Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

10 June 2024


Eric_hind, Frankie, Jennie, julierawe, kirkwood, Lisa, Rain, rashmi, tburtin
Eric, Jan

Meeting minutes

<Rain> I'm not sure we did, but I'll copy these minutes into the doc

<Lisa> perfect

<Lisa> for the muints we were discusing the color patern

<Lisa> current draft https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CeqiSy3tVDoeBzCG8LpkyFT1fvugGk86JuT6NvfSiAA/edit#heading=h.25ug0gct5wb0

<Lisa> summary of the last hour will be in there

<tburtin> I want to for sure include these concepts but also not exclude those with color contrast issues like myself

<JMcSorley> +1 to considering breaking this into more than one pattern - I think we might be more likely to get the recommendations approved if they are tied to other recommendations, where appropriate.

<julierawe> +1

<Eric_hind> Lisa: Review Action Items

<Eric_hind> Lisa: Issue papers moved to github per email recently. Will need editors and comments.

<Eric_hind> Lisa: 3 papers will need approval

<Eric_hind> Eric: will be cleaning up github issues (old issues)

<Eric_hind> Lisa: More to put into supported decision making. Due end of May, we should be able to move it forward in a couple of weeks.

<Eric_hind> Julieawe: Style guide making progress, Frankie to review and then to be shared with group

<Eric_hind> Rashmi: mental health proposals continuing

<Eric_hind> Rain: Structure subgroup , prototyping continuing. Working with Roy on some adjustments. Working on validation schedule and techniques

<Eric_hind> Lisa: Images on hold

<tburtin> The survey: https://url.usb.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/BMIYCoAW9kivp0EM6ODi1tRRU?domain=w3.org/

<Eric_hind> Julierawe: Clear language and WCAG 3, looking at conformance models.

<julierawe> Thank you, Tiffany, for sharing the link!

<Eric_hind> Kirkwood: agree that survey may not be as easy to understand without context or full understanding

<tburtin> It copied funny https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/Requirements_Survey/

<Justine> +1 to John and Julie about the survey

<tburtin> https://www.w3.org/TR/wcag-3.0/ is still very general

<julierawe> Here is what we said in an email to the AG chairs:

<tburtin> I have already spent 2 hours going back and forth to any of the scratch pads I had.

<julierawe> Cognitive barriers in this survey

<julierawe> (1) Each of the 200 or so outcomes is on a different topic, so users have to reorient themselves with every row. This alone is exhausting.

<julierawe> As presented, the list is a wall of text and challenging to read if you have a reading or visual processing disability.

<julierawe> (2) Each outcome only has a one-sentence description. The survey does not include any context, exceptions, or links to more information. Users don't have enough to go on to make informed guesses.

<julierawe> (4a) Related, the vote is binary (check the box for yes, leave unchecked for no), so someone who doesn’t know enough about a topic can’t abstain from voting on it if they fill out the form.

<julierawe> (3) There are only two comment boxes, which means users have to scroll a lot if they want to note which of the ~200 outcomes they don’t have enough information to go on to make an up-or-down vote. This is a big burden on working memory and cognitive load in general.

<julierawe> (4) There are no section headers in these incredibly long lists of outcomes so if users take the time and energy to scroll down to make a comment about one of them, it is very hard to scroll back and find where you were in the list. This too is exhausting.

<Eric_hind> Rain: Warning; survey may be too long - perhaps many hours and is too overwhelming to many.

<kirkwood> If I had more time I would have writtten a shorter survey

<JMcSorley> +1 for not completing the survey as noted by Rain, Frankie, and Julie

<Eric_hind> Lisa: Group feeling is that the survey is very difficult to use. Frankie feels that there needs to be another approach that is more inclusive

<Eric_hind> Lisa: Will give this feedback to the group who gave it to us

<Eric_hind> JMcSorley: Internationalization process and goals is proceeding with different groups (AG, Int'l). Concern about feedback process much like survey concerns.

<Eric_hind> julierawe: Looking for flags related to things we need to discuss rather than remove (as related to internationalization)

<Eric_hind> DavidSwallow: No updates from APA.

