19 June 2024


David_Ezell, Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tetsushi_Matsuda, Tim_Panton, Tomoaki_Mizushima
Koster, McCool, Sebastian
kaz, sebastian

Meeting minutes

guests, new members

McCool: we have 2 pending IE reuests
… waiting for information about their concrete contributions


<kaz> June-5

<MM scans quickly the minutes>

McCool: any comments on the minutes? any objections?


McCool: minutes approved

Quick items

Smart Cities IG AC Review

<kaz> AC Review form (Member-only)

McCool: call for AC review for Web-based Digital Twins for Smart Cities IG

Kaz: please ping your AC rep
… still more votes needed

GitHub SPAM issue

McCool: we had a spam issue on github
… please watch out; hopefully not getting a bigger issue

Ege: there was an spam issue 2 weeks ago. I closed it. There is no way to delete an issue

<kaz> MM: no need to ceate yet another policy for now, as long it is not getting a bigger issue

WoT Communities

< no meetings of the WoT CG and WoT JP CG>



McCool: OPCF asking for an official statement from us
… this is a draft available: "As a W3C Web of Things Working Group (WoT), we are pleased that the new OPC Foundation working group will specify the OPC UA Binding for the Web of Things. We support these efforts and offer, for instance, through liaison meetings and/or running PlugFests, to ensure compliance with the latest Web of Things approaches

(e.g., with WoT Binding Templates). An official OPC UA Binding for the Web of Things provides a new opportunity for simplified integration of datapoints from OPC UA-based systems into IoT-based applications using latest Web technologies."

McCool: we should change "ensure compliance", its too strict

McCool: ow about say "alignment" instead

Sebastian: I'm ok

Kaz: I'm also ok with the content, however, we should use the official email list.

<kaz> [ Kaz points out there two points: 1. text itself and 2. how to exchange it ]

Draft 1: As a W3C Web of Things Working Group (WoT), we are pleased that the new OPC Foundation working group will specify the OPC UA Binding for the Web of Things. We support these efforts and offer, for instance, through liaison meetings and/or running PlugFests, to review alignment with the latest Web of Things approaches (e.g., with WoT Binding Templates). An official OPC UA Binding for the Web of Things provides a new opportunity for simplified integration of datapoints from OPC UA-based systems into IoT-based applications using latest Web technologies.

Draft 2: As a W3C Web of Things Working Group (WoT), we are pleased that the new OPC Foundation working group will specify the OPC UA Binding for the Web of Things. We support these efforts and offer for instance through liaison meetings and/or running PlugFests, to review alignment with the latest Web of Things approaches (e.g., with WoT Binding Templates). An official OPC UA Binding for the Web of Things provides a new opportunity for simplified integration of datapoints from OPC UA-based systems into IoT-based applications using latest Web technologies.

Draft 3: As a W3C Web of Things Working Group (WoT), we are pleased that the new OPC Foundation working group will specify the OPC UA Binding for the Web of Things. We support these efforts and offer through liaison meetings and/or running PlugFests to review alignment with the latest Web of Things approaches (e.g., with WoT Binding Templates). An official OPC UA Binding for the Web of Things provides a new opportunity for simplified integration of datapoints from OPC UA-based systems into IoT-based applications using latest Web technologies.

<kaz> [ Draft 1, 2 and 3 above ]

McCool: any comments? changes?


<McCool> proposal: Adopt draft 3 above to support the work of the OPC Foundation on an OPC UA Binding for WoT and submit this text for review by the W3C Liaison team.

RESOLUTION: Adopt draft 3 above to support the work of the OPC Foundation on an OPC UA Binding for WoT and submit this text for review by the W3C Liaison team.

ACTION: kaz to bring the draft 3 text to the W3C Liaison/Strategy Team


<kaz> wot PR 1194 - Create ngsi-ld.md

McCool: there is the plan to have an official simple liaisons

<MM shows PR with the liaison statement; the PR merged>

<kaz> ngsi-ld.md

<McCool> proposal: Establish a Simple Liaison with NSGI-LD with Kazuyuki Ashimura as liaison contact with the scope indicated in https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/proposals/liaisons/ngsi-ld.md

McCool: any objections?


