14:50:47 RRSAgent has joined #ag 14:50:52 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/06/18-ag-irc 14:50:52 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:50:53 Meeting: AGWG Teleconference 14:51:03 agenda+ Introduce next steps in subgroups https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/subgroups-june-24/ 14:51:32 agenda+ Continuing the conformance conversation by exploring a baseline structure https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17VJvnm5UQW4WUzIoo9QNPVGfePgaZa8ifZWs-wtmv7E/edit#slide=id.g2e4b93386d6_0_15 14:51:49 Starting discussion on consolidating outcomes https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GL-jyZ7CuYb-fms_jTKEe1YTAUZAH0EXkU3yqbRg5f4/edit 14:51:56 agenda? 14:52:08 agenda+ Starting discussion on consolidating outcomes https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GL-jyZ7CuYb-fms_jTKEe1YTAUZAH0EXkU3yqbRg5f4/edit 14:53:24 regrets: Jeanne, AshleyF 14:56:41 chair: alastairc 14:57:54 OliverH has joined #ag 14:58:25 Francis_Storr has joined #ag 14:58:26 dj has joined #ag 14:58:31 present+ 14:58:34 present+ 14:58:50 laura has joined #ag 14:59:11 present+ 14:59:36 present+ 15:00:13 GreggVan has joined #ag 15:01:06 present+ 15:01:11 julierawe has joined #ag 15:01:16 present+ 15:01:29 bruce_bailey has joined #ag 15:01:46 shadi has joined #ag 15:01:56 present+ 15:02:00 JakeAbma has joined #ag 15:02:05 present+ 15:02:13 Kimberly has joined #ag 15:02:33 present+ Laura_Carlson 15:02:34 scribe+ 15:02:36 filippo-zorzi has joined #ag 15:02:44 TOPIC: Announcements 15:02:55 present+ 15:02:55 present+ 15:02:57 https://www.w3.org/2024/09/TPAC/ 15:03:04 alastairc: TPAC registration is open 15:03:14 Ben_Tillyer has joined #ag 15:03:18 ... if you're attending in-person or virtually, it's cheapest to register now 15:03:38 FYI - 2024 has introduced a fee waiver for all invited experts 15:03:46 DuffJohnson has joined #ag 15:03:57 ... hotel says it's got places held until end of august, but i don't trust that 15:04:02 ... also flights get more expensive 15:04:05 fofila has joined #ag 15:04:08 sarahhorton has joined #ag 15:04:21 present+ 15:04:29 Chuck: WCAG2ICT 15:04:33 present+ 15:04:34 present+ 15:04:37 ... sent out an email last week 15:04:42 ... substantial changes 15:04:52 ... we're asking for your review, hoping for CFC starting this thursday 15:05:08 jtoles has joined #ag 15:05:14 ... CFC to **publish final version** -- not second draft 15:05:35 present+ 15:05:35 mike_beganyi has joined #ag 15:05:37 present+ MaryJo 15:05:37 present+ 15:05:44 present+ 15:06:21 tburtin has joined #ag 15:06:30 present+ 15:06:44 giacomo-petri has joined #ag 15:06:45 MaryJo: we have a draft document of mobile 15:06:48 present+ 15:06:54 ... working on a more generic page to link to 15:07:07 ... more living resource 15:07:11 Detlev has joined #ag 15:07:17 present+ FrankieWolf 15:07:21 present+ 15:07:58 present+ 15:08:08 zakim, take up next item 15:08:08 agendum 1 -- Introduce next steps in subgroups https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/subgroups-june-24/ -- taken up [from alastairc] 15:08:10 Frankie has joined #ag 15:08:16 present+ 15:08:31 Jennie_Delisi has joined #ag 15:08:36 present+ 15:08:50 alastairc: subgroups survey/agenda coming up 15:09:02 ... 6 we're hoping to start soon 15:09:54 maryjom has joined #ag 15:09:57 Rachael: we'll be building out the subgroups with non-AG members & experts so that we can fill them out and move them along 15:10:31 alastairc: most of the work will happen in the subgroups, but we'll do some updates in the main meetings as well 15:10:38 zakim, take up next item 15:10:38 agendum 2 -- Continuing the conformance conversation by exploring a baseline structure 15:10:40 ... https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17VJvnm5UQW4WUzIoo9QNPVGfePgaZa8ifZWs-wtmv7E/edit#slide=id.g2e4b93386d6_0_15 -- taken up [from alastairc] 15:10:50 jaunita_george has joined #ag 15:10:56 present+ 15:11:31 ... [starting from where we left off last week at "Resolution" slide] 15:12:36 ... [reads "what would go into the baseline level" slide] 15:13:36 q+ to ask if ALT per se proposed to be in baselin? 15:14:07 q+ 15:14:12 ack br 15:14:12 bruce_bailey, you wanted to ask if ALT per se proposed to be in baselin? 15:14:17 bruce_bailey: why is alt-text in the baseline? 