Maturity Model

05 June 2024


AngelaBarker, CharlesL, Dr_Keith, Fazio, iali, janina, jkline, Mark_Miller, NehaJ, NehaJ9, SusiPallero
NehaJ9, SusiPallero

Meeting minutes

<gb> /issues/154 -> #154

<gb> /issues/156 -> #156

<jkline> for now :I

New Business

TPAC 2024 is open

Github Issue #154 Section 3.3.1: can a measure of support effectiveness be included?

<gb> /issues/154 -> #154

Usability document

CharlesL: Update on Public wroking draft, PR review

<jkline> again

Fazio: Will publish updated working draft soon

CharlesL: Updated working spreadsheet PR merged

CharlesL: Need to test excel sheet once it is live

Fazio: Share the update with your network for more feedback

Github Issue #154 Section 3.3.1: can a measure of support effectiveness be included?

<CharlesL> w3c/maturity-model#154

<gb> Issue 154 Section 3.3.1: can a measure of support effectiveness be included? (by jasonjgw)

<janina> Jason's email is: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-maturity/2024May/0028.html

Fazio: Reads jasonjgw last comment "Section 3.3.1: can a measure of support effectiveness be included?" Issue 154

<Fazio> Jason's recommendation: Add criteria to the Ratings for Evaluation sections of different dimensions that refer to goals and metrics being defined, and progress made in achieving those goals, as appropriate to each level. I would suggest including this component at the Integrate level and above, as it doesn't seem to make much sense to apply below

<Fazio> this level.

@jkline Makes more sense to have this on each level.

<gb> @jkline

Fazio: Except Inactive (Jeff agrees)

Discussion about Proof points not being mandatory but suggested, and if then it makes sense for these goals and metrics to live there.

Fazio: Some edits should be done to make sure people do the measuring of progress.

janina: Maturity is not a normative document. The best we can do is say "should do". Everything is optional and if you want to follow the model and get the most out of it you would follow.

Fazio: This can't be a proof point because it is measurement and it is not action and there is no evidence for that.

Jeff Kline: disagrees. Think it is no different on how we define other proof points.

Fazio: Quotes definition of proof points on Maturity Model W3C page "Proof points are evidence-based, organizational deliverables which indicate the maturity stage."

Jeff Kline: Creating the measurements creates the evidence.

Thanks Charles!

<CharlesL> Here is the latest editors draft: Accessibility Maturity Model (w3c.github.io)

<CharlesL> Accessibility Maturity Model (w3c.github.io)

<CharlesL> https://github.com/w3c

<CharlesL> ugg sorry

<CharlesL> https://w3c.github.io/maturity-model/

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/Jess/Jeff

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: SusiPallero

All speakers: CharlesL, Fazio, janina

Active on IRC: AngelaBarker, CharlesL, Dr_Keith, Fazio, iali, janina, jkline, Mark_Miller, NehaJ9, SusiPallero