RESOLUTION: Establish a Simple Liaison with NSGI-LD with Kazuyuki Ashimura as liaison contact with the scope indicated in https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/proposals/liaisons/ngsi-ld.md

ACTION: kaz to bring the proposed text for NGSI-LD liaison as well to the W3C Liaison/Strategy Team

McCool: we will also send this statement to the liaison team


<McCool> Errata policy proposal

McCool: we merged last week some PR about Errata policy proposal to disable the automatic data updates

McCool: I'd like to discuss adopting this as an official policy

Ege: no comment from my side

<MM walks through the errata management steps>

McCool: any objection to make those steps as an official policy?

<McCool> proposal: Adopt https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/proposals/policies/errata-management.md, which proposes a mechanism and policy to manage, review, accept, and publish errata, as an official WoT WG policy.

<no objections>

RESOLUTION: Adopt https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/proposals/policies/errata-management.md, which proposes a mechanism and policy to manage, review, accept, and publish errata, as an official WoT WG policy.

McCool: technically, we should announce a resolution lead to a week in advance
… they only take effect after a week

<kaz> wot PR 1192 - Errata Management Policy (which install the draft policy under the official "policy" area)

Ege: there should already a PR available for the official Policy merge

<kaz> kaz: I'm OK with merging the PR 1192 also given the situation

<kaz> (PR 1192 merged)

Other Policy PRs

Ege: there should be another PR


McCool: are the PRs time critical?

Ege: no

McCool: let's discuss them next week

Meeting Schedule Changes

<kaz> Cancellations

McCool: there is no TDs call this week

Publication schedule

<kaz> schedule.md

McCool: we need to update the schedule also with the F2F meeting
… can do this in the chairs call

F2F planning


<kaz> TPAC 2024 page

mm: will be held in Anaheim
… the venue hotel is relatively expensive
… can consider other hotels also

Breakouts now open

Kaz: Please think about breakout session topics

McCool: how about smart cities and digital twins?

Kaz: I will do that

McCool: is there a deadline?
… September 15th is deadline for breakout submissions; TPAC registration early bird deadline is July 16, standard rate deadline is Sep 1

Sebastian: breakout session taking place on Wednesday, right?

McCool: yes

WoT week

McCool: there is a wiki page:


McCool: please provide your availability on the wiki

McCool: should think about the agenda for the November meeting
… for the f2f meeting, we should plan 1.5 days
… good for people travel back on Friday


Sebastian: next week I try to share more information about Hotel etc.


McCool: wondering about the status of the versioning policy, but would wait for the conclusion of the TD TF

TF Leads

McCool: looking for new TF leads for Security and Discovery

<no nominations yet>

<kaz> https://www.w3.org/WoT/activities/meetings/

TF Reports

Ege: there is a new schedule table UI


McCool: thanks for this update, this view is in sync with the W3C calendar

Ege: Pierre-Antoine from the W3C Team was interested in the TD tooling we are using
… he will join in one of the next TD tooling meetings

Luca: was there a resolution about the profile editor?

McCool: we did this last week

Luca: we have not enough people in the Profile calls recently
… I change the terminology section which is now coming as a first thing. Like to hear some opinions

Kaz: probably we should have longer discussion about how to accelerate the Profile discussion.

McCool: lets discuss this next week again, please remind me to add this to the agenda


Summary of action items

  1. kaz to bring the draft 3 text to the W3C Liaison/Strategy Team
  2. kaz to bring the proposed text for NGSI-LD liaison as well to the W3C Liaison/Strategy Team

Summary of resolutions

  1. Adopt draft 3 above to support the work of the OPC Foundation on an OPC UA Binding for WoT and submit this text for review by the W3C Liaison team.
  2. Establish a Simple Liaison with NSGI-LD with Kazuyuki Ashimura as liaison contact with the scope indicated in https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/proposals/liaisons/ngsi-ld.md
  3. Adopt https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/proposals/policies/errata-management.md, which proposes a mechanism and policy to manage, review, accept, and publish errata, as an official WoT WG policy.
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).