15:14:28 MJ has joined #ag 15:14:41 alastairc: currently, screen-readers need authors to put alt-text in order to provide alternative for image 15:14:47 present+ 15:14:51 q? 15:14:59 Rachael: another example is that authors need to encode heading structure 15:15:10 q+ 15:15:12 ... one problem is what's available now vs in 10 years 15:15:14 ack GreggVan 15:16:38 q+ on not needing to put something up front, it's how the methods work 15:16:42 GreggVan: i'd suggest that what put an update phrase on the front so that we don't have to keep debating it 15:16:44 dan_bjorge has joined #ag 15:16:48 present+ 15:17:09 ... 2. everything in the plain language guideline fits into that category 15:17:17 ack bruce_bailey 15:17:19 ... i think that needs to be more granular 15:17:47 ack me 15:17:47 alastairc, you wanted to comment on not needing to put something up front, it's how the methods work 15:17:58 bruce_bailey: i thought that we agreed that author supported is characteristic of the baseline, but not that anything that's author supported is baseline 15:18:06 q+ 15:18:18 alastairc: to GreggVan's point - i don't think we need anything up front because that's part of the structure 15:18:27 ... also upcoming examples might make that clearer 15:19:26 GreggVan: we need separate guidelines for content authors, UA devs, etc 15:19:38 ... because "you must do this unless the other person did it" isn't workable 15:20:03 ... they can all be in the same document and separated by chapters if we want, but they need to be separate 15:21:15 alastairc: ["Possible structure for levels" slide] 15:21:21 ... one question that came up: 15:21:53 Graham has joined #ag 15:21:58 present+ 15:22:04 https://docs.google.com/document/d/16Njhx88F2LhwcElu74Jgynx-cRmLJkQONt9hGBJ9Cm8/edit 15:22:12 ... when you're looking at a decision tree, it helps to have the primary thing at the top 15:22:28 ... ["image alternatives" link in that doc] 15:25:01 ... "[stop]"/"[continue]" turns list of conditions with "AND"/"OR"s into a flow 15:26:53 mbgower has joined #ag 15:27:26 ... "Techniques" list with "(foo platform)": 15:27:36 present+ 15:27:42 present+ 15:27:42 ... some methods apply to all, others are platform/region specific 15:27:44 q/ 15:27:46 q? 15:27:55 ack GreggVan 15:28:09 rscano has joined #ag 15:28:12 present+ 15:29:04 GreggVan: +1 to adding 'add anything else that satisfys this' 15:29:13 s/satisfys/satisfies 15:29:19 Roland has joined #ag 15:29:37 q+ to say that the outcome would include when there is one provided by the software 15:29:43 q+ to suggest "Equivalent ext alternatives are available for images" 15:29:52 q- 15:30:00 ... 2. if alt-text is no longer needed at one point, then "text alternatives are available to the *user*" doesn't make sense 15:30:31 ... 3. list item 1.1 says what to do if answer is yes, but doesn't say what to do if answer is no 15:30:40 q+ on assertions at a higher level 15:30:42 GN015 has joined #ag 15:31:12 q+ to say Unimportant images are marked 'decorative' 15:31:52 ack Rachael 15:31:52 Rachael, you wanted to suggest "Equivalent ext alternatives are available for images" 15:32:12 rrsagent, make minutes 15:32:13 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/06/18-ag-minutes.html mbgower 15:32:29 ack me 15:32:29 alastairc, you wanted to comment on assertions at a higher level 15:32:32 q+ 15:32:52 Rachael: at one point we discussed say "equivalent text alternatives are available for images" instead of "images have text-alternatives". would that address your concerns GreggVan? 15:33:19 dj has joined #ag 15:33:32 ack mbgower 15:33:32 mbgower, you wanted to say Unimportant images are marked 'decorative' 15:33:40 ... also we haven't finalized baseline yet, so we don't need to fret on that part yet 15:34:12 q+ (about agendum 1) 15:34:24 mbgower: i'd like to suggest an outcome is "unimportant images are marked as decorative" 15:34:27 q+ 15:34:27 q+ julierawe 15:34:57 JenStrickland has joined #ag 15:35:01 present+ 15:35:08 ... and "nondecorative images are not marked as decorative" 15:35:30 avkuo has joined #ag 15:35:34 alastairc: would that be a separate outcome or within image alternatives? 