12:55:52 RRSAgent has joined #wcag2ict 12:55:56 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/06/14-wcag2ict-irc 12:55:56 RRSAgent, make logs Public 12:55:57 Meeting: WCAG2ICT Task Force Teleconference 12:55:59 zakim, clear agenda 12:56:00 agenda cleared 12:56:05 chair: Mary Jo Mueller 12:56:24 meeting: WCAG2ICT Task Force Extra Friday Teleconference 12:56:31 Zakim, please time speakers at 2 minutes 12:56:31 ok, maryjom 12:57:06 Agenda+ Issue 77: including WCAG supplements and Making Content Usable for People with Cognitive and Learning Disabilities 12:58:25 Agenda+ Issue 374: Focus Not Obscured needs a note for non-web software 12:58:30 agenda? 13:00:30 Mike_Pluke has joined #wcag2ict 13:00:57 scribe+ PhilDay 13:02:15 present 13:02:18 present 13:02:22 present+ 13:02:25 present+ 13:02:52 present+ 13:04:29 zakim, next item 13:04:29 agendum 1 -- Issue 77: including WCAG supplements and Making Content Usable for People with Cognitive and Learning Disabilities -- taken up [from maryjom] 13:04:41 present+ 13:05:03 https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/issues/77 13:05:24 Google doc for proposed changes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xb7XWfkOBPjg1zznW7CGUosKO5Y16fnSvYBtWU3A8rU/edit 13:05:57 Chuck has joined #wcag2ict 13:06:03 present+ 13:07:55 Rachael acting as interested party on COGA - not acting in capacity as chair for this meeting 13:08:46 Issue 77 got reopened. Desire to change how we referenced "content usable". 13:08:51 Google doc contains some options 13:09:09 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xb7XWfkOBPjg1zznW7CGUosKO5Y16fnSvYBtWU3A8rU/edit#heading=h.ctsh4x7847s1 13:09:24 Option 2 is an attempt to address Lisa's concern 13:09:27 could we screen share to help with what you are talking towards? Thanks! 13:11:32 scribe: ChrisLoiselle 13:11:56 [Now sharing screen -showing google doc] 13:12:34 MaryJo: Talks to option 2 which incorporates Lisa's changes. 13:12:37 Back on IRC 13:12:49 ok, let me know if you need me , happy to help. 13:13:19 Q+ 13:13:49 Option 2: Change Guidance in this Document per Lisa’s suggestions 13:13:50 **Change title of this section to:** 13:13:50 Limited Guidance in this Document 13:13:50 **Change first paragraph under Note 1 with the list of disabilities in it to read:** 13:13:51 This document is intended to help clarify how to use WCAG 2 to make non-web documents and software more accessible to people with disabilities. Addressing accessibility involves addressing the needs of people with auditory, neurological, physical, speech, and visual impairments, as well as accessibility needs of people due to the effects of aging. 13:13:51 Although this document addresses some user needs for people with cognitive and learning disability and mental health related disabilities we recommend also following the WCAG supplement Making Content Usable for People with Cognitive and Learning Disabilities to address user needs of these groups as well as some mental health related disabilities. 13:13:51 The taskforce are working on an ict version of the design guided for the supplement, however the same conversion principles can usually be applied. 13:14:03 ack Mike_Pluke 13:14:16 ack Mike_Pluke 13:14:17 Mike_Pluke: Also don't understand the last sentence. 13:14:38 ... Add in parantheses (to the same extent that WCAG 2 does) 13:15:28 With Mike's edit: **Change first paragraph under Note 1 with the list of disabilities in it to read:** 13:15:28 This document is intended to help clarify how to use WCAG 2 to make non-web documents and software more accessible to people with disabilities. Addressing accessibility involves addressing the needs of people with auditory, neurological, physical, speech, and visual impairments, as well as accessibility needs of people due to the effects of aging. 13:15:28 Although this document addresses some user needs for people with cognitive and learning disability and mental health related disabilities (to the same extent that WCAG 2 does) we recommend also following the WCAG supplement Making Content Usable for People with Cognitive and Learning Disabilities to address user needs of these groups as well as 13:15:28 some mental health related disabilities. The taskforce are working on an ict version of the design guided for the supplement, however the same conversion principles can usually be applied. 