APA Weekly Teleconference

12 June 2024


Dr_Keith, Fredrik, iali, JenStrickland, matatk, mike_beganyi, NehaJ, Nichole, niklasegger, PaulG

Meeting minutes

Agenda Review & Announcements

TPAC 2024 Planning

matatk: Groups are formed and agenda is being discussed, schedule in progress, planning is in progress

Privacy Badging w3c/a11y-review#194

matatk: general proposal: icon or badge should be placed in the specification where finger printing is mentioned

matatk: two badges are being proposed, one is general and other one is a11y badge

matatk: we should support implementation of a11y badge for finger printing.. to start with and see how it goes..

matatk: my personal opinion

<JenStrickland> I was disconnected from irc.

<JenStrickland> Would it be possible to include the link to the issue here?

<Fredrik> +1 on the general privacy badge!

<Dr_Keith> ok with general purpose badge

<Dr_Keith> +1

matatk is everyone okay with a single general purpose finger printing badge?

<iali> +1

<niklasegger> +1

<mike_beganyi> +1


<Fredrik> +2 on the general privacy badge.

<Fredrik> It's hard to set boundaries here.

<Roy> +1

Task Force & Deliverables Updates

New Charters Review https://github.com/w3c/strategy/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Horizontal+review+requested%22

WebTransport Working Group rechartering

<Roy> - charter: https://w3c.github.io/charter-drafts/wt-2024.html

<Roy> - issue: w3c/strategy#445

Roy: feel free to review other

Explicit Review Requests https://github.com/w3c/a11y-request/issues

<matatk> w3c/a11y-request#78

<Dr_Keith> Pointer events send to me. please assign me

matatk: anyone who can pick up this issue?

Dr_Keith: assign it to me

Fredrik: loop me in

CSS Update (Paul) https://github.com/w3c/css-a11y/issues

PaulG: no updates

<matatk> w3ctag/design-reviews#965

matatk: issue is related to tag review, which is related to keyboard handling, simulation. Specific question to Paul: Is this under your radar for detail summary?

PaulG: not recently

PaulG I am curious is CSS group is aware of it, not sure AT supports this mentioned, I have to read up on it to comment more

<Fredrik> Taglag, if you will.

matatk: anyone has idea how AT is handling summary for tags?

Actions Checkin (Specs) issues/assigned

matatk: to Paul, if possible please have look at color contrast issue

Other Business

matatk: special meeting next on epub fixed layout document


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: NehaJ

Maybe present: Roy

All speakers: Dr_Keith, Fredrik, matatk, PaulG, Roy

Active on IRC: Dr_Keith, Fredrik, iali, JenStrickland, matatk, mike_beganyi, NehaJ, Nichole, niklasegger, PaulG, Roy