15:35:35 present+ 15:36:00 mbgower: i think they'd be separate because you want to make sure the normative part is the thing that happens 15:36:04 Not taken out of the DOM, taken out of the accessibility tree * 15:36:40 q+ to say that the non-decorative fits the current tree, and decorate "equivelent" is null. 15:36:45 ack GreggVan 15:36:53 ... i could be convinced otherwise though 15:37:15 GreggVan: it is listed as a failure but not as a success criteria 15:37:42 ... under 'the meaning has to be there so if it's mark decorative but isn't actually then you fail' 15:37:54 +1 to Mike Lots of lazy authors mark content images as decorative. It is too easy to check a "decorative" box in CMSs. 15:38:18 +1 to gregg / mike that informative images being marked up as decorative is a more severe barrier than poor alt quality. 15:38:43 my point is that we should be separating the outcome of 'the alt is equivalent' from 'both decorative and non-decorative images are properly marked up' 15:39:14 q+ to also say that we still need things that need to be true, even if authors don't need to do anything 15:39:29 ack julierawe 15:39:34 -1 to Gregg's comment 15:39:45 julierawe: quick question about the subgroup survey (agenda item #1) 15:39:58 ... can you confirm it closes on July 18th? that seems late 15:40:21 ... also when do the 8 weeks start? it says only sign up if you're available 6/8 weeks, but doesn't say when they are 15:40:36 ack me 15:40:36 alastairc, you wanted to say that the non-decorative fits the current tree, and decorate "equivelent" is null. and to also say that we still need things that need to be true, even 15:40:39 ... if authors don't need to do anything 15:40:41 Rachael: i think July 18th was a typo. I'll fix that and then we can circle back at the end of the call 15:41:09 alastairc: (back to topic) i think nondecorative fits the current tree 15:42:42 q+ 15:42:59 ... we need to have ways that an outcome can be met by a (user|author) agent so that we can switch them later as that changes over time 15:43:07 ack GreggVan 15:43:40 GreggVan: "i think that's wonderful and i think that's marvelous and i think that's clever" 15:43:47 q+ 15:43:52 ... i agree we need to work out the interface of that 15:44:01 q+ on how to work it normatively 15:44:08 q+ to say that this outcome 'Images have equivalent text' remains highly subjective, and to Bruce's earlier point is VERY difficult to have in a baseline 15:44:12 q+ 15:44:29 q+ to say as new technology comes into play it may start being untrue even if it is true 15:44:41 ... maybe we should also put in rules because we have one even though they won't be true in the future, that way they just fall out in the future 15:44:55 ... such as "every other word should not be upside down" because that'll always be true 15:45:01 ack wendyreid 15:45:06 q+ 15:46:24 ack me 15:46:24 alastairc, you wanted to comment on how to work it normatively 15:46:26 wendyreid: we need a way to keep the statements general and neutral while being able to change who they apply to 15:47:51 alastairc: more specific but still tech-neutral way of saying what outcome is requiring 15:48:00 q+ to say "text alternatives are available" works. better than currrent "images have text alternatives" 15:48:05 ... kind of last-minute edition, but if we can get this into the template that'd be helpful 15:48:14 ack mbgower 15:48:14 mbgower, you wanted to say that this outcome 'Images have equivalent text' remains highly subjective, and to Bruce's earlier point is VERY difficult to have in a baseline 15:48:20 ... our task today is to determine if we can use this template across our subgroups 15:49:08 mbgower: i think 1.1.1 non-text contrast is an abject failure 15:49:45 ... why are we measuring the "equivalent text alternative" and putting it in the baseline? 15:49:52 ... how do you measure that? 15:50:14 q+ to say it's an excellent opportunity to see how this works out as we explore. 15:50:36 ack Rachael 15:50:36 Rachael, you wanted to say as new technology comes into play it may start being untrue even if it is true 15:51:03 Rachael: i think we've broken into two topics: 15:51:16 ... 1. the content of this usage of the structure 15:51:19 I agree that *equivalent* text alternative is high bar , and maybe more than baseline 15:51:25 ... 2. whether this structure works 15:51:39 +1 to rachael noting the two divergent topics ! 