16:59:28 RRSAgent has joined #aria 16:59:32 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/06/06-aria-irc 16:59:32 RRSAgent, make logs Public 16:59:33 Meeting: ARIA WG 16:59:59 agendabot, find agenda 17:00:00 jamesn, OK. This may take a minute... 17:00:00 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/2b57854a-65cb-421e-b9e0-f9a8da31f160/20240606T130000/ 17:00:00 clear agenda 17:00:00 agenda+ -> New Issue Triage https://bit.ly/3ReuaQt 17:00:01 agenda+ -> New PR Triage https://bit.ly/4bVxaJA 17:00:01 Adam_Page has joined #aria 17:00:07 agenda+ -> WPT Open PRs https://bit.ly/wpt_a11y 17:00:08 agenda+ -> Deep Dive planning https://bit.ly/aria-meaty-topic-candidates 17:00:10 agenda+ -> Discussion tracking for ARIA Notification proposal https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1957 17:00:13 agenda+ Old Issue Triage... 17:00:39 ray-schwartz has joined #ARIA 17:01:35 alisonmaher has joined #aria 17:02:01 pkra has joined #aria 17:02:12 giacomo-petri has joined #aria 17:02:12 chair: JamesNurthen 17:02:15 present+ 17:02:17 present+ Daniel 17:02:17 aardrian has joined #aria 17:02:20 scribe: Daniel 17:02:26 scribenick: dmontalvo 17:02:28 present+ 17:02:28 present+ 17:02:40 Present+ 17:03:03 present+ 17:03:28 present+ 17:03:39 ethanjv has joined #aria 17:04:00 zakim, take up next 17:04:00 agendum 1 -- -> New Issue Triage https://bit.ly/3ReuaQt -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:04:36 jamesn: ARIA 2236 17:05:22 aaronlev has joined #aria 17:05:39 Sara: Headings within feeds. Headings could be months or years and then beneath that you could have the posts 17:05:43 Francis_Storr has joined #aria 17:05:47 present+ 17:05:53 aardrian: Do you mean the feed role? 17:06:31 Sarah: It would be hard for on-demand loading 17:07:11 jamesn: It seems overly restrictive to only allow articles in a feed 17:07:15 q? 17:07:28 sarah has joined #aria 17:07:44 q+ 17:07:54 Scott: Because content model is not defined, things like this are assumed to be invalid 17:08:33 ack sarah 17:08:50 ... We may need to take on the work of stating the specific roles that are not allowed, thus the others would be allowed. 17:09:09 Sarah: Maybe we need to create groups, make it more fine-grained 17:09:21 ... Also feeds can have arrow keyboard navigation within articles 17:09:50 ... I've tried to talk to screen reader vendors to trigger focused articles, especially fro browse mode 17:10:01 jamesn: That's a big ask, I'll agenda it though 17:10:13 present+ 17:10:15 zakim, take up next 17:10:15 agendum 2 -- -> New PR Triage https://bit.ly/4bVxaJA -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:11:11 Daniel: ARIA 2225 17:11:40 giacomo-petri: I put together a proposal for what we discussed last week 17:11:41 StefanS has joined #aria 17:12:11 ... I think this is a better place to put author responsibilities 17:12:13 present+ 17:12:22 aardrian: Is it id reference processing what you mean? 17:12:27 giacomo-petri: Yes. 17:12:34 aardrian: Is this looking for reviewers? 17:12:38 giacomo-petri: Yes 17:12:56 ... Since ids are unique, that seems much like an author's responsibility 17:13:04 aardrian: I can review 17:13:41 scotto has joined #aria 17:13:42 filippo-zorzi: I can 17:13:46 present+ 17:14:44 zakim, take up next 17:14:44 agendum 3 -- -> WPT Open PRs https://bit.ly/wpt_a11y -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:16:27 jamesn: Nothing new. Is this one from you Adam still needing review? 17:16:39 Adam_Page: It needs me to invert the test expectations 17:16:41 BGaraventa has joined #aria 17:16:43 zakim, close this item 17:16:43 agendum 3 closed 17:16:44 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 17:16:44 4. -> Deep Dive planning https://bit.ly/aria-meaty-topic-candidates [from agendabot] 17:16:46 zakim, take up next 17:16:46 agendum 4 -- -> Deep Dive planning https://bit.ly/aria-meaty-topic-candidates -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:17:22 Rahim: I am still dealing with the whole business of "undefined" 17:17:38 present+ BGaraventa 17:17:41 ... Maybe the week after next 17:17:49 jamesn: 27th? 17:17:57 Rahim: Yes 17:18:08 jamesn: What specific issue I can put in there? 