<Lisa> next item

<Lisa> close item 1

<Lisa> next item

<Eric_hind> Lisa: Editors notes for old issue papers; basic notes were published years ago and Julierawe mentioned some wording updates as related to how we describe the changes or delta with research or wording.

<Lisa> This issue paper is out of date. An update is being worked on

<Lisa> > <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1L9-Wo2a78Ahuu3Q-16iyJUY8vp0pr4GWanylj6j3q7Q/edit#heading=h.tq3x4qwxxtd2>.

<Lisa> This issue paper is out of date. An update is availible at ...

<Lisa> This issue paper is out of date. An update is being worked on at

<Lisa> +1

<Eric_hind> Lisa: Vote related to Symbols paper, if out of date, wording change to "The issue paper is out of date. An update is being worked at <URL>

<Lisa> This draft is out of date. An update that addresses new technologies is being worked on at ...

<Lisa> +1

<Eric_hind> Lisa: Restated: "This draft is out of date, an update that addresses new technologies is being working on at:"

<julierawe> +1

<Jennie> +1

<Rain> +1

<Eric_hind> +1

<Frankie> +1

<JMcSorley> +1

<tburtin> +1

<kirkwood> +1

<DavidSwallow> +!

<DavidSwallow> +1

<Eric_hind> Lisa: Vote carried to the change (all +1)

<Lisa> This draft is out of date. There may be new research and new technologies that are relivent to this topic.

<julierawe> "This draft may be out of date" vs "This draft is out of date"?

<Rain> "This draft is being updated to"

<Lisa> This draft may be out of date. There may be new research and new technologies that are relivent to this topic.

<julierawe> And change "relivent" to "relevant"

<Lisa> +1

<Rain> +1 to updated language

<julierawe> +1

<Eric_hind> +1

<Jennie> +1

<kirkwood> +1

<Frankie> +1

<Eric_hind> Vote carried to the change (all +1)

<Lisa> next item

<julierawe> When is this meeting?

<Eric_hind> Lisa: Note that Adapt specification will be about a half part of next weeks meetings - FYI on next weeks COGA call. (matt and Lionel)

<Eric_hind> Lisa: Making content usable, new suggestions.

<Eric_hind> Rashmi: Review New pattern name "Place the primary action button after all of the fields that require user input"

<Lisa> 17 the june is with adapt

<Jennie> place programmatically and visually after

<tburtin> +1 Jennie

<Rain> +1 I've seen people do this wrong many times!

<rashmi> +1

<Eric_hind> +1

<Lisa> +1

<Eric_hind> Eric_hind: Vote carried to the change (all +1)

<Jennie> 1.3.2

<Jennie> Meaningful Sequence

<Jennie> Level A

<Eric_hind> Jennie: Note on 1.3.2; we should write to strengthen this criteria from the first "Primary action button" pattern we just discussed.

<Eric_hind> Rashmi: New pattern, "The error messages should be easy to notice/locate Or error messages should be near or in proximity to the related field"

<kirkwood> is that already covered in a different SC?

<Eric_hind> Rashmi: When reviewing image in document (for this), there are visually (buttons/forms) covered by advertising.

<Lisa> an additional error message may be nessisry at the top of the page so people knpw ther eis an error

<Eric_hind> Lisa: Added changes/additions related to error messaging. Need to be visually clear as well as programmatically.

<Jennie> 3.3.1

<Jennie> Error Identification

<Jennie> Level A - needs to add location near

<kirkwood> the context needs to be clear?

<Lisa> yes

<Jennie> Proximity visually and programmatically associated

<Eric_hind> Jennie: Suggest that visually, the error messaging should be helpful to address the error.

<Lisa> do we want in with clearer langiuage

<Jennie> And may need to be above the field with the error

<Lisa> +1

<rashmi> +1

<kirkwood> +1

<Eric_hind> +1

<Jennie> +1

<Frankie> +1

<julierawe> +1

<Eric_hind> Eric_hind: Vote carried to the change (all +1)

<kirkwood> Is it that the context of the error needs to be clear?

<julierawe> Have to hop to next meeting, thanks!

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/he/the

Active on IRC: DavidSwallow, Eric_hind, Frankie, Jennie, JMcSorley, julierawe, Justine, kirkwood, Lisa, Rain, rashmi, tburtin