WoT-WG - TD-TF - Slot 2

06 June 2024


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Mahda_Noura, Michael_Koster, Tomoaki_Mizushima
kaz, luca_barbato

Meeting minutes


<kaz> May-30

Daniel: There is a typo around "ontology" and "ontologies"

Kaz: it says "one parent ontology and children ontologies", so should be ok

Luca: would add clarification for my words: "We can offer a template based on linkml to generate the ontology needed for the submission"

<kaz> fixed

Koster: Any other edits needed?


Koster: Let's approve for publication


JSON Schema standard adoption strategy

Koster: Do you have report Kaz?

Kaz: I talked with the strategy lead regarding the JSON Schema standardization

<kaz> w3c/strategy#108 (comment)

<kaz> https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-json-schema/#normative-references

Kaz: Philippe and Yves will work with the TAG group

<kaz> https://www.w3.org/Guide/process/tilt/normative-references.html

Kaz: This is the current normative document to reference it
… Next week we can continue the discussion with Ege

Luca: So we have a mean to reference the specification we are currently using and there aren't problems in doing that in the future

Koster: Any more discussion on that for today?
… I guess we'll have more discussion and a resolution next week

Koster: Shall we send an email to notify the group about?

Luca: Sounds good

<kaz> Cancellations section on the main wiki

Koster: Do we need to change anything regarding on how we link it?

Luca: In the td document we already link it the way it is mentioned in the document linked by Kaz, so in theory no changes needed

Kaz: It will be the week after the next since next week the meetings are canceled

Binding Templates


<kaz> Registry Mechanism Analysis

Koster: There is a PR in draft mode

<kaz> wot PR 1183 - Registry Requirements Revision

Luca: Since Jan and Ege aren't present and it is still in draft I'm afraid we have to postpone


<kaz> wot-thing-description Issue 1987 - Moving Binding Mechanism Text to TD

Luca: If I can recap regarding the Registry, the workflow should be creating an Issue using a github form and then open a PR linking the Issue opened, so we have the rationale and the binding template content

<kaz> kaz: need Ege for Refactoring also in the end...

Project and Backlog

<kaz> WoT TD Project

Issue 2006

<kaz> Issue 2006 - Fix overlaps between TD and Bindings content

Koster: Any volunteer?

Luca: Is the work to move the Bindings definition complete?

Luca: The last point should be a separate issue

Anything that mentions the forms container needs to be checked. E.g. TD 6.3.9 and 5.3.4

Issue 2027 split out from 2006 - Anything that mentions the forms container needs to be checked

Luca: Probably 2027 should be expanded, I assume it refers to making a reference to the Binding Templates since it is the place in which protocols would be discussed

Kaz: yeah, maybe we need to split it out into several even smaller/clearer issues in the end, e.g., section by section. Let's think about how to deal with Issue 2027 next time.


Luca: Can we reserve time for the next TD calls to discuss degraded consumption, the profiles discussions seem to relate to it and would be good to have something to refer to?

Kaz: given we're already out of time, let's discuss that next time.

<kaz> [adjourned]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).