Web Fonts Working Group Teleconference

04 June 2024


bberning, Garret, skef, Vlad

Meeting minutes

<Vlad> sorry folks, I am delayed by another Zoom call, will join as soon as it's over.

Topic 1: Review updates to IFT security considerations (PR 180)

Review updates to IFT security considerations (PR 180)

Security considerations: add in limits to the number of requests a client will make, to avoid denial of service via fonts constructed for that purpose

Separate limits for serial requests vs parallel requests

Garret did some testing on the limits with sample fonts

Garret can adjust the values, but no one thinks there is a reason to.

Issue on encoder requirements questions/issues (#176)

This is Skef's issue and he's agrees the issue is resolved

Recently closed PRs

Garret: consider moving from an editor's draft to a working draft

This would reflect the fact that the needed sections are largely in place, not that the document is finished

Vlad: possibly get to the last draft by TPAC if we move to a working draft now

RESOLUTION: switch the current editors' draft to a working draft

skef raises the issue of a need to point people more strongly away from fine-grained non-independent patches due to the round-trip problems.

Garret is going to look into changing that part of the encoding section.

(It is possible to play tricks with patch grain, mixing coarser and finer, but this leads to yet more patches to generate. Probably better to use independent patches in those cases.)

TPAC plans (attendance, health policy preferences, etc.)

Garret and Vlad are attending

The location this year is in Anaheim so travel is easier

And it will be a hybrid meeting

The health policy is changing, moving away from strict requirements and letting groups decide what their policies will be (masking requirements, testing, etc.)

Garret will follow up with Google attendees about preferences

Summary of resolutions

  1. switch the current editors' draft to a working draft
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


All speakers: Garret, Vlad

Active on IRC: bberning, Garret, skef, Vlad