20 June 2024


aardrian, BGaraventa, CoryJoseph, CurtBellew, Francis_Storr, giacomo-petri, katez, sarah, Siri
Peter, Rahim

Meeting minutes

New Issue Triage

jcraig: There are other properties that may relate to this, including `status`.

jcraig: there may be other related issues.

jamesn: Can jcraig look into this?

jcraig: I can look into this.

jcraig: #2256 may have a related issue

jamesn: Should I assign you or agenda next week?

jcraig: Add me in the comments and I'll find the other issue.

jcraig: For context add "starts media" in the note for my searching later?

jamesn: #2254 seems to be answered. Anything more to do other than close it?

jcraig: The reader may not think it's clear, so perhaps ask where the reader would expect notes like this in the spec?

aardrian: Assign it to me

jamesn: skip 2242

jamesn: Talking 2241 with other editors.

New PR Triage

jamesn: #2245 seems straightforward

sarah: What we talked about last week.

Jamesn: Reviewers?

aardrian: Me

siri: Me

giacomo-petri: me

WPT Open PRs

jamesn: nothing new here. Anything you want to talk about jcraig?

jcraig: Good to go. Unless someone else wants to talk about one of them.

Deep Dive planning

jamesn: We have one next week on undefined values / states / properties.

jamesn: The week after is 4 July, so no meeting owing to US holiday. 11 July is next available deep dive date. Any proposals?

jcraig: #2166 implementation concerns over orphaned roles? I'll lead that.

TPAC registration open - https://www.w3.org/2024/09/TPAC/

jamesn: TPAC registration is now open.

jamesn: Monday and Tuesday are the most important days for ARIA.

jamesn" Remainder days are with other working groups, good to participate.

jamesn: Wednesday is the plenary / breakout.

jamesn: Book hotel now if you want the group rate in Anaheim.

jamesn: You want the group rate.

jamesn: Really. You do.

aardrian: Any prep I need to do? Other then be familiar with the work?

jcraig: Wednesday can be interesting for breakout session, which means you can pitch one of your own ideas.

giacomo-petri: Are the other working groups confirmed?

jamesn: It's impossible to not overlap (which was question), but everything is scheduled.

jamesn: Will try to firm up agenda as date approaches to try to avoid other group activity conflicts.

jamesn: This is driven by the WG, not the chairs. So it's up to those who bring the topics.

Charter arter.html

<dmontalvo> Proposed ARIA Charter

jamesn: This is the WG charter. We already have an extension and getting another ... well, go look at it.

jamesn: Lists major deliverables, AccName, ARIA in HTML, ARIA, Core AAM, etc., along with other deliverables.

jamesn: Proposing everything becomes a living standard, without version numbers.

jamesn: If you have feedback, questions, get them in.

jcraig: We should make a play for SVG ARIA for the monorepo.

jamesn: We have.

jcraig: What about CSS AAM?

jamesn: No, the current proposal is to fold it into HTML AAM.

jamesn: One of the reasons Rahim is now an editor of that spec. It's too much for one person otherwise.

daniel-montalvo: We may need to clarify that in Section 5. I am happy to update.

jamesn: We're asking group to review to move forward. Do we need anything formal?

daniel-montalvo: This approach is fine. Maybe a week or so to discuss, but if we agree then the minutes will suffice.

daniel-montalvo: Or we can come back.

jamesn: Email the chairs if there is anything you need changed. Or a mailing list discussion. Or open an issue.

ARIA should clarify distinction between “contents exposed as descendant text nodes” vs “name from contents” (Was: listitem should include name from Contents or name prohibited) - need someone to take this on

jamesn: We need someone to take this.

jamesn: Ran out of time talking about this last week. Agreement that we want to do it but nobody stepped up.

aardrian: Seems to make sense.

jcraig: Yeah, it seemed we only needed a volunteer to at least fix list item. There may be more.

jamesn: Why would this be an HTML editors issue?

jcraig: Maybe I'm misremembering, but I thought it had items that aligned with HTML AAM.

jamesn: Anyone want to volunteer?

jcraig: IF you

jcraig: If you're unsure about volunteering, happy to spend some one-on-one time with you.

jamesn: Seems like a good "medium" issue.