15:51:40 ... on 1, i think that's a reasonable discussion to have on this content 15:52:38 per MG, response: equivalent is rooted in US law regarding equal access 15:52:52 q? 15:52:53 ... on 2, i think new technology may allow authors to not worry some criteria (ex text alternatives), but also newer technology may still need them (ex focus indicators in VR) 15:53:10 ... so i think it's important to keep the criteria 15:53:16 ack dj 15:53:48 dj: This about the content. GV brought up the topic that some things are true (every other word is not upside down), but that isn't always the case. We should avoid assumptions. 15:53:49 ack GreggVan 15:53:49 GreggVan, you wanted to say "text alternatives are available" works. better than currrent "images have text alternatives" 15:54:41 Because they are all subjected to that funneled description 15:55:13 GreggVan: 10 sighted people would describe an image differently, so why are we saying that people who rely on screen readers have to have a more tunneled experience 15:56:04 q+ to say do not confuse "decorative" and "non-decorative" with "important" 15:56:25 Can we keep to the structure discussion please, rather than details of alt-text 15:57:35 q+ on fitering interface, and new scribe 15:57:51 +1 to finding a way to indicate which authors can ignore in certain situations 15:58:42 ... EN301549 says "if _foo_ is true, you need to follow _bar_ condition" -- maybe we should consider something like this in the structure 15:59:10 ack Chuck 15:59:10 Chuck, you wanted to say it's an excellent opportunity to see how this works out as we explore. 15:59:27 are they available in context? 16:00:09 +1 to testing with both ends 16:00:27 zakim, please pick a scribe 16:00:27 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose mike_beganyi 16:00:40 zakim, please pick a scribe 16:00:40 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Frankie 16:00:52 zakim, please pick a scribe 16:00:52 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose alastairc 16:00:56 zakim, please pick a scribe 16:00:56 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose shadi 16:01:12 zakim, please pick a scribe 16:01:12 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose julierawe 16:01:33 scribe: julierawe 16:01:49 q? 16:02:02 ack mbgower 16:02:02 mbgower, you wanted to say do not confuse "decorative" and "non-decorative" with "important" 16:02:46 1.1.1 has 6 exceptions and we're filtering out additional outcomes 16:02:59 A more granular outcome lets you get to that more easily and more measurably 16:03:02 s/1.1.1 has 6 exceptions/mbgower: 1.1.1 has 6 exceptions 16:03:12 All our time-based media do not have any qualitative measurement 16:03:51 q? 16:04:02 Mgbower: We already have an existing requirement--is this decorative 16:04:37 mbgower: Having alt text and having it be equivalent are two entirely different things 16:04:38 “equivalent” is why it has been adopted into legislation 16:04:39 I thought decorative was ok. My concern was with the word "important" 16:04:40 q/ 16:04:43 ack me 16:04:43 alastairc, you wanted to comment on fitering interface, and new scribe 16:04:47 q+ 16:05:14 alastairc Can we reduce things so we don't have a massive list that people can mostly ignore--filtering will be important 16:05:58 alastairc We need granularity of what platform you're on 16:06:08 ack kirkwood 16:06:38 q+ 16:06:47 John Kirkwood: Concerns when I hear equivalent because that is the meat of agencies adopting these guidelines 16:07:03 That is the equivalent of experience, John 16:07:05 ack Graham 16:07:51 Graham Our first question should be is this provided by the platform? Which platforms can you assume from the start and exit early? 16:08:08 s/Graham Our/Graham: Our 16:08:38 Graham If you're on web browser and all browsers add alt text, then that's a get-out-of-jail card 16:09:11 alastairc For focus indicator, the decision tree is a little bit different 16:10:11 alastairc Also looking at supplement/enhancement 16:10:47 q+ 16:10:55 alastairc We have test procedure but they need updating 16:11:18 ack Graham 16:11:38 Graham What is completely voice-activated interface that doesn't have focus indicators at all? 16:11:54 Graham That's why I think the first question should be platform-dependent so you can bail out early 16:12:11 alastairc I think at that level, we wouldn't be including this outcome because not keyboard-focused 16:12:19 