17:18:41 jamesn: No deep dive next week, we can potentially do another one on the 20th 17:18:45 zakim,take up next 17:18:45 agendum 5 -- -> Discussion tracking for ARIA Notification proposal https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1957 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:18:46 deep dive issue: https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2177 17:19:39 cyns has joined #aria 17:19:53 Doug: Deep dive recently. We did not have a lot of feedback. We have had some chatter in Microsoft around some issues 17:20:02 Q+ 17:20:22 ... We may need to get the basic ARIA-notify out and then work on the problematic functionality based on how people starts to use it 17:20:55 jamesn: aardrian posted a lot of questions yesterday 17:21:08 Doug: Didn't have time to respond yet 17:21:26 jamesn: I need to have a look at this myself 17:21:45 ack aardrian 17:21:50 Dogu: Some issues are around interpreting what we currently have, and they come when implementing it 17:22:18 aardrian: I am not sure if I put them in the right place. Is that the meta issue to discuss? 17:22:25 Dogu: We can come back and comment there 17:22:34 q- 17:22:54 q? 17:22:58 present+ 17:23:00 zakim, take up next 17:23:00 agendum 6 -- Old Issue Triage... -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:24:06 jamesn: ARIA 651 17:24:28 pkra: This sounds like a CSS-AAM discussion 17:25:35 Skott: Transfer that to HTML-AAM 17:26:22 jamesn: Since we don't have MathML yet, can we close #660? 17:26:51 Skott: Do we need a MathML ARIA? 17:27:04 jamesn: We will never have a complete Math representation in ARIA 17:27:22 Sythia: An OS platforms also may not have that 17:28:48 Pkra: We started a CG, but that went nowhere. I'd close this 17:29:14 jamesn: @@@ issue number 17:29:22 ... Is this something ARIA-notify can deal with? 17:29:58 ... Any proposals on how to deal with this? 17:30:22 Pkra: It feels like an unsolvable problem. Sometimes you may want the same text replaced and repeated and sometimes not 17:30:52 jamesn: Should we have something along the lines of repeating it? 17:31:07 Adam_Page: I can always delete the text and readd it as an author 17:31:19 Skott: That's what I've told people to do 17:31:39 jamesn: Some browsers you have to do it, some you don't 17:31:52 aardrian: Not so sure it's a big concern here 17:32:08 jamesn: Should we put it in the authoring practice in the upcoming live regions section? 17:32:16 Skott: We should not assume this is how it still works 17:33:09 Skott: One of us could test this and verify if it's still an issue 17:33:19 ... And then we could send this to APG for author guidance 17:33:28 jamesn: The spec should probably say what happens 17:33:36 Skott: We'd be saying what AT does 17:33:54 jamesn: No, just what browsers should do with sending the events 17:34:18 aardrian: I can test it 17:34:53 Jamesn: 683 17:35:05 ... I totally agree with Steve 17:35:24 Skot: Wasn't there a new issue? 17:35:58 jamesn: I think we do have a problem here, but we may want to close some of them 17:36:36 Skott: I'll take a look through the issues and choose one that'd be the primary issue for this, link the related ones and close them 17:36:45 jamesn: Thank you so much Skott 17:36:46 siri has joined #aria 17:37:50 aria-checked also allows mixed 17:37:56 Jamesn: Issue about Tristate toggle 17:38:01 ... Do we have use cases? 