning 16:57:01 ... and other triples that are not part of the reasoning of the graph 16:57:24 ... we want to be able to get all triples back, of both types, that deals with an entity 16:58:10 It's in there, I'm quite certain. 16:58:17 it's not 16:58:19 ... you want to be able to discover the non asserted notions of the entity but still have them *not* being part of the reasoning 16:58:39 ora: we do not have a use case for that, can you write that up? 16:58:44 Why not? 16:58:45 select ?r ?x ?p ?y { ?x ?p ?y } UNION { ?r rdf:reifies <<( ?x ?p ?y )>> } 16:58:50 ted: I can give it a try 16:59:14 enrico: agree with souri's example 16:59:24 RRSAgent, make minutes 16:59:26 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/06/20-rdf-star-minutes.html pchampin 16:59:32 ora: semantics call tomorrow, adjourned 16:59:32 i will not be there tomorrow 16:59:36 That's not a bad query, Souri. But it's rather complex. and demands syntactic sugar! 16:59:45 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:59:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/06/20-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 17:00:17 There will be sugar. 17:00:34 rdf:reifies is not expected to be written out other than in (gah) edge cases. 17:00:57 "Agreed syntax" allows -- UNION { << ?r | ?x ?p ?y >> } 17:02:03 We do need to write out the triples, not sugar, as well because people relate to different forms + it ties to the semantics. 17:02:32 Absolutely. 17:05:33 I mostly expect nice examples and Turtle serializers to utilize the sugar as much as they utilize ";" and "[ ..]" (i.e. it depends on their capability and the computing resources in relation to size of the graph). 17:23:19 RRSAgent, draft minutes 17:23:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/06/20-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 17:30:17 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 19:46:52 pfps has left #rdf-star