Graham Where would you bail out? 16:12:34 alastairc If a platform didn't have keyboard input, we might need some kind of filtering 16:12:52 alastairc There is an assumption built into this one that you have a keyboard input 16:13:01 q+ 16:13:01 q+ 16:13:06 ack Graham 16:13:08 ack Rachael 16:13:10 ATMs/kiosks etc? 16:13:23 Rachael WCAG 2 has that automatic bailout built in. We haven't talked about it for WCAG 3 16:13:36 Rachael It's worth noting for future conversation 16:13:40 q+ 16:13:47 q+ 16:13:56 alastairc Any other refinements people want to see in the structure of the outcome and decision tree? 16:14:01 ack jtoles 16:14:25 jtoles On the decision tree, you're getting to a yes and getting to a stop. I can see scenarios where multiple yes's would be true 16:14:44 jtoles Yes, an important image that is complex but it's also a control. 16:14:55 jtoles So I think you need an outcome where multiple things are true 16:15:10 alastairc We do have "any other image scenario" 16:15:23 ack Graham 16:15:24 alastairc We always need an option where you're in a bizarre situation 16:15:58 Graham We're going for a scoring system in WCAG 3. You have to be able to get those points. 16:16:00 q+ 16:16:18 Graham We have to make sure if you say yes on the early one, it also covers image control methods 16:16:22 ack Rachael 16:16:36 Rachael I added these questions at the end to capture for future discussions 16:17:08 Rachael The question of when these things are not applicable will tie into scoring. There are different ways we can cut these things. Will get built into conformance conversation. 16:17:54 alastairc Look at example from Adjust color 16:18:13 alastairc It has several outcomes underneath it. Some things may or may not be baseline. 16:18:43 alastairc Not blocking user-agents would be baseline. 16:19:08 alastairc Minimum contrast for authored text would be enhanced 16:19:13 In fact, for full-themed applications taking over adjustments by browsers is a nightmare. I recommend to revisit this point. 16:19:27 alastairc Example-Keyboard only 16:19:37 alastairc No keyboard trap would be baseline 16:20:02 alastairc Keyboard interface interactions are consistent would be an enhancement 16:20:09 alastairc Example - Section labels 16:20:15 alastairc Programmatic would be baseline 16:20:53 alastairc Navigation elements are clearly differentiated — programmatically would be baseline and visually would be enhancement 16:21:02 q+ 16:21:10 alastairc These are starters for conversation for when we break into smaller groups to work on these 16:21:10 ack GreggVan 16:21:56 GreggVan Somebody said to me recently that if we have bronze, silver, gold, most likely a lot of regulators will pick the middle one and that's what we'll require 16:22:24 GreggVan If we put what we think is really required in bronze and put things that aren't testable in silver, there may be a lot of pressure to try to go with more than just bronze 16:22:54 GreggVan A natural inclination may be to pick the middle option without knowing much about it 16:23:07 alastairc We have been thinking about putting outcomes in bronze, silver, gold, but that has changed a bit 16:23:20 alastairc We have been breaking down outcomes into baseline and enhanced 16:23:32 alastairc Enhanced could be best practice 16:23:46 alastairc If we had a bronze level of conformance, that may not equal baseline 16:23:55 q+ 16:24:09 alastairc Might be baseline + certain percentage of enhanced 16:24:35 alastairc Terminology question: what should we call the things above baseline? 16:24:40 ack GreggVan 16:24:55 GreggVan I like "baseline" because it gives the impression this is the bottom of the pile 16:25:14 "Meet the prerequisites" 16:25:23 GreggVan You at least have to do the baseline although it also means what has happened before the intervention 16:25:28 q+ to argue against "baseline" being MVP 16:25:34 GreggVan baseline means the minimum 16:25:54 GreggVan There are companies that cannot make or will not make assertions so if you put assertions in any baseline, they will not comply 16:25:55 q+ to talk about assertions 16:26:12 GreggVan We need to do research to see if this is true--seems to be coming from lawyers 16:26:26 GreggVan If true, then can't be regulared 16:26:42 the baseline will become a regulatory requirement. unless under a