<scribe> meeting: Review New Style Guide
scribe+ Eric_hind
<julierawe> https://docs.google.com/document/d/18rqamyGgYF1DAUHLhsXmR20FtN9AQSaPc9zpFNN1xgM/edit?pli=1
julierawe: Three inconsistencies
in content-usable, guidance in resources about front loading
conditional sentences. Another is hyphens; there is an
inconsistency in use. Also in the use of slashes.
... Also, need to coordinate the COGA align with WAI style
Eric_hind: Changes could be done by Roy, depending on the type
Julierawe: Best practices for COGA; review of the Summary in doc. Common words, short sentences, active voice, short chunks of text.
Kirkwood: Suggest to adjust the title of Summary to Best Practices; shift Summary up and add a few sentences to match
Julierawe: Capitalization review;
web and working group
... Disability Terminology, review of terminologies like
ADHD/AD(H)D, cognitive-disabilities related terms, Down
Syndrome (capitalization in H1 header). This Section can be
built out over time - we can add to this list.
<kirkwood> i take it back, not capitalized
Rashmi: can we add mental health terminology here? Julie, yes, will work with Rashmi .
kirkwood: On going discussion
about matching up terms like disability vs. challenge
... Recommend avoiding the term 'challenges'
julierawe: ask Rashmi to bring examples or samples about this kind of terminology to expand upon later
rashmi: should there be instances or using Cognitive disabilities vs. cognitive and learning disabilities?
kirkwood: There might be a country specific leaning for these kinds of terms. Flagged for later as it could be a consideration.
<rashmi> RUIMIN HU, Anne Arundel Community College
<rashmi> JINJUAN HEIDI FENG, Towson University
<rashmi> The abilit
Rashmi: study example, like neurotypical as related to cognitive / disabilities terminology
julierawe: Hyphens, well-being versus wellbeing
Rashmi: should consider hyphens as a potential help or hindrance to searchability
Frankie: We should be checking with industry shifts in terminology such as submenu vs. primary menu
Julierawe: We can also check again published papers, technical docs, etc. as a way to gauge who uses what and how often (for terminology)
kirkwood: May also be worth checking to see the impact of hyphens on searching or search engines. One word, no hyphen, may increase searchability for both.
julierawe: Lets continue to read and review this guide versus WAI style and comment. We may want to consider unifying to the WAI standard.
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