13:15:45 Sam has joined #wcag2ict 13:15:53 present+ 13:16:18 Now moving on to option 3 - attempt to remove repitition 13:16:54 Option 3: Edited Option 2 to reduce redundancy in the added sentence, and incorporate Mary Jo’s comments on Option 2 13:16:54 **Change title of this section to:** 13:16:54 Limited Guidance in this Document 13:16:54 **Then change the first paragraph under Note 1 with the list of disabilities in it to read:** 13:16:55 Clean version of the above text for easier readability: 13:16:55 This document is intended to help clarify how to use WCAG 2 to make non-web documents and software more accessible to people with disabilities. Addressing accessibility involves addressing the needs of people with auditory, cognitive, neurological, physical, speech, and visual impairments, as well as accessibility needs of people due to the effects 13:16:55 of aging. Although WCAG 2 addresses some user needs for people with cognitive and learning disabilities as well as mental health related disabilities, following the WCAG supplement Making Content Usable for People with Cognitive and Learning Disabilities is recommended for non-web ICT to address the user needs of these groups. The COGA Task Force 13:16:56 is working on an ICT version of the design guidance for the supplement; however, the same principals can usually be applied. 13:17:14 How about this document address some but not limited to the following disabilities (list them out) . Then state, for additional reference, please review COGA, which explains "X". Which is a supplement to WCAG 2. 13:17:40 [reading through option 3] 13:18:16 q+ 13:18:18 Mary Jo invites input from Rachael 13:18:21 q? 13:18:22 ack Rachael 13:18:22 ack Ra 13:18:55 Rachael: Think this does capture it. If you are happy with it, think COGA would be as well. R also added a version in the issue comments 13:19:14 Rachael's comment was to help the discussion - happy to stick with option 3 13:19:23 q+ 13:19:29 ack PhilDay 13:19:41 q+ 13:19:54 ack Rachael 13:19:55 why don't we just reference COGA in https://w3c.github.io/wcag2ict/#informative-references ? 13:20:07 q+ 13:20:08 PhilDay: Confused by last sentence - why reference ongoing work that is not complete? 13:20:15 Rachael: Suggest we remove that last sentence 13:20:35 Revised version of Option 3 with latest changes: Option 3: Edited Option 2 to reduce redundancy in the added sentence, and incorporate Mary Jo’s comments on Option 2 13:20:35 **Change title of this section to:** 13:20:35 Limited Guidance in this Document 13:20:35 **Then change the first paragraph under Note 1 with the list of disabilities in it to read:** 13:20:36 Clean version of the above text for easier readability: 13:20:36 This document is intended to help clarify how to use WCAG 2 to make non-web documents and software more accessible to people with disabilities. Addressing accessibility involves addressing the needs of people with auditory, cognitive, neurological, physical, speech, and visual impairments, as well as accessibility needs of people due to the effects 13:20:36 of aging. Although WCAG 2 addresses some user needs for people with cognitive and learning disabilities as well as mental health related disabilities, following the WCAG supplement Making Content Usable for People with Cognitive and Learning Disabilities is recommended for non-web ICT to address the user needs of these groups. 13:21:08 Addressing change to title first 13:21:29 POLL: Are you ok with changing the section title? 1) Yes or 2) No 13:21:33 1 13:21:47 I'm on the fence 13:21:47 1 13:21:58 q+ 13:21:58 2 13:22:01 if it helps :) 13:22:11 ack ChrisLoiselle 13:22:16 s/I'm on the fence/0 13:22:38 ChrisLoiselle: Comment on COGA and our doc. Reference in section D1 informative refs. Are we going to have it there and in the text? 13:22:52 https://deploy-preview-378--wcag2ict.netlify.app/#guidance-in-this-document 13:23:00 maryjom: Would go in guidance section - link in previous line 13:23:23 Modification to paragraph following NOTE 1, then remove it from the list later in the same section 13:23:30 https://w3c.github.io/wcag2ict/#references 13:23:38 ChrisLoiselle: We also have it in informative refs 13:24:26 Mike_Pluke has joined #wcag2ict 13:24:28 Question from maryjom to Rachael - should we add to the informative ref? 13:24:54 Rachael: We do have a page in AG WG that should have references, but not sure that it fully works. 13:25:12 ... Not sure if WCAG refs COGA in the informative refs as well 13:25:21 q? 13:25:25 ack sam 13:25:29 ... Do not see it in WCAG, so we will not add to informative 13:25:45 Sam: Do we need "Limited" in the heading? 13:25:54 maryjom: That was Lisa's suggestion. 13:26:06 Sam: Don't think it is necessary to add Limited, as it is discussed in the text 13:26:09 POLL: Are you ok with changing the section title? 