consent requirement 16:26:48 GreggVan Can people do enhancements without asserting them? 16:27:06 q+ unusual idea / qn around levels vs company size 16:27:10 alastairc People are more likely to choose middle level if there is a higher level 16:27:11 q? 16:27:15 ack bruce_bailey 16:27:15 bruce_bailey, you wanted to argue against "baseline" being MVP 16:27:15 q+ company size vs levels 16:27:19 alastairc You're right that we need to do more research on assertions 16:27:26 q+ 16:27:37 ToddL has joined #ag 16:27:37 bruce_bailey I'm much less comfortable with our use of baseline this week than I was last week 16:27:42 present+ 16:27:56 bruce_bailey Last week it was about testing and scoring 16:28:08 bruce_bailey Now we're putting in a lot more for what baseline means, we're overloading the term 16:28:09 q+ to ask if we need to revisit what is in the baseline 16:28:26 q+ 16:28:29 bruce_bailey In the federal government, we have baselines and those are the lowest bar 16:28:50 +1 to Bruce 16:28:54 bruce_bailey But I'm feeling like this use of baseline is not coherent with what the federal government is doing with baseline 16:29:10 q++ 16:29:16 alastairc Our use of baseline is things you have to meet, not part of scoring--you have to meet them to get to the scoring 16:29:17 q-+ 16:29:25 ack Rachael 16:29:25 Rachael, you wanted to ask if we need to revisit what is in the baseline 16:29:40 q- 16:29:56 Rachael Important for us to come back to this before we finish the definition 16:29:59 ack dj 16:29:59 dj, you wanted to talk about assertions 16:30:12 dj I agree we need to do more research on assertions 16:30:27 dj We need to consider what will happen if we put them in anyway 16:30:50 dj If baseline is not minimum viable product, why not have MVP and enhanced so the first option is viable? 16:31:00 ack Graham 16:31:29 q+ to say that our terminology isn't the same as conformance levels. 16:31:33 fwiw, last week i was understanding "baseline" as "prerequisites for [even starting] with scoring" 16:31:34 Graham The baseline terminology doesn't work for the stuff that is if you fail one of these things, don't bother doing anything else 16:31:50 Graham How far above baseline are we encouraging companies to get? 16:31:58 q+ to say prevent harm 16:32:06 Graham Can we recommend that certain size businesses need to get to certain score? 16:32:08 qq+ 16:32:26 Graham A mom-and-pop shop would aim for baseline, but multibillionaire conglomerate should aim higher? 16:32:32 ack kevin 16:32:32 kevin, you wanted to react to Graham 16:32:55 kevin The standard is the standard. If you conform to the standard, then that means something 16:33:24 kevin Different expectations for different size organizations would be moving into regulations, where we do not go 16:33:51 kevin we might include questions for policymakers and regulators to consider, such as 'how applicable do you want to make this to different size organizations?' 16:33:58 ack GreggVan 16:34:03 kevin we could raise broad questions and the pros and cons associated with that 16:34:17 GreggVan We measure whether something is accessible or not or the degree that it is accessible 16:34:33 GreggVan But who has to be how accessible is a rule or law that we can't make 16:35:04 GreggVan Based on Bruce's comments, I'm convinced we should not use the term 'baseline' 16:35:23 GreggVan A close word is 'base requirements' 16:35:45 GreggVan If we use the word 'core,' people will ask why not part of the core? 16:36:07 q+ 16:36:11 GreggVan But you could use base, enhanced, and best practice 16:36:14 q+ prerequisites 16:36:25 GreggVan Our conformance levels might be different from these three categories 16:36:35 q+ to say prerequisites 16:36:51 ack me 16:36:51 alastairc, you wanted to say that our terminology isn't the same as conformance levels. 16:37:04 ack prereq 16:37:14 alastairc Bruce's understanding is correct--these are requirements we're putting in that have to be met before you even get to scoring 16:37:25 alastairc That doesn't mean the conformance levels are the same thing 16:37:53 alastairc We've got different things—we've treated them the same so far, but we have different levels within an outcome 16:38:07 ack dj 16:38:07 dj, you wanted to say prevent harm 16:38:25 q+ 16:38:30 dj When you say base, enhanced, and best practice, are you talking about the internal thing—not bronze, silver, gold? 16:38:51 alastairc As the internal thing. You have to do a percentage of the base to meet a conformance level 16:39:17 dj Some things need to be at the first level 16:39:27 Maybe use the word "prerequisites"? 