AGWG Teleconference

18 June 2024


alastairc, bruce_bailey, dan_bjorge, Detlev, dj, fofila, Francis_Storr, Frankie, FrankieWolf, giacomo-petri, Graham, GreggVan, JakeAbma, jaunita_george, Jennie_Delisi, jtoles, julierawe, kevin, Kimberly, kirkwood, Laura_Carlson, ljoakley, MaryJo, mbgower, mike_beganyi, MJ, Rachael, rscano, sarahhorton, shadi, tburtin
AshleyF, Jeanne

Meeting minutes

<alastairc> Starting discussion on consolidating outcomes https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GL-jyZ7CuYb-fms_jTKEe1YTAUZAH0EXkU3yqbRg5f4/edit


<alastairc> https://www.w3.org/2024/09/TPAC/

alastairc: TPAC registration is open
… if you're attending in-person or virtually, it's cheapest to register now

<Ben_Tillyer> FYI - 2024 has introduced a fee waiver for all invited experts

alastairc: hotel says it's got places held until end of august, but i don't trust that
… also flights get more expensive

… sent out an email last week
… substantial changes
… we're asking for your review, hoping for CFC starting this thursday
… CFC to **publish final version** -- not second draft

MaryJo: we have a draft document of mobile
… working on a more generic page to link to
… more living resource

Introduce next steps in subgroups https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/subgroups-june-24/

alastairc: subgroups survey/agenda coming up
… 6 we're hoping to start soon

Rachael: we'll be building out the subgroups with non-AG members & experts so that we can fill them out and move them along

alastairc: most of the work will happen in the subgroups, but we'll do some updates in the main meetings as well

Continuing the conformance conversation by exploring a baseline structure https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17VJvnm5UQW4WUzIoo9QNPVGfePgaZa8ifZWs-wtmv7E/edit#slide=id.g2e4b93386d6_0_15

alastairc: [starting from where we left off last week at "Resolution" slide]
… [reads "what would go into the baseline level" slide]

<Zakim> bruce_bailey, you wanted to ask if ALT per se proposed to be in baselin?

bruce_bailey: why is alt-text in the baseline?

alastairc: currently, screen-readers need authors to put alt-text in order to provide alternative for image

Rachael: another example is that authors need to encode heading structure
… one problem is what's available now vs in 10 years

GreggVan: i'd suggest that what put an update phrase on the front so that we don't have to keep debating it
… 2. everything in the plain language guideline fits into that category
… i think that needs to be more granular

<Zakim> alastairc, you wanted to comment on not needing to put something up front, it's how the methods work

bruce_bailey: i thought that we agreed that author supported is characteristic of the baseline, but not that anything that's author supported is baseline

alastairc: to GreggVan's point - i don't think we need anything up front because that's part of the structure
… also upcoming examples might make that clearer

GreggVan: we need separate guidelines for content authors, UA devs, etc
… because "you must do this unless the other person did it" isn't workable
… they can all be in the same document and separated by chapters if we want, but they need to be separate

alastairc: ["Possible structure for levels" slide]
… one question that came up:

<alastairc> https://docs.google.com/document/d/16Njhx88F2LhwcElu74Jgynx-cRmLJkQONt9hGBJ9Cm8/edit

alastairc: when you're looking at a decision tree, it helps to have the primary thing at the top
… ["image alternatives" link in that doc]
… "[stop]"/"[continue]" turns list of conditions with "AND"/"OR"s into a flow
… "Techniques" list with "(foo platform)":
… some methods apply to all, others are platform/region specific

<alastairc> q/

GreggVan: +1 to adding 'add anything else that satisfies this'
… 2. if alt-text is no longer needed at one point, then "text alternatives are available to the *user*" doesn't make sense
… 3. list item 1.1 says what to do if answer is yes, but doesn't say what to do if answer is no

<Zakim> Rachael, you wanted to suggest "Equivalent ext alternatives are available for images"

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/satisfys/satisfies

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: dj

Maybe present: Chuck

All speakers: alastairc, bruce_bailey, Chuck, GreggVan, MaryJo, Rachael

Active on IRC: alastairc, Ben_Tillyer, bruce_bailey, Chuck, dan_bjorge, Detlev, dj, fofila, Francis_Storr, Frankie, giacomo-petri, Graham, GreggVan, JakeAbma, jaunita_george, Jennie_Delisi, jtoles, julierawe, kevin, Kimberly, kirkwood, laura, ljoakley, mbgower, mike_beganyi, MJ, Rachael, rscano, sarahhorton, shadi, tburtin