1) Yes or 2) No 13:26:16 2 13:26:17 2 13:26:24 2 13:26:36 0 - no strong feelings 13:26:57 maryjom now removed "Limited" from title. Revert to original 13:27:17 Now reviewing text from option 3 13:27:26 Option 3: Edited Option 2 to reduce redundancy in the added sentence, and incorporate Mary Jo’s comments on Option 2 13:27:26 This document is intended to help clarify how to use WCAG 2 to make non-web documents and software more accessible to people with disabilities. Addressing accessibility involves addressing the needs of people with auditory, cognitive, neurological, physical, speech, and visual impairments, as well as accessibility needs of people due to the effects 13:27:26 of aging. Although WCAG 2 addresses some user needs for people with cognitive and learning disabilities as well as mental health related disabilities, following the WCAG supplement Making Content Usable for People with Cognitive and Learning Disabilities is recommended for non-web ICT to address the user needs of these groups. 13:28:01 q+ to ask Chuck to note Mike's IRC issues 13:28:42 ack PhilDay 13:28:42 PhilDay, you wanted to ask Chuck to note Mike's IRC issues 13:29:05 Mike_Pluke has joined #wcag2ict 13:29:06 POLL: Are you OK with incorporating Option 3 (the edited version of the COGA proposed content) into the Guidance in this Document, as-is? 1) Yes or 2) No 13:29:11 1 13:29:14 1 13:29:25 1 13:29:35 1 13:29:51 1 13:30:24 RESOLUTION: Incorporate Option 3 (the edited version of the COGA proposed content) into the Guidance in this Document, as-is. 13:30:25 Option 3 will be added to the guidance as is. Title to remain unchanged 13:30:30 zakim, next item 13:30:30 agendum 2 -- Issue 374: Focus Not Obscured needs a note for non-web software -- taken up [from maryjom] 13:30:34 q+ 13:30:41 ack Chuck 13:30:42 ack Chuck 13:30:55 Chuck: Checking if we are finished with COGA issues? 13:31:04 q+ 13:31:09 ack Rach 13:32:04 Rachael: Thanks for considering the input. 1 question - (for consideration only). We have 1 draft doc ref for mobile task force. Maybe instead we should link to draft documents for all task forces, so it will update with changeable content in another page 13:32:28 Rachael. We have a wiki - can build out and send sample. 13:32:29 Mike_Pluke has joined #wcag2ict 13:32:43 ... Wiki is not accessible to public. 13:32:59 maryjom: Concern - we need a link to something that is public 13:33:34 Rachael: Content is viewable by public - but only editable by chairs & W3C staff. 13:33:50 Rachael will explore this with Kevin and revert 13:34:15 maryjom: Think it is a good idea to link to a resource that will be kept updated 13:35:13 Rachael will post an update - in a new issue 13:35:53 Now on focus not obscured 13:35:59 https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/issues/374 13:36:09 Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10LVvDYYqe0K8MBY_xj4wgUuKfhvTd8M2gcTrUjca19M/edit#heading=h.giha8xvz9t12 13:36:31 [viewing Scott's comment in issue thread] 13:36:47 https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/issues/374#issuecomment-2161734100 13:37:51 Scott asked if there were examples, or would it be best to not have the note and just address in the understanding of SC 13:38:26 In google doc. Option 1 -no changes 13:38:41 Option 2 - adjust note 13:38:48 Option 3 - remove note 13:39:21 Content being viewed from pull request as it is not yet incorporated 13:39:38 PR #378 13:40:44 q+ 13:40:50 ack Chuck 13:40:50 ack Chuck 13:41:13 Chuck: Trying to understand the whole of this. We didn't give the answer they wanted. But can we give the answer they want? 13:41:45 [Viewing earlier comment in issue thread] 13:41:54 https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/issues/374#issue-2308562456 13:41:58 q+ 13:42:01 q+ 13:42:03 This shows what they asked for 13:42:10 ack Sam 13:42:26 Sam: By reading his note - is he looking for an exemption? 13:43:24 maryjom: Think of an authoring tool - with toolbars overlaying content. Background is all the elements that you might want to manipulate, but floating toolbars are above. These are on by default, and can obscure the content in the background. 13:43:49 In the software there is the capability to turn off these toolbars 13:44:23 ack Chuck 13:44:27 Sam: I understand that part. They want it to pass. We don't do that in other places - we say it might be difficult to meet, but there may be other ways to meet the intent 13:44:51 Chuck: Don't think we can give a full exemption. But maybe worth considering removal of the note entirely. 13:45:12 ... So just remove the note that we created in response to his original request 13:45:35 maryjom: Agree that is 1 of the options. 13:45:50 ... Or we state the facts - it would not meet this SC 13:46:11 Q+ 13:46:27 ack Mike_Pluke 13:46:29 Or we could open an issue on WCAG and let them address it. 13:47:02 Mike_Pluke: Getting similar questions for exemptions on EN 301 549. Agree it is best to remove the note. Currently it hints there may be an exemption. 