16:39:47 alastairc Safety concerns should be part of baseline 16:40:02 dj Would that be in addition to percentage system? 16:40:14 What ever happened to the idea of critical errors? 16:40:37 alastairc Would be baseline—not part of scoring 16:41:06 dj We should be using language of base, enhanced, best practice instead of bronze, silver, gold 16:41:19 dj Then we can make the first thing the MVP and the other things are cutting edge 16:41:42 dj Most of my concern is repeating the current system where really what you need to do is be AA to be minimally accessible 16:41:56 q? 16:42:01 ack jtoles 16:42:15 alastairc When it was A, AA, AAA, there was an assumption some regions would choose A but it didn't turn out that way 16:42:33 jtoles The baseline is going to be the minimum and anything above that is the scoring 16:42:42 jtoles Score should come in when we're talking about anything over the baseline 16:42:45 ack Graham 16:42:45 Graham, you wanted to say prerequisites 16:43:12 Graham What about preevalation checks? Preevalation criterion? 16:43:38 Graham A term that says there's no point in doing anything else until you meet these "pre" requirements 16:43:44 Detlev It's all getting too complex 16:44:14 +1 to Graham for "pre"requisites for the essentials. 16:44:27 q 16:44:32 ack Detlev 16:44:33 q+ 16:44:33 Detlev I'd like to have something simpler rather than something complex that people have a hard time understanding 16:44:57 alastairc In order to meet some of the goals, we have to go through some complexity to get to a simple-enough solution 16:45:14 ack wendyreid 16:45:15 alastairc It's taken a while for some things to sink in because it's new, we're exploring a different approach 16:45:17 +1 on the idea of going through complexity to get to a simpler end point 16:45:42 wendyreid I agree with Detlev and DJ. We're all trying to create a standard that ensures accessibility on the web 16:45:58 wendyreid We all agree that if you don't meet baseline, then your product is unusable 16:46:14 wendyreid Baseline doesn't need to be easy. But it's a solid foundation. 16:46:35 wendyreid I think we're getting a bit stuck on 3 levels of conformance and additional rewards. 16:47:08 q+ 16:47:09 q+ to say "base" & "enhanced", w/ %@2nd 16:47:10 wendyreid We can create something that creates a very good accessible outcome 16:47:13 adequate versus imporove 16:47:24 s/imporove/improved 16:47:42 wendyreid Do we need additional levels? Organizations that want to do this are going to go above and beyond. Organizations that have to do this are going to find every excuse 16:48:03 wendyreid If the baseline is solid, then we at least have an attempt toward universal experience 16:48:07 ack Rachael 16:48:09 q+ 16:48:23 +1 to Wendy 16:48:25 Rachael I think we've circled back to important question that we the chairs were aiming to answer last week 16:48:33 q+ to +1 detlev and alastair about complexity -- but subjective / objective might be the threshold for "prerequisites baseline" or not 16:48:57 Rachael We can do with a baseline that is basically bare minimum. What are the things that are absolutely core, like things that break user agents and safety things 16:49:19 Rachael Or we can go with a wider range for that bare minimum, but then we have to decide which things fits that bare minimum 16:49:23 +1 to Wendy as well 16:49:46 Rachael What I heard last week was we are going to go with small baseline of things that are absolutely required. But if we need to switch that, this would be a good time to do that 16:49:51 q+ 16:49:53 Rachael This is an essential decision 16:50:09 Rachael We need to pick a direction and move forward 16:50:12 I like a broader baseline - a bit like WCAG 2.0... :) 16:50:27 alastairc Options ar small baseline and pick and choose above that or have a bigger baseline? 16:50:34 i would like *smaller* baseline 16:51:05 dj I agree with Wendy and Detlev. I think we should have minimum viable product be the baseline. 16:51:16 q+ to say I have heard is about what to call the concept, but not the concept itself. 