17:38:35 Siri: Yes. I raised similar issues before, mainly for expanded and collapsed which won't be completely press or unpress 17:39:12 Adrian: Turning plane mode on and then activating wifi is another use case 17:39:44 Rahim: Pressing a button changes the visible label and thus the accessible name, not sure if they are using aria-label 17:40:34 Present+ 17:40:36 Adrian: aria-pressed is check or uncheck, and also it canbe put into anoter things because of other UI elements 17:41:28 jamesn: When you press it you can only put it into true or false, but it can become mixed by something else 17:41:59 Matt: I don't see a reason for such a limitation 17:42:38 ... If someone is using a toggle button instead of a check box for a tristate then I would 17:42:47 ... It seems weird that there is inconsistency amongst them 17:43:25 jamesn: There are UI elements where you have to toggle through several elements 17:43:47 Matt: They don't generate a state event 17:44:46 q+ 17:44:54 Adrian: I'd pause here. ome of us didn't know about the third state 17:45:18 Rahim: Is there desire to have parity with aria-checked and aria-pressed? 17:46:00 jamesn: Consider a token role for next version 17:46:10 ... We've already put an Open UI lbel for this 17:46:37 Matt: I think this will help and reduce the need for things like the list view 17:47:02 Skott: I'd suggest we close it. I don't think ARIA should create a new role for ssomething that does not yet exist in HTML 17:47:29 ... We should push this through to Open UI or HTML and see if that gets traction there 17:47:38 Matt: +1 17:47:40 -1 17:47:46 Adrian: +2 17:47:59 jamesn: Closing. This should be first in HTML 17:48:37 I believe you can set input.indeterminate=true on 17:48:57 Stephan: I'd be fine this interesting if we could make this resemble a list. These are objects typically, they can be deleted 17:49:23 https://css-tricks.com/indeterminate-checkboxes/ 17:49:24 ... There should be patterns to show how to treat it 17:49:43 there's a css pseudo class for it 17:49:57 Skott: Someone can step up and provide it 17:51:24 Matt: We have high priority things in APG that we need to do first. Please join APG and contribute code 17:52:28 Topic: 2233 Presentational roles conflict resolution 17:53:14 giacomo-petri: Old issue was related to implicit presentational role. This one is about inherited presentational role 17:53:41 ... Table with role presentation that contains data with aria-description, it is not clear from the definition id the td should be exposed as a table data or as a generic element 17:54:02 ... Looking at how browsers expose it, they are exposing it as a generic element. Maybe it is not clear enough from the definition 17:54:15 q+ 17:54:25 q- 17:54:25 Matt; If the global property causes the table role to be revealed as table, it removes role presentation because it's a global property 17:54:46 giacomo-petri: Are we expecting the td gets exposed as table data or as generic 17:54:52 qq+ scott 17:55:11 ack scott 17:55:11 scott, you wanted to react to aardrian 17:56:00 Skott: Because of the table being role presentation, all its children are generic. But aria-descciption may make it exposed as table data 17:56:06 ... It may need some clarification here 17:56:34 ... If aria-description was placed together with a table role then we would have presentational role conflict resolution 17:56:39 giacomo-petri: Agree. 17:56:50 ack me 17:56:51 jamesn: Me too. Are browsers doing the same thing? 17:57:03 giacomo-petri: Chrome Firefox and Safari exposes it as generic 17:57:24 jamesn: If that is the case we could create a PR with that 17:57:40 Matt: I thought description is not allower on generic 17:57:54 Skott: It's not prohibited right now 17:58:09 ... The title attribute can be put in generic 17:58:33 giacomo-petri: I can create the PR 17:58:38 Skott; Put me on as a reviewer 17:58:47 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:58:48 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/06/06-aria-minutes.html dmontalvo 17:59:05 zakim, end meeting 17:59:05 As of this point the attendees have been giacomo-petri, Daniel, alisonmaher, Adam_Page, aardrian, pkra, ray-schwartz, Francis_Storr, sarah, StefanS, scotto, BGaraventa, Rahim, siri 17:59:08 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 17:59:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/06/06-aria-minutes.html Zakim 17:59:16 I am happy to have been of service, dmontalvo; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:59:16 Zakim has left #aria