td, th naming doesn't align with ARIA

jamesn: I thought this was linked to previous issue, not sure anymore.

jamesn: Scott raised it. ARIA says name comes from contents, HTML AAM does not say that. Also a case to allow name from author.

sarah: I agree with Scott for table, less so for table.

sarah: Column header is the same role across both, so there is a case in a grid once you have extra controls in the cell.

sarah: More about overrides than adding more.

sarah: There isn't a good definition of whether name from author should override or augment.

jamesn: I'm confused what a name means for a cell in a table. What is it?

jamesn: A cell can have headers, which is not really the name. I've never really understood why you'd name a cell in a table.

sarah: Another thing poorly defined -- when on cells you don't want the column / row header name to also include the names of all the actions embedded within it.

sarah: There is no spec for how to handle for that.

jamesn: We need to have all the use cases laid out and satisfy those than try to sort one issue at a time.

jamesn: We won't get all the use cases this way.

jamesn: Grids are on my wishlist forever but have never gotten 'round to doing it.

aardrian: There are already bad patterns where authors override cells _and_ headers, so my concern is do we forbid or reflect?

jamesn: Is there a good solution to this?

aardrian: er... nope

<sarah> Narrator voice: `abbr` does *not* work 😅

jamesn: Think about `<abbr>` as a solution.

siri: What are we trying to do here?

siri: How do we approach this?

aardrian: Mostly trying to sort the issue at hand without creating more problems.

jamesn: We may need a deep dive. Perhaps an actionable proposal prior to TPAC.

jamesn: Then we can focus on it. Can someone propose this and work out a plan?

aardrian: I can collaborate but not lead.

notificationId: discussion points

jamesn: We had a conversation a couple weeks ago and comments for which we have been asking for feedback.

jamesn: Here is the notificationID.

jamesn: Would anyone like to leave comments now?

jamesn: Otherwise leave comments there.

aardrian: I had comments but no responses.

jamesn: Can you split it and put it into the specific discussions?

aardrian (grumpily): Yes.

sarah: Would it be helpful to summarize in the meeting what notificationID is? Or is this procedural?

jamesn: I would hope people know about it by now.

sarah: A lot of the Microsoft discussions have been about the dev talking to the SR vendor to create a custom script for their custom notificationID token.

sarah: This is doable within Microsoft owing to Narrator and Edge. But I want more feedback outside Microsoft for how it could be used.

<Zakim> jamesn, you wanted to say that it doesn't really sound scalable

sarah: Is there anything people need to feel they can give feedback? I will forward it along. In this call or otherwise.

jamesn: That was how I thought it was working but it doesn't seem scalable for most devs.

jamesn: I assumed it was a registry of common idioms and it works from those.

jamesn: I imagine it might work, if implemented today, that devs will simply use the same items that Microsoft does.

sarah: It's very hard to look at what others do, so you would need to listen to the AAPI event directly and inspect the properties being passed.

jamesn: But you can do it!

Sarah: Sure.

aardrian: I thought this was a token list from my review of the deep dive.

<jamesn> jamesn nods in violent agreement with aardrian

I want a token list for earcons or whatever.

aardrian: It seems unlikely that devs could inspect a highly specific implementation.

coryjoseph: From the perspective of having the resources to use this to its full potential is critical.

coryjoseph: I can see this in use for health care advisors to qualify the different kinds of notifications.

coryjoseph: But even in a company as large as mine is a lift, complicated by getting all the vendors to agree to the implementations.

aardrian: And then getting SR vendors to sign on.

jamesn: This feels like a solution only viable for MIcrosoft, Google, et al.

jamesn: We have folks here with opinions who need to put them into the discussions.

sarah: I provided my contact info for anyone who wants to ask questions outside the call.

jamesn: If you don't have access to the Zoom chat, say so and ... actually, get the email from the group contact page.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Maybe present: daniel-montalvo, jamesn, jcraig

All speakers: aardrian, coryjoseph, daniel-montalvo, giacomo-petri, jamesn, jcraig, sarah, siri

Active on IRC: aardrian, BGaraventa, CoryJoseph, CurtBellew, dmontalvo, Francis_Storr, giacomo-petri, jamesn, katez, sarah, siri, Siri