16:51:24 dj The core set of requirements be the base and then everything else is enhanceed 16:51:31 I also like the idea of core/baseline, and everything else is enhanced/improved 16:51:44 dj It would give a good place for regulators to cut off at minimum viable. 16:51:46 Poll: 1) Have a small core baseline and the pick n choose above that level, or 2) a larger baseline with smaller set of pick n choose, or 3) Two levels of baseline. 16:51:52 q/ 16:51:54 q? 16:51:56 ack jd 16:51:58 ack me 16:52:06 ack dj 16:52:06 dj, you wanted to say "base" & "enhanced", w/ %@2nd 16:52:42 Rachael The challenge we're running into is two concepts: things we're going to require and things that are optional or enhanced in some form. These things don't have to equate to conformance levels, which is a second step. 16:52:42 q+ to say we do have to give some consideration for anticipating regulators 16:52:44 q+ to suggest another option for poll 16:52:58 q+ to talk about poll 16:53:00 ack bruce_bailey 16:53:00 bruce_bailey, you wanted to +1 detlev and alastair about complexity -- but subjective / objective might be the threshold for "prerequisites baseline" or not and to suggest another 16:53:03 ... option for poll 16:53:04 Rachael I don't think we're talk about two baselines. It's either a small set of required things or a larger set of required things 16:53:07 +1 16:53:20 bruce_bailey I want to argue that a small set of required things is not sufficient. It's just getting started. 16:53:52 bruce_bailey I think the baseline could be more like prerequisites, not an MVP 16:54:02 +1 to Bruce 16:54:06 Poll: 1) Have a small core baseline and the pick n choose above that level, with minimum conformance being more than baseline, or 2) a larger baseline which is minimium conformance with smaller set of pick n choose. 16:54:48 bruce_bailey Prerequisites need to be in place before you consider for MVP 16:55:13 can you go to the next slide, that explains it to me 16:55:20 q- 16:55:35 bruce_bailey The difference is with the prerequisites, you probably still have a website that is not accessible. You haven't gotten enough to even get started with talking about the quality of your accessibility 16:56:01 q+ to say I think we agree on the concept just not the best terminology 16:56:11 Graham We're all tripping over what baseline is. 16:56:27 q- 16:56:31 Poll: 1) Have a small core baseline and the pick n choose above that level 2) a larger baseline which is minimum conformance with smaller set of pick n choose. 3) Prerequisites before any scoring 16:56:34 Baseline should be baseline score. If you aren't meeting all of the baseline, you can't go further. 16:56:39 You can't score if you don't pass the prerequisites — this was the concept Silver has with critical errors 16:56:43 +1 to Graham 16:56:49 q+ 16:56:54 ack mbgower 16:56:54 mbgower, you wanted to say we do have to give some consideration for anticipating regulators 16:56:58 Graham I think we're on similar pages but getting tripped up by wording 16:57:01 Shouldn't the baseline reflect Level a of WCAG 2.x? 16:57:13 mbgower We have to consider what regulators are going to do with this 16:57:18 GN015 - not necessarily 16:57:39 mbgower If we specify baseline and nothing else, that's probably what regulators will go for 16:57:53 mbgower I think of baseline as stuff that can be checked with the click of a button 16:58:07 +1 to Mike 16:58:43 mbgower I don't want to throw away the idea of a quick check 16:58:49 q? 16:58:58 q- 16:58:59 ack Graham 16:59:04 ack dj 16:59:04 dj, you wanted to talk about poll 16:59:21 dj The main question before asking about size of the baseline is what we want the baseline to do. 16:59:33 jeanne has joined #ag 16:59:33 dj Is it just safety concerns? 16:59:51 dj After that, then we can talk about scoring above baseline 17:00:31 Scribe has to leave for 1pm meeting 17:00:38 Kimberly has joined #ag 17:00:45 present+ 17:00:59 alastairc Defining the baseline is the harder job 17:01:05 I think auto testing is missing from that baseline list 17:01:06 For comparison, here is what the U.S. federal government is using as a baseline for images https://ictbaseline.access-board.gov/06Images/ 17:01:59 present+ 17:20:57 ljoakley has left #ag 17:46:18 kirkwood has joined #ag 18:33:14 GreggVan has joined #ag