13:47:14 q? 13:47:15 ... Think we have to be straight 13:47:17 q+ 13:47:21 ack Sam 13:47:57 Sam: Can we say this is a question for WCAG. Solution he suggests is common for non-web software, but that way of solving it could also apply to web 13:48:41 maryjom: Think of an app like Mural - has similar challenges with floating toolbars. 13:48:44 q+ 13:48:47 In recognition of more complex interfaces and user needs there is a note: Content opened by the user may obscure the component receiving focus. If the user can bring the item with focus into view using a method without having to navigate back to the user-opened content to dismiss it, this criterion would be passed. For example, keyboard actions 13:48:47 that may allow the item with focus to be revealed include: 13:48:47 using the Escape key to dismiss the obscuring content; 13:48:47 using keys to scroll the content in the viewport to reveal the item with focus; 13:48:48 issuing a key to move between overlays. 13:49:16 ack Chuck 13:49:51 Chuck: Chair hat off. In the understanding doc, looking at what was relevant. Detail pasted above. 13:50:02 ... My interpretation is that there is no scope for us to give an exemption. 13:50:19 [Chuck reading above quote from understanding] 13:51:16 ... Chuck's interpretation was that this does not give latitude - user would have to navigate away to switch off - so don't think we can exempt 13:51:54 ... This text is not applicable to this use case. 13:52:18 maryjom: Options are A) leave as is, B) do something different with note, or C) remove it 13:52:29 C 13:52:33 POLL: Should we A) leave as is, B) do something different with note, or C) remove it 13:52:36 C 13:52:43 C 13:52:48 c 13:54:14 RESOLUTION: Remove the note we added to 2.4.11 Focus Not Obscured from PR #378. 13:54:42 Now need to discuss how to answer the question in the issue 13:55:15 It is out of our remit... 13:55:23 [Drafting in google doc[ 13:55:37 s/[/] 13:56:03 It is outside of the WCAG2ICT scope of work to define techniques or ways of meeting an SC or to add this note? 13:57:10 Option 3: Remove the note 13:57:10 One of the suggestions in the issue comment is that this situation should instead be addressed in WCAG’s understanding document. 13:57:10 It is outside of WCAG2ICT Task Force’s scope to add the note that was originally asked for. Since the note that the Task Force previously consensed has an undesired effect, we have agreed to remove the note. 13:57:44 Mike_Pluke has joined #wcag2ict 13:59:13 DRAFT RESOLUTION: Answer Issue 374 with the text posted above in the minutes. 13:59:16 +1 13:59:24 +1 13:59:25 +1 13:59:37 +1 13:59:49 RESOLUTION: Answer Issue 374 with the text posted above in the minutes. 14:00:29 maryjom: These changes have to be added to the existing PR. Then post answers in the issues. Make changes from yesterday and today in the PR. Then send to Chuck to pass on to AG WG 14:00:50 Chuck will then follow up with AG WG. There is still an unresolved process question. 14:01:33 ... Do we need to restart the clock and announce in AG WG, or can we do it by email and start the clock today (from email). Currently the clock would restart today. 14:02:27 ... Then AG WG takes 5 business working days. Next Friday would be a good completion date 14:03:50 That is the completion date for review, then goes out for CfC, which is 3 business days. So end of day Tuesday / Wednesday would be ready to release. 14:04:05 Potential for publication on the Thursday, but probably be the week after 14:04:18 q+ to ask about horizontal review 14:04:45 Friday 21st, then Wed 26th, 14:05:49 Mike_Pluke has joined #wcag2ict 14:06:27 Then go out Thurs 27th, or July 2nd. 14:06:46 maryjom: Need to check if there are any restrictions on publication due to 4th July 14:07:14 Now that we have the content completed, there are also some issues to add final text to answer (esp. those referring to reflow) 14:07:49 Chuck: Requests maryjom to nudge him when the email is sent and send relevant PR and diff file 14:08:08 maryjom will also try and point to the individual sections 14:08:46 Sam: happy to review the PR 14:09:15 maryjom: We will leave the PR not merged - so we can leave it until after AG WG review and approve, then we will incorporate after that 14:09:55 Thanks all for joining. 14:10:32 maryjom will send the changes to the TF so they can review exactly what was agreed 14:10:46 Then they can respond during the AG review 14:11:34 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:11:36 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/06/14-wcag2ict-minutes.html PhilDay 14:12:30 zakim, bye 14:12:30 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been PhilDay, maryjom, Mike_Pluke, ChrisLoiselle, Chuck, Sam 14:12:30 Zakim has left #wcag2ict 14:12:55 rrsagent, bye 14:12:55 I see no action items