Meeting minutes
<lisa> close item 3
<lisa> close item 4
<lisa> next item
<rashmi> Discussing Proposal 10 https://
<lisa> https://
invite, zakim +Clear Language
WCAG 3 conformance update
One possible way AG could do conformance:
Bronze - All Requirements
Silver - Bronze + 50% of Best Practices
Gold - Bronze + 75% of Best Practices and 50% of Assertions
<Rain> Discussed challenges with the survey:
<Rain> Julie: doesn't really know what all the things are, so cannot really make a binary choice of whether or not each thing should be a baseline requirement
<Rain> Rain: very concerned that this survey is not viable for someone with a reading disability (personally will not be able to fill this out)
<Rain> Julie: maybe we can send an email to the AG co-chairs to share that this survey is really really hard to use and process and should not be a determinant for our baseline
<Rain> Julie: will especially hurt COGA work
<Rain> Julie: also recognizing that not everyone knows enough to make decisions
<Rain> Julie: perhaps a more useful exercise would be to have the people who have been working on them to make more nuanced recomendations
<Rain> ... so that we don't have people weighing in on things they don't know anything about
<Rain> John R: what is the next step?
<Rain> Julie: write to AG chairs on behalf of group with the following points:
<Rain> 1. survey is inaccessible as created
<Rain> 2. propose a different way
<Rain> Different way includes
<Rain> have individuals in the subgroups who worked on each of these make the initial recommendation of which are part of baseline, and which are best practices
<Rain> so that the decisions are being made by people with knowledge who can make recommendation
Rain: An intermediate solution might be to do a survey on each question so people can indicat on each outcome to say I don't have enough knowlege to make a decision
Frankie: This survey is so overwhelming and it's not easy to comment
Frankie: I don't think this is the most effective way to move forward
Frankie: This could lead to drawing a line of what gets tested and what doesn't
Frankie: People often complain that cognitive/language issues are hard to test, but that may be because they don't have experience in those areas
Frankie: experience on how to make testable/repeatable
Tiffany: I talk to the AG chairs a lot because I need clarification
Tiffany: For this survey, they likely did not give the specific headings or groups in order to generalize or hide it because some of the conversations have been pretty heated lately
<julierawe0> IRC just kicked me out for no reason, ugh
<julierawe0> Can you all see what I'm typing?
<tburtin> I can now
<julierawe0> John R: I suggest we draft the email, look at it together, then send
<julierawe0> Julie: I will draft after this meeting and send to you all
<julierawe0> John R: Include a deadline to respond or else assume you're fine with it
<julierawe0> Tiffany: I believe that John Kirkwood did raise a lot of concerns on Tuesday so you might want to include him in this draft message
AG survey
<julierawe0> Tiffany: It's a balance--the chairs do seem to understand that we need a balance of automated testing and user testing
<julierawe0> Tiffany: I've already spent 2 hours and still not done
<julierawe0> Julie: I am going to uncheck all of my boxes and say not to count my survey results
<julierawe0> Tiffany: Suggest sharing with COGA that we are raising concerns with AG chairs about the survey
<julierawe0> Julie: I